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CT Only: What One Thing Would You Change About Classic Traveller?

MgT1 did something similar with the various AP ammo types. But MgT1 armor was direct damage-point armor reduction. So 5-point armor always absorbed 5 points of damage. T4 armor eliminates damage-dice instead of damage-points, so there was a little more abstraction to the results of a hit. For example, in MgT1 if you roll 18 points of damage (regardless of how it is rolled), 18 points of armor will absorb all of it. In T4 if you roll 18 points of damage, armor may absorb all of it depending on how the dice played out. For example, if you have 3-points of armor, 18 points of damage on 3D will be completely absorbed. However, 18 points on 4D vs. 3-point armor will NOT be completely absorbed. The armor-damage interaction is less certain.
Hmm, could have sworn the ammo types in CSC were knocking points off per die rolled or some such. The more super the AP the more got through.

I skip the whole thing by just upping penetration in CT Striker.
Hmm, remembered that in the Loren Wiseman Grognard compilation, he provided his answers to that change CT question. The one he suggested that stuck with me was expanding the original 6 careers in the main books.

COTI supplement provided that, I would tend to ditch the Sailor and Flyer careers as they don't really open up differing play and using Army with a broad interpretation of Vehicle and adding Gunnery will cover them, maybe alternate ranks. Instead, I'd replace with Agent (which would include LE, Spy and Saboteur), Artist/Entertainer, and/or Colonist/Technician with a heaping dose of Jack-of-all-trades.
I was just reading Jack-of-all-Trades again, and I'm pretty sure that subsequent awards of it do nothing for the character that has it -- at least in 1977 I'm pretty sure it didn't. The text of the skill and This seem to me a good approach. Allowing subsequent awards of J-o-T to contribute modifiers to saving throws seems to me to violate the spirit of the Skill system. J-o-T is too good if you allow this, in my view.

So, if I were to change something, it would be to specify that subsequent awards of J-o-T should be re-rolled to get another skill.
I was just reading Jack-of-all-Trades again, and I'm pretty sure that subsequent awards of it do nothing for the character that has it -- at least in 1977 I'm pretty sure it didn't. The text of the skill and This seem to me a good approach. Allowing subsequent awards of J-o-T to contribute modifiers to saving throws seems to me to violate the spirit of the Skill system. J-o-T is too good if you allow this, in my view.

So, if I were to change something, it would be to specify that subsequent awards of J-o-T should be re-rolled to get another skill.
I'd rather see it be, "Take a skill you don't yet have at level 1"... but I honestly prefer the MegaTraveller use: It's the number of times you can retry (at full time taken)...
1. Socially, it should depend on your roleplaying acting, consistent with the character's personality, experience and skill.

2. Skills, same as previously stated, minimal penalty.

3. Knowledge, you know who to ask, which questions to ask, and/or where to look.
I was just reading Jack-of-all-Trades again, and I'm pretty sure that subsequent awards of it do nothing for the character that has it -- at least in 1977 I'm pretty sure it didn't. The text of the skill and This seem to me a good approach. Allowing subsequent awards of J-o-T to contribute modifiers to saving throws seems to me to violate the spirit of the Skill system. J-o-T is too good if you allow this, in my view.

So, if I were to change something, it would be to specify that subsequent awards of J-o-T should be re-rolled to get another skill.
If you have JoT 3 you get a DM of 3 to the saving throw - note that if you had the necessary skill at 3 you could receive a DM of 3, 6 or in one case 12.
The saving throw system grants, on average, a 2DM per skill level, and remember 'at referee discretion' for JoT.
That's more luck.

You could take along a lucky rabbit's foot.

I'd rather see it be, "Take a skill you don't yet have at level 1"... but I honestly prefer the MegaTraveller use: It's the number of times you can retry (at full time taken)...
I’m liking the MgT iteration:

If you don’t have a skill, you suffer DM-3 at tasks requiring said skill (Unskilled). Skill 0 cancels the Unskilled DM.
JoT skill is only available at levels 1 to 3. Each level of JoT skill reduces the Unskilled penalty by 1.
JoT is specifically called out as “not available” when career events, etc, allow for increasing any skill you have. Thus, you have to roll it to increase it.
The one thing I would change is to switch to T4's armor model. Even though it's slightly harder to understand than straight up damage reduction, I think it handles armor piercing elegantly. I know that's maybe controversial, but I think we all agree that the D&D style "armor makes you harder to hit" model needs to be replaced with an "armor makes you harder to hurt" model.
I mostly disagree in this, as it makes weapons with high stopping power but low penetratin (e.g. a shotgun) quite good against armored targets. using the opposite (pen vs armor) as AHL gives the opposite result, as there shotguns are quite low powered, even against unarmored targets...

Of course, this could be (at least partially) fixed simply by giving armor multiplies, as in T2K 1E...
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There is an easy fix to this which I have used for years - give weapons a pen rating
low - AV is doubled
standard - AV is normal
high - AV is halved
I mostly disagree in this, as it makes weapons with high stopping power but low penetratin (e.g. a shotgun) quite good against armored targets. usin the opposite (pen vs armor) as AHL gives the opposite result, as there shotguns are quite low powered, even against unarmored targets...

Of course, this could be (at least partially) fixed simply by giving armor multiplies, as in T2K 1E...
MegaTraveller takes Striker/AHL model, and adds a damage stat... high pen low damage weapons exist, as do low pen but high damage weapons. Shotguns being Pen 1 but damage 4, while most direct penetration single rounds are in pen 1 to pen 4, with damages of 2 or 3, and large caliber hunting rifles Pen 4 damage 4.

If I were to rewrite CT into a new edition based upon experience with MegaTraveller, I'd simply use pen + margin of success compared to AV, and the difference being the "roll" of each damage die (using the CT2E and Bk4 Damage dice).

Note to self: Spoiler isn't working.
MegaTraveller takes Striker/AHL model, and adds a damage stat... high pen low damage weapons exist, as do low pen but high damage weapons. Shotguns being Pen 1 but damage 4, while most direct penetration single rounds are in pen 1 to pen 4, with damages of 2 or 3, and large caliber hunting rifles Pen 4 damage 4.

If I were to rewrite CT into a new edition based upon experience with MegaTraveller, I'd simply use pen + margin of success compared to AV, and the difference being the "roll" of each damage die (using the CT2E and Bk4 Damage dice).

Note to self: Spoiler isn't working.
it's not?
It's under the vertical ... menu "More Options"

Don't know if the bbcode works.

Yup it does.

This is from the menu

Wow -- that just obliterated it.

Stick with the BBCode I guess.
Yeah, I did mine manually. Didn't know it was in the there was a menu, but I guess it wouldn't have mattered if I did.

OH! There's a "Toggle BBCode" button! //happy dance//
MegaTraveller takes Striker/AHL model, and adds a damage stat... high pen low damage weapons exist, as do low pen but high damage weapons. Shotguns being Pen 1 but damage 4, while most direct penetration single rounds are in pen 1 to pen 4, with damages of 2 or 3, and large caliber hunting rifles Pen 4 damage 4.

I have stuck with AHL, as there isn’t some inflation of the weapon stats. And I rejiggered the pen/damage table.

If I were to rewrite CT into a new edition based upon experience with MegaTraveller, I'd simply use pen + margin of success compared to AV, and the difference being the "roll" of each damage die (using the CT2E and Bk4 Damage dice).

that is mostly what I did. The damage roll is 1d6+effect, I like a bit of randomness in damage rolls.
Marc Miller recently commented how FEW skills a Book 1 character gets. It's so sparse you can just feel the difference in what skills MEAN between Book 1 and... everything that came after it.
Can you point me toward this discussion? Or was it something that happened in person?
I was just reading Jack-of-all-Trades again, and I'm pretty sure that subsequent awards of it do nothing for the character that has it -- at least in 1977 I'm pretty sure it didn't. The text of the skill and This seem to me a good approach. Allowing subsequent awards of J-o-T to contribute modifiers to saving throws seems to me to violate the spirit of the Skill system. J-o-T is too good if you allow this, in my view.

So, if I were to change something, it would be to specify that subsequent awards of J-o-T should be re-rolled to get another skill.
Typing like I had a head injury there! Not sure what happened to the middle text, but away it went!

I like the retries idea per Megatraveller and Aramis. I'm still opposed to giving a JoT holder any DMs on their saving throws. In my own experiences it's such an abused skill in that regard. JoT-3 (granted, a low-probability of that occurring) is very much like free skill-1 in everything. I think that it give you chance to do or know anything is enough and additional modifiers to those rolls is excessive. It cheapens the other skills, I think.

Reading the text (again! what is it with this board?!) I'm struck by just how little is written about JoT and how to use it. It's all referee discretion! I miss the good old days when we didn't have to have a rule for everything. :)
As a result of my most recent musings on crew requirements for starships (LBB2.81 p11, 16 and 23) in my Spinward Flex Courier thread (link provided to the specific post) ... I would make the following changes to crew requirements.

Navigator: Each starship displacing greater than 200 tons must have a navigator. The pilot of a small craft or non-starship can handle its navigation requirements.
Update to ...
Navigator: Any ship capable of Jump-1 or more must have a navigator. Small craft and non-starships incapable of jump only require a navigator to freely navigate orbital transfer trajectories between worlds, moons and other objects orbiting within a star system, but do not need a navigator if they do not break orbit of a specific world or moon as the pilot can handle "local" navigation requirements below escape velocity of the world or moon.

Engineer: Any ship with tonnage 200 tons or more must have one engineer (with minimum engineer-1 skill) per 35 tons of drives and power plant. If there is more than one engineer, then the most skilled (or the oldest) becomes chief engineer with 10% more pay. Ships under 200 tons and small craft do not require an engineer, although engineering skill may prove useful.
Update to ...
Engineer: Under 200 tons of hull (USP hull size code: 0-1) the number of Engineers required is 1 per 35 tons of drives rounded down, meaning 35-69.99 tons of drives need 1 engineer, not 2, and 0-34.99 tons of drives need 0 engineers, not 1. At 200+ tons of hull (USP hull size code: 2+) the number of Engineers required is 1 per 35 tons of drives rounded up, meaning 35.1-70 tons of drives needs 2 engineers, not 1, and 0.1-35 tons of drives needs 1 engineer, not 0. If there is more than one engineer, then the most experienced, skilled or oldest becomes chief engineer with 10% more pay.

Making these 2 changes would substantially remove the "200 tons and under" loophole for reduced crew requirements.

The change to Navigator is intended to reflect any course beyond orbiting a single world or moon, so courses to orbit other objects require a navigator (including jumps to other star systems).

The change to Engineer is to account for ships under 200 tons with drive sections that exceed 35 tons displacement in total size which really ought to have engineers assigned to them but which the legacy Rules As Written do not account for (because you basically couldn't do it under LBB2 as written in a 100 ton hull).
I'd require Navigation skill, but for ships where it's not a mandatory crew slot (200Td or smaller) the -1 skill level penalty for dual-role crew wouldn't apply. CT doesn't have any explicit game mechanics involving the Navigator's input into starship operation so it wouldn't make much difference anyhow.