Commander Truestar
I was there again today, for the first time in a long time.
This time, it was in a training evolution. I'm in the driver's seat, the specialist is SCREAMING at me from the back.
The car's been hit and is spinning out of control, heading into the set up jersey barriers.....
And, that helped me this
Some idiot in the center highway lane suddenly realized she had to move through the right lane and onto the exit ramp today.
She came so fast that when I realized she was coming, I had no chance to slam the breaks and manage to cut enough vee to let her pass.
Still, I was on the horn and breaks and then she hit me.
It was almost a classic "Pit maneuver" hit, just a little forward of where she should have hit, but I was now a spinning, out of control, 70 mph projectile with a squishy center....
....And at that very moment, there was the SCREAMING at me from the back.
And I snapped into that experience along with every other hairy driving situation since.
And, in that moment, I worked it out.
I did hit two barriers, but not 'head on', the way I should have, given my momentum
I managed it and regained control after taking those two hits.
Not plugging the company, but my Prius took it better than much larger, harder cars.....and I was still able to drive it
And now, I ask myself....
...How do I put my players in that same space?
...Have you ever made a situation "so real" your player snapped into some memory or experience that "took them"?
Granted, this is not often a possibility in combat. I have one Marine in my player group who was in Lebanon, and I work to make sure I don't raise those ghosts.
But, life is full of real life crisis points......How do you work to trigger those memories?
Or, do you at all?

This time, it was in a training evolution. I'm in the driver's seat, the specialist is SCREAMING at me from the back.
The car's been hit and is spinning out of control, heading into the set up jersey barriers.....
And, that helped me this
Some idiot in the center highway lane suddenly realized she had to move through the right lane and onto the exit ramp today.
She came so fast that when I realized she was coming, I had no chance to slam the breaks and manage to cut enough vee to let her pass.
Still, I was on the horn and breaks and then she hit me.
It was almost a classic "Pit maneuver" hit, just a little forward of where she should have hit, but I was now a spinning, out of control, 70 mph projectile with a squishy center....
....And at that very moment, there was the SCREAMING at me from the back.
And I snapped into that experience along with every other hairy driving situation since.
And, in that moment, I worked it out.
I did hit two barriers, but not 'head on', the way I should have, given my momentum
I managed it and regained control after taking those two hits.
Not plugging the company, but my Prius took it better than much larger, harder cars.....and I was still able to drive it
And now, I ask myself....
...How do I put my players in that same space?
...Have you ever made a situation "so real" your player snapped into some memory or experience that "took them"?
Granted, this is not often a possibility in combat. I have one Marine in my player group who was in Lebanon, and I work to make sure I don't raise those ghosts.
But, life is full of real life crisis points......How do you work to trigger those memories?
Or, do you at all?