I'd rather see ALIEN and Bladerunner remakes.
IF and only IF they went back and did DADoES properly much closer to the book.
I'd rather see ALIEN and Bladerunner remakes.
I'd rather see ALIEN and Bladerunner remakes.
Why do Bladerunner remakes?
Why do Bladerunner remakes?...there were at least two more follow on books by K.W Jeter. Replicant Night and The Edge of Human.
I still think a Slammers or Sten Movie would be fun if done right. Or even a Starfist Movie.
We've got quite a few SF films coming this year, it looks like. What are you looking forward to (or dreading)? Any of them look to be Traveller-ish?
I'm asking in all seriousness. I've heard some titles but I don't really know a thing otherwise.
The titles I've heard of with SFnal themes, at least, are:
Adventures of Tintin
Cowboys and Aliens
Source Code
Sucker Punch
Super 8
World Invasion:Battle L.A.
Seriously, do any of you, any of the regulars who joined before 2005, the real engineers, research scientists and so forth who have a real zest for sci-fi and this game system, really think any of these movies is for you?
Compare pre-80's sci-fi with post 1990 sci-fi. Doesn't anyone here detect a demographic shift in the target audience?
Bring back Firefly...before they killed off the good characters. The execs get something good and they have no clue, but they push trash.
Seriously, do any of you, any of the regulars who joined before 2005, the real engineers, research scientists and so forth who have a real zest for sci-fi and this game system, really think any of these movies is for you?
Compare pre-80's sci-fi with post 1990 sci-fi. Doesn't anyone here detect a demographic shift in the target audience?
They really were better though thematically. The studios are losing market share to other entertainment so they crank out over-glossed big budget B-movies to capture young dollars. Which is why there isn't a whole lot of substance (or entertainment) value in them.Yes, yes. Back then everything was better. And made from wood...
They made good films and bad films all the time. And films for more than one audience. I.e some people consider "Silent Running" a great movie. I would not watch that Eco-laced crap if you pay me. Or "Blade Runner" - I actually fell asleep during that movie.
Other way round I love "Soylent Green" and "Logans Run" and I knew more than a few people who consider those crap.
Besides being an engineer etc. has little to do with what films etc. you like. I am always told "You should like Star Trek because you are an engineer". Guess what - I don't. Aside from a few funny "scotty" scenes I consider Trek boooooring. Enterprise (that basically rolled up Trek and threw it out the window) was good. Because it wasn't StarTrek.
They really were better though thematically. The studios are losing market share to other entertainment so they crank out over-glossed big budget B-movies to capture young dollars. Which is why there isn't a whole lot of substance (or entertainment) value in them.
Disagree. I get a lot more entertainment from Transformers than I'll ever get from "Silent Running". I could use "Enemy Mine" only as a sleeping pill but get amusement from "Independence Day". I can see the "stronger message" in the original "Rollerball" but prefer the more action-driven modern version.
And I am well past 40 so it's not the teenager speaking
All that says is that your taste in movies is as different from the bulk of us here as your taste in gaming styles. Actually, given most of your posts, I think your taste in movies, games, and discussion runs to about 180° out from my own.
Soylent Green was ugly, poorly shot, and, aside from the ending, utterly forgettable.
Silent Running at least had gorgeous ship models, and a visual look that was memorable.
Hell, Dark Star was a better movie on all counts than Soylent Green... better acting, better looking, better cinematography, better plot (And yes, I'm counting it as "Plot? What Plot?"... Not to mention best supporting character played by a beachball.