I read all about the Aslan and Aslan space, but I can't recall once adventure that took place in the Heirate.
Would this be a bad time to divulge that for the past week or so I've gone off of a tangent because of the
Where do the Express Boat Tenders stay? thread where I started seriously attempting to spec sheet a TL=14 Jump-5 Express Boat Network using LBB5.80 ... which was a lot of fun!
But then, once I had the parts and pieces ready to fit together I was starting to move from theory towards putting the package into practice, which would only start to make sense in the context of a map ... and that's when I remembered the J-5 Trade Route over in the
Riftspan Reaches Sector on the map. There would be a good test case for the J5 XBoats and Tenders and everything that I'd built up, right?
Well ... as it turns out ... no, actually.
As soon as I started REALLY digging into the astrogation pathway along the
J-5 Trans-Rift Trade Route I started to notice that it was mostly a Jump-3 route, with a couple of Jump-2 in it, one Jump-4 and two Jump-5 segments. That kind of astrogation path basically made a ruin of my plans for any kind of (useful) Jump-2 Runabout to fill the role of the Imperial Scout/Courier in such a setup. On top of that, the
J-5 Trans-Rift Trade Route isn't actually an Express Boat route, it's merely a TRADE route from rimward to coreward across the Great Rift, as opposed to being an explicit Express Boat Network thing.
At that point, all of the underlying assumptions I had been making for my prospective J5 XBoat Network did one of these ...

... and all I was left with was rubble, because the stuff I had been so painstakingly designing "didn't work" if I shoved the Tenders up to Jump-3 and TL=12 so they could "self deploy" along the route because then they didn't have enough hangar space for the XBoats and Runabouts they needed to interface with on a regular basis. The Runabouts needed to be J3 instead of merely J2, just to be able to get anywhere useful in a reasonable amount of time (there's a LOT of SPACE between those stars out there!

) and the logistics for the whole thing was collapsing under its own weight due to the limitations of the tech levels and starports (and where the starports with enough tech level for annual maintenance were located) ... and ...
Let's just say it wasn't working out.

I'd built this beautiful collection of starships and small craft (4 types total) that worked GREAT together ... until there was an actual MAP involved ... and then everything fell apart. The starships and small craft I'd built didn't "fit" the setting ... in THAT place, which you would think ought to be THE proving ground for the concept in a "wind it up and make it go" kind of plug and play sort of way.
Except it didn't.
So I went back to the Naval Architect's drawing board

and tried starting over with my newfound understanding of the context of the
J-5 Trans-Rift Trade Route that I'd only previously known about "from afar" rather than getting up close and personal with it.
First things first ... ditch the entire XBoat+Tender+Scout/Courier drill entirely.
Second ... build a under 200 tons starship that could manage Jump-3, and have enough internal fuel capacity for 5 parsecs without refueling and add an option for using L-Hyd drop tanks that would extend the range out to 6 parsecs if the drop tanks were retained through jump (reducing jump capacity by -1 while the drop tanks were retained) so as to exploit some of the 6 parsec transits between star systems. Once I got those parameters settled on, I ultimately found out that the ship I'd built could actually transit 8 parsecs (using multiple jumps of course) without refueling if the L-Hyd drop tank were expended for jump fuel on the first jump (because 2+3+3=8).
Since the location for all these starship design shenanigans was centered on the
J-5 Trans-Rift Trade Route I figured I might as well "go for it" and make it a full on Aslan starship design ... so out came Alien Module 1: Aslan to read and pore over so as to get a sense for how the culture was different and what kinds of impacts that would have on the starship's design.
First stop ... crew roles assigned by gender imperatives (go figure, eh?).
Amusingly enough, I could take inspiration from my previous starship designs, but needed to rework them a little bit so as to shuffle the crew roles around. An Aslan ship could have a male Pilot/Gunner but not a male Male Pilot/Navigator, since Navigator is a female gender role in the society. Also, if the ship was going to engage in ANY commercial activity at all (and I was planning for commerce to be a thing with the design) there needed to be female Purser on board. So I wound up with a male Pilot/Gunner and a female Purser/Navigator/Engineer as the 2 crew for an under 200 ton starship (the Navigator and Engineer responsibilities are not concurrent with the Purser responsibilities, most of the time, is how I justified it to myself). And just to confirm, I made sure that the character generation system would "allow" for the requisite skills to be awarded to an Aslan character using the rules from Alien Module 1: Aslan from CT.
Second stop ... wait, the Aslan are a base-8 numbering system society?
Oh, right, they only have 4 digits per manipulator appendage, unlike humans with 5 digits per manipulator ... so it makes sense they count everything in base-8 instead of base-10. Which then in turn means that their favored numbers for starships and their tonnages are not going to break along multiples and powers of 10 (100, 1000, 10,000, etc.), but along multiples and powers of 8 (64, 512, 4096, etc. in base-10).
So what do I wind up with?
A 192 ton starship with a 48 ton L-Hyd drop tank.
What are those tonnage numbers in base-8?
300 ton starship with 60 ton L-Hyd drop tank (
Trokh base-8 numbering).
Finally, things start falling into place and lining up NICELY for a culture
other than the default Imperials.
Started with a TL=12 Jump-3, 2G, Power plant-3 starship, built it all out to cross-verify the numbers on everything and make sure the starship had a "useful" cargo fraction of at least 20 tons (with any mail vault included in that 20 tons of cargo space), worked out the collapsible fuel bladder size in order to "flex" the cargo space as either cargo or fuel depending on how far the next jump needed to be, reverified the needed fuel fraction to reach 5 (internal only), 6 (drop tanks retained) or 8 (drop tanks expended) parsecs of range to confirm how much fuel would be left over after finishing the last jump (answer: between 1.5 and 2 tons of power plant fuel remaining, enough to reach a "nearby" world for wilderness refueling) ... and then double checked everything again. Adjust a number here, shuffle a fraction of a ton there ... twist the screws on the numbers until they
scream for mercy ... and then triple check it all over again.
And IT WORKS ... oh my sharpened dewclaws does this starship design ever
The economics for the straship is a different problem (and in the Aslan context, a decidedly
female problem to deal with), but that's something that gets dealt with AFTER the basic blueprints result in something that can navigate
The Great Rift in ways that make you wonder what all the fuss was about.
And then, just for shizzle, I took the exact same hull size and L-Hyd drop tank size (so everything is common to the two designs), bumped up the tech level to see if the same basic design still worked when "taking it to the next level" ... and sure enough, it did! Wound up with a TL=13 Jump-4, 2G, Power plant-4 starship that still managed to achieve the same range of 5 (internal only), 6 (drop tanks retained) or 8 (drop tanks expended) parsecs of range with almost exactly the same cargo fraction (still minimum 20 tons) with a collapsible fuel bladder in order to "flex" the cargo space as either cargo or fuel depending on how far the next jump needed to be. More rounds of cross-checking that in the various configurations all "add up" the way they're supposed to so as to confirm there's still fuel left after breakout from jump (answer: between 1.1 and 2 tons of power plant fuel remaining, enough to reach a "nearby" world for wilderness refueling) ... and then double checked everything again. Adjust a number here, shuffle a fraction of a ton there ... twist the screws on the numbers until they
scream for mercy yet again ... and then triple check it all over again.
And once again ... IT JUST
Again, the economics for the starship is a different problem (once again, in the Aslan context, a decidedly
female problem to solve), but if the TL=12 J3 design paved the way ... the TL=13 J4 design says "hold my beer" for making Rift travel look EASY.