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1st Duchess of Mora

The Wiki shows that the Duchy of Mora is the first creation and in 1105 we are on the 14th Duchess.
The history of Regina says that this was created as a County within the duchy of Mora in 424. This gives not less than 681 years of Duchesses and 14 generations.
1) When did Anagathics become common in Mora? Or do the duchesses spend a lot of time in low-passage pods?
2) When was that first creation created?
I don't own the Spinward marches book, but looking at Mora's influence on Starlane and Gulf subsectors, Mora was nothing much in 210, controlled Mora and parts of Trin in 330 and the whole border was imperial by 420 - which ties with the 424 organisation of Counties. Is 424 also the date of establishment for the Duchy of Mora? Ow was it 100 years or so earlier?
The wiki also has the duchy split in 522. Were Lunion and Trin split from Mora at that time? Was Glisten split from Mora or Lunion/Trin?
How were Tobia/Pax Rulin and Gazulin set up...Presumably this group originated in parallel to Mora not from it?
This gives not less than 681 years of Duchesses and 14 generations.
1) When did Anagathics become common in Mora? Or do the duchesses spend a lot of time in low-passage pods?
That ... or House Muudashir, the Ducal family that hold Mora for the Imperium, could have made pains over the years to maintain strong Vilani ancestry in their bloodline. Pure blood Vilani lifespans are on average twice that of Solomani ones, and lifespans up to a decade shy of 200, while rare, are not unheard of. Even having as little as a single Vilani great grandparent is enough to bump your average lifespan up to about one hundred.

'The single most common anagathic in the Third Imperium is having a Vilani mom'. -- A popular saying I just made up.

There is no word what effect this has on fertility issues with Vilani women, but it is reasonable to assume that Vilani traditionally have children much later in life than Solomani do, and that a full blooded Vilani woman might be fully capable of bearing children well into her sixties or seventies.
There is no word what effect this has on fertility issues with Vilani women, but it is reasonable to assume that Vilani traditionally have children much later in life than Solomani do, and that a full blooded Vilani woman might be fully capable of bearing children well into her sixties or seventies.

Given that a notable percentage of women are still fertile through 50...
I'd estimate Vilani of strong lineage likely to be fertile well past 100.

I'll note that line purity of +3 or more is quite a powerful add...

Those 8+ (15/36=5/12) become 5+ (30/36=5/6). That's basically a doubling.
which means an average drop of 1 every 5 terms at that.

MT Solomani also have a different table from the general mass of humaniti, and thus from the weak Vilani of +1. (almost, but not quite, a +1, term 12+ are -2(9+) -2(8+) -2(9+) -1(9+), versus -2(9+) -2(9+) -2(9+) -1(9+) for standard, and -2(8+) -2(8+) -2(8+) -2(8+) for vilani @ +1.)

Expected mean loss to term 12:
Standard Humaniti: (-1×4×21/36) + (-1×4×26/36)+(-2×1×30/36) = -1×(82+104+60)/36 = -246/36 = -6.8333…
For an MT Sollie: (-1×4×15/36)+(-1×4×21/36)+(-2×1×26/36) = -1×(60+84+52)/36 = -196/36 = -5.444…
For a +1 Vilani: (-1×4×15/36)+(-1×4×21/36)+(-2×1×21/36) = -1×(60+84+22)/36 = -166/36 = -4.6111…
For a +3 Vilani: (-1×4×6/36)+(-1×4×10/36)+(-2×1×10/36) =-1×(24+40+20)/36 = -84/36 = 2.333…
For a +5 Vilani: (-1×4×1/36)+(-1×4×3/36)+(-2×1×3/36) = -22/36 = -0.6111…

note that attribute mods on the CGen tables make longer careers possible.

This gives us some baselines... 50ish is the end of fertility for most women (+2σ?)... 35 for some, 70 for a few...
But let's use 50 as the Sollie number. That's 8 terms, and expected End loss of -81/36 = -2.2777…
Pretty comparable to a +3 Vilani's 12 terms.
A +5 is, however, going to have that level of end loss (81/36) at 81-22=59 more 36ths...at 6 per term after 12, that's 10 more terms. So, if we use the expected End loss as a close stand-in for fertility, Notably long-lived families can be having kids at up to 106 years of age.

That provides some interesting situations... great-grandchildren older than their great-uncles/aunts. And, if starting early, great-great-grandchildren older than their great-great-uncles/aunts.