Snub Pistol: The snub pistol is a low velocity revolver designed for use on shipboard and in a
zero-G environment. It fires 10 mm, 7 gram bullets at velocities of 100 to 150 meters per second.
No magazine is used, six individual cartridges being inserted into the revolver separately.
Reloading takes one combat round, two combat rounds if the firer is evading. Standard loads
Include a tranquilizer round, gas round, high explosive round. and a high explosive shaped
charge round to defeat personal armor. The snub pistol is a standard shipboard security weapon
generally loaded with five tranquilizers and one gas round.
More expensive pure combat versions of the snub pistol are available, generally in the auto-
matic pistol configuration with extended magazines holding up to twenty rounds.
Length: 100 mm. Weight, unloaded: 250 grams (weight of six cartridges, regardless of type,
is 30 grams). Base price for revolver: CR 150 (six cartridges, regardless of type, cost CR 10).
Combat version costs CR 150. Loaded 20 round magazines weigh 125 grams and cost CR 40.
Tech level 8.
The description from Book 4: Mercenary, pg 37 is reproduced above.
Note that the BULLET for 1 round [excluding any powder charge] is clearly listed as 7 grams.
Note that the weight of 6 rounds [bullet and charge] is 30 grams.
It does not take Calculus to see that 6 rounds x 7 grams per bullet = 42 grams and 30 grams / 6 rounds = 5 grams per round of ammunition ... so a 5 gram round of ammo fires a 7 gram bullet ... and 42 grams of bullets only weigh 30 grams total when you add propellant and load them in a revolver.

I cannot be the first person to find this since 1978 (the publication of Book 4), but I didn't see it in the CT Errata (2012 edition).
FYI: MegaTraveller Imperial Encyclopedia also lists 7 grams and 30 grams. TNE Reformation Coalition Equipment Guide lists 11 grams per round of ammo.
So first the easy question ... has this already been resolved? What is the correct data?
Then the second question ... does the CT Errata need to be updated (or do I just need a newer copy)?
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