1. Capacitor discharge is a touch vague, as well, beyond what rules pertain to Black Globes.
2. I think the assumption is that it empties it's entire load during transition, whether successful or not.
3. The capacitors take the charge from the energy source(s) that power the jump drive, while the Collectors provide exotic particles, that substitute for the fuel.
In T5, it's explicitly stated that standard Collectors lose their charge within about a day once they reef their sails.
Charging The Canopy takes about a week. Once
charged, it remains so while deployed, and for about a day
after being stowed. A canopy accumulates about one tenth
charge for each day of deployment. (T5.1, Book 2, p. 189)
This means that even if a T5 Collector doesn't expend a full charge for a particular jump (say, a TL 15 Collector-2 ship doing a Jump-1), the rest of the charge leaks out before the ship leaves jumpspace again. This is distinct from Jump Capacitors.
Also, T5 Collectors likely also do what jump capacitors do for normal jump drives, because their Collector-drive ships don't need any additional power input to the jump drive.
Routine Energy Use. A Collector is unsuitable as a
routine energy supply (the mechanisms of the ship must be
powered by other sources); it only powers the Jump Drive.
Powering Jump Drive. One full charge provides the
power requirement for a Jump Drive of equal Drive Potential.
(T5.1, Book 2, p. 56)
T5 Collectors seem to be descended from those in ANNIC NOVA, which in turn was created in the context of LBB2 '77 (wherein the jump drive doesn't need
any external power -- just all the jump fuel, every time no matter what).
MgT2, High Guard's version of the ANNIC NOVA requires enough energy from its power plant to initiate a Jump, with the Collector replacing only the fuel requirement. (Their XBoat does this too, but uses batteries instead of power plant output). This is consistent with all of Traveller after 1st Ed.
High Guard, inclusive, except for T5.
ANNIC NOVA as written in DA1 can retain enough charge to jump again without recharging.
Last known contact took place off Dentus (0601-C979500) where the local scout base immediately set five Type S scouts on contact duty. Although the unknown immediately jumped, some basic data was recovered from scanners. (DA1, p. 5)
So it's different somehow. Based on the performance shown in its backstory (DA1, p.5), it might just have a "Collector-3 with a jump governor" -- that is, a total range of 3 parsecs, but the ability to
not spend it all in one place.