On the other hand, a semi-tractor, while it has slightly better performance without the trailer, doesn't have substantially better performance.
To be fair, ground vehicle powered by ICE with transmission and wheels used for towing is a VERY DIFFERENT CONTEXT from mating two craft together in orbit by docking and then applying
F=MA thrust to the combination on a specific vector.
The ground vehicle is "limited" by all kinds of engineering constraints (RPM, torque, transmission losses, power to load matching at speeds, contact patch friction limits on wheels, etc. etc. etc.) that simply do not apply when in orbit in space (with no friction worth mentioning and effectively in free fall). In space, it's all about
F=MA thrust vectored through the center of mass (miss the center of mass with your vector and you start spinning).
In space, the
F=MA reality is that if you 1/2x of the Mass (or in the CT context, combined displacement) you 2x the Acceleration from the exact same amount of Force.
This is why A/A/A drives are codes: 2/2/2 in a 100 ton hull (see: Type-S Scout/Courier) and the exact same type of A/A/A drives are codes: 1/1/1 in a 200 ton hull (see: Free Trader).
2x the mass (or displacement) = 1/2x the acceleration
In CT, I don't think there's any advantage in larger size apart from the automatic criticals you'd avoid from very large batteries.
Well, that's a COMBAT consideration, as opposed to being an economic/merchant type of reason.
I assume a smaller ship is much less expensive even if the engines are rated for the final combined mass.
The SHIP will.
However, if you're doing a modularized container system (like I am) you're "still paying for" the hull metal somehow.
Falling back on the napkin math I was using before:
- A 2000 ton craft pays MCr200 for its hull (before configuration modifiers)
- A 12,000 ton craft pays MCr1200 for its hull (before configuration modifiers)
So the hull construction cost for the tug itself is lower.
But if that tug is intended to tow 10,000 tons of "other hulls" around externally, those "other hulls" have to be paid for too (potentially by third parties).
So what you wind up with is something akin to a railway "locomotives and rolling stock" type of business model. The locomotives can be owned by one business, but the passenger coaches and box cars/tanker cars/flatbeds/etc. can be owned by entirely separate third party businesses, with everything being run around on the same railway lines.
In modern (real world) business practice, this is what has happened with containerized shipping by sea. The shipping companies build and operate the MASSIVE container ships, while third parties "own" most of the shipping containers that are used for transportation of goods ... and the contents of those shipping containers are filled up with "stuff" by yet MORE third parties who want to move their goods around by ocean going ships. No single company has the entire operation vertically integrated (completely) from container ship to containers to goods to fill the containers with. Some are more vertically integrated than others, but there's a LOT of "investments by third parties" possible in the containerized shipping business model, since no ONE company has to "do it all" in terms of investment and overhead.
My point being that even if the 2000 ton tug is smaller (and therefore, cheaper) to buy, once you add in the price of the hulls for the "barges" that the tug is going to be maneuvering around, that cost advantage diminishes. It doesn't disappear completely, but it's not as dramatic as the MCr200 vs MCr1200 comparison I was making above, because there's additional CONTEXT beyond the tug itself when you're dealing with external loading scenarios.
the more I read, the less I'm sure of - the way page 32 of Book 5 reads, is that Big Craft require 110% of their mass in the carrying ship, the 'no additional fittings' comment is directly related to the launch facilities - in a distributed hull external carriage, I can see the 10% extra tonnage being braces and cables and docking and securing equipment where in a normal ship that's hangar bay space.
I view the 110% for Big Craft requirement as being "always operative" regardless of tender configuration.
So a 12,000 ton configuration: 7 tender can allocate 9900 tons for facilities to dock 9x 1000 ton Big Craft which can all be launched and recovered in a single combat turn (because, configuration: 7). If a tender wanted to accommodate a 10,000 ton Battle Rider, the tender would need to devote 10,000*1.1=11,000 tons to the docking facilities necessary for that purpose, regardless of tender hull configuration (and whether those facilities were accounted for as being "internal or external" to the hull with regards to berthing/towing). It's just that a configuration: 7 tender can "launch and recover EVERYTHING" in a single combat turn, unlike all other hull configurations which have launch and recovery constraints/limitations.
If you allow subordinate craft/towing to be done some other way, i.e. with a 2,000T barge with oversized bridge and engineering section, you're avoiding paying for the tons of hull not installed to no purpose. your power plant is OK, but it seems like you ought to incur some cost in exchange for cheapening out on the original body.
Somebody still has to pay for the hulls of the external loads.
The tug/tender might be cheaper, but the barges still need to be paid for (by someone) in order to exist.
Which is why I've gone to such pains as to define the modularized container form factor in my research in this thread ... and settled on the 16 ton form factor as the "best biggest small that is also the smallest big" (if that makes any sense) building block unit for interstellar trade because of how multi-purpose the form factor winds up being. Under CT, the 16 ton form factor "works wonders" up until you reach the point where your combined overall tonnage exceeds 1000 tons (starship+external loading), at which point a different solution becomes preferable/more economical. At over 1000 tons, the market incentives switch back towards "internal cargo" accounting due to a variety of "efficiency" factors.
But for the ACS "small time free trader/speculator" market, external loading and containerized shipping makes for an extremely compelling business model for what amount to "mom & pop" type independent operators working the "lower end" of the interstellar trade economy. It makes it possible to design "flexible" starships that can survive and thrive in a variety of world market conditions that would be difficult for a more "one size fits all" type of starship to profit from quite so reliably.
In other words, there's a niche/boutique market for these kinds of ACS designs that I'm coming up with.