Was having a discussion about Refueling Stations in a Rift over on the Traveller Reddit and I've come up with a snag. It's 2am here and I better write it out before I go to sleep and forget. Of course, I brought it here, because I'm sure you all could figure out if I'm wrong.
There's an Empty Hex in Regina subsector between Efate and Boughene at 1804. Would towing an Asteroid at 6-G be able to make it into the middle of the Empty Hex?
I see it like this:
A.) a Jump-2 ship with 6-G maneuver that can Tow an Asteroid.
B.) An Asteroid that's big enough to be picked up by Sensors.
1.) Tow the large Asteroid to the farthest point you can while still leaving enough fuel to Jump back to the Origin Point (either World).
2.) Now you have set a Gravity Well that your Sensors could/might pick up.
3.) You Jump back to the Origin Point to refuel, then Jump back to the Asteroid if your Sensors do pick it up.
4.) Again, tow the Asteroid as far as you can, then Jump back to the Origin Point.
5.) Repeat as many times as it takes to get the Asteroid to the center of the Empty Hex.
Once that Asteroid Gravity Well is in place, Jump Tankers could Jump in and sell their fuel, then Jump back to refuel at a Gas Giant or Water World for free. This way, I think you can make a Gravity Well that Sensors can pick up on in the Empty Hex. It might be a decades-long project. If that works, almost the entire Imperium could be reached by Jump-1, by putting Gravity Wells in an Empty Hexes.
Or I'm wrong about part of this. And I don't know if someone else came up with this in discussions before and I'm reinventing the wheel.
What do you think?
There's an Empty Hex in Regina subsector between Efate and Boughene at 1804. Would towing an Asteroid at 6-G be able to make it into the middle of the Empty Hex?
I see it like this:
A.) a Jump-2 ship with 6-G maneuver that can Tow an Asteroid.
B.) An Asteroid that's big enough to be picked up by Sensors.
1.) Tow the large Asteroid to the farthest point you can while still leaving enough fuel to Jump back to the Origin Point (either World).
2.) Now you have set a Gravity Well that your Sensors could/might pick up.
3.) You Jump back to the Origin Point to refuel, then Jump back to the Asteroid if your Sensors do pick it up.
4.) Again, tow the Asteroid as far as you can, then Jump back to the Origin Point.
5.) Repeat as many times as it takes to get the Asteroid to the center of the Empty Hex.
Once that Asteroid Gravity Well is in place, Jump Tankers could Jump in and sell their fuel, then Jump back to refuel at a Gas Giant or Water World for free. This way, I think you can make a Gravity Well that Sensors can pick up on in the Empty Hex. It might be a decades-long project. If that works, almost the entire Imperium could be reached by Jump-1, by putting Gravity Wells in an Empty Hexes.
Or I'm wrong about part of this. And I don't know if someone else came up with this in discussions before and I'm reinventing the wheel.
What do you think?