Thirty-seventh step revision:
Imgur Link (3602 × 5209 png image) (recommend opening in new tab)
This step updates the world icons for the Aramis subsector using my
New Colors icon set that I am proposing be rolled out more broadly on Travellermap as an alternative option feature.
See posts
#137 and
#146 to review world icon color scheme guide.
Italics as well as
Underlined Italics for are used for mainworld names as markers for Population: 5-6 (Non-industrialized) as well as Population: 4- (Low Population, Non-Industrialized) UWPs, respectively.
- Three more Hydrographics: A (Water Worlds) at Heguz, Nasemin and L'oeul d'Dieu (which I never knew about before this)!
- Feneteman is a Poor world.
- Dhian, Yebab, Rugbird and Reacher all have Atmosphere: A-C and Fluid Oceans.
- Aramis has Atmosphere: A-C (actually B) but is a Desert (Hydrographics: 0).
- Patinir is an Asteroid Belt with a Non-agricultural trade code.
Aramis subsector may have 6 Agricultural worlds, but 2 of them are Red Zones (Corfu and Zykoca). Problem is that the 3 most accessible ones (Focaline, Zila, Pysadi) are clustered together and need a 2 parsec range to reach them, while Lablon is
so far out along the border that any meaningful access requires 3 parsecs of range to reach it from the
Towers Cluster or even the
Kinorb Cluster (bypassing Corfu).
I've said it before, but I'll say it again.
A2 Far Trader (or an
A1 Free Trader with a collapsible fuel tank to extend range) is perfectly
capable of navigating around the Aramis subsector ... but making a
profit while doing so is definitely going to be playing (wannabe) merchant prince on HARD MODE.

Just as a personal aside for anyone still reading my blatherings and drivel ... seeing the brighter and more varied colors take up residence on the sector map is really starting to have a very subtle impact and
shift for me on how I think about the worlds scattered across the map. Much like how the addition of
Italics and
Underlined Italics for world names gave the map additional "texture" by making it more apparent which worlds were Population: 7+ (and 9+) along with which ones were Population: 6- (and 4-), being able to see all of the trade codes represented between the world icons and word names, combined with the brighter colors ... it's making the sector map feel more ... meaningful.
I'm not sure I can adequately describe the phenomenon.
All of the worlds on my (re)mapping of the Spinward Marches aren't just "dots on a hex grid" anymore.
They aren't just jumbles of UWP numbers either.
All of these worlds are PLACES.
DIFFERENT PLACES ... each unique.
And the "immediacy" of that realization is borne out by seeing the sheer VARIETY of world icons and mainworld names in different typeface ... all of which combines to convey the sense that NONE of these places are exactly alike.
More Colors option on Travellermap gives you a little bit of sense of that ... but it doesn't quite go far enough (in my opinion).
I guess the only thing I can say is that what this project is demonstrating to me is how moving towards my
New Colors formulation is yielding a subtly transformative experience ... just from looking at a familiar "old is renewed" sector map, which contains enough visual detail to make the setting
come alive in vibrant living color for me in a way that it never has before.
It's as if up until now I've always thought of the sector map in black & white (ala LBB S3) ... and now I'm painting and seeing it with a full set of colors for the first time.

The details were always there, going all the way back to LBB S3 ... they were just ... hidden ... by a presentation format that made everywhere look the same.
Next update will be the Qrerien subsector.