From a Ref's standpoint, I tend to agree with mouser98. Unless the players were galactically stupid (and deserve to be punished) I'd let them get creative with ways to get around the problem.
First off, I'd determine EXACTLY what the jump duration is in hours. Per LBB 5 (High Guard), a jump "takes approximately one week (150 to 175 hours)." This translates to 145+(5d6), i.e 5 six-sided die rolled and summed. The statistical average is 166 hours. Whatever your results, subtract the 48 of fuel they have remaining to find the deficit, thus the duration they have to overcome.
Second, I'd apply the ""(Starship Malfunctions - LBB2 pg6) that "Batteries will provide life support and basic lighting for 1D days" rule pointed out by Far-Trader. That was my first thought, as well. To make it more interesting, you might change the 1d6 days to 24d6 hours. Yes, it's the same thing, but is more definitive. The statistical average (SA) is 84 hours.
Given 48 of remaining fuel, and an SA of 166 hours of jump, with an SA of 84 of battery power, they would have only a 34 hour deficit.
I like the idea mentioned previously about using onboard water for fuel. According to some NASA literature online, each astronaut in space uses ‘about 30kg (of water per day.’ This is only 7.9 gallons/day. On earth we use about 80-100 gallons/day. If we go with 90 gal., that converts to 340 liters. So let’s assume that for every stateroom aboard the ship (occupied or not) at least 340 liters of water is available from the ships environmental system.
If you have a Type-S Scout ship built using High Guard rules, at Tach-15, the Power Plant-2 fuel is only two tons (2 kiloliters). Four staterooms being standard, that’s 1360 liters of water available. That equates to 19.04 days worth of fuel. For less than 8% of the ship’s water supply, they can get those 34 hours (in my example) of power.
Without any detailed rules (that I could find), you might also adopt a simple rule that using batteries for a day requires a day of recharge (power plant online). The characters could try alternating days on battery, then power plant usage. I would assume the batteries are charged, and cut power on Day 1, then run the PP on Day 2, recharging the batteries. Then repeat the process: Day 3 on batteries and Day 4 on power. This gets them through 96 hours of the jump trip. On Day five they go back to (freshly charged) batteries, that having an average run time of 84 hours, would probably get them thru even a jump of maximum duration (96+84=180 hours).
Hope these ideas help...