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Cepheus Engine Only 100 Ton Frontier Courier TL 15

Same concept is available at TL-13 in Classic Traveller (using HG drives in a 100Td standard hull from LBB2).

There's a lot to be said for it. :)

Link is here (no deck plans given, but you can reuse your choice of Type S deckplans -- as you likely could for this CE version as well).
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The single turret is on one side of the ship? Not saying that is bad, just not what I am used to seeing. :)

Could you park the grav-buggy on the Shuttle or turn the shuttle around and use it's bay as cargo space?

The single turret is on one side of the ship? Not saying that is bad, just not what I am used to seeing. :)

Could you park the grav-buggy on the Shuttle or turn the shuttle around and use it's bay as cargo space?
As you can just rotate the ship about its long axis, the turret being to one side rather than on top/bottom really doesn't mean much for space combat. It can matter when on or near the ground, though.
As you can just rotate the ship about its long axis, the turret being to one side rather than on top/bottom really doesn't mean much for space combat. It can matter when on or near the ground, though.
Right. It's on the upper deck. As you noted, in space it doesn't matter. No up, down, etc. One would have to orient the ship correctly regardless as targets can be from any angle

The single turret is on one side of the ship? Not saying that is bad, just not what I am used to seeing. :)

Could you park the grav-buggy on the Shuttle or turn the shuttle around and use it's bay as cargo space?
Yes, you could. I simply included those items in the cargo bay to give scale and show possibilities. The 10 ton shuttle is something similar to what my players once stole and jumped out with when using this model of ship.
I wasn't criticising your design choice rather the statements above mine that appear to have only seen ships with ventral or dorsal turrets lol.
Off the top of my head I can think of three S7 ships that have side mounted turrets.
I wasn't criticising your design choice rather the statements above mine that appear to have only seen ships with ventral or dorsal turrets lol.
Off the top of my head I can think of three S7 ships that have side mounted turrets.
Side mounted on just one side? I mean I have seen side mounted where there are more than one and they are on both sides, the CT A2 Far Trader for example. But for a 100-ton ship with a single turret? I do not recall any with it mounted on just one side.

But again, I am not saying it was bad. I am just reacting to what I am thinking of as a unique (to me) and interesting design choice. NO criticism from me either. @Marcatlas has done a good job and I like what has been presented so far.
Side mounted on just one side? I mean I have seen side mounted where there are more than one and they are on both sides, the CT A2 Far Trader for example. But for a 100-ton ship with a single turret? I do not recall any with it mounted on just one side.

But again, I am not saying it was bad. I am just reacting to what I am thinking of as a unique (to me) and interesting design choice. NO criticism from me either. @Marcatlas has done a good job and I like what has been presented so far.
No worries, I placed it on the side (actually if seen from head on it is 45 degrees or 1:30 position) because it fit best but also as a nod to the funny TV/Movie trope that shows every spaceship using the same direction as being "up and "down" when in outer space. No space ship ever appears that is upside down or 90% off "up" compared to any other ship. Funny when you think about it.
No space ship ever appears that is upside down or 90% off "up" compared to any other ship. Funny when you think about it.

I remember reading a story once when I was a young teen where the ships were going to dock together, the captain said for the pilot to "orient" with the other ship. For just a moment my brain skipped a beat as I realized just what you are saying, "up" would be relative. Then when I began to play Traveller back in the late 70's I realized time of day would be the same. One ship maybe in its morning cycle and another might be in its night cycle, and both come out of jump in a system where the star port in in mid-afternoon local time. LOL.
I remember reading a story once when I was a young teen where the ships were going to dock together, the captain said for the pilot to "orient" with the other ship. For just a moment my brain skipped a beat as I realized just what you are saying, "up" would be relative. Then when I began to play Traveller back in the late 70's I realized time of day would be the same. One ship maybe in its morning cycle and another might be in its night cycle, and both come out of jump in a system where the star port in in mid-afternoon local time. LOL.
I wasn't criticising your design choice rather the statements above mine that appear to have only seen ships with ventral or dorsal turrets lol.
Off the top of my head I can think of three S7 ships that have side mounted turrets.
...and one from Azhanti High Lightning (but that one was slung out through the cargo door).