I expect to be disappointed watching movies, most especially remakes, after the fabulously horrid Starship Troopers* AND Battlefield Earth. I expect nothing good from John Carter of Mars, and the thought of a Bladerunner remake depresses me knowing that the quality of screenwriters is what it is.
I would like to see a good version of Starship Troopers, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and The Cat Who Walks Through Walls but I hold no hopes for that. I dread the screen versions of anything John Ringo or David Weber, there is no way in hades they will get those right. On the other hand, I,Robot made me deliriously happy for one reason- in the credits was the line "Inspired by a book by Issac Asimov". The screenwriters were honest for once. WHEEEE!:rofl:
Then again, with all my pessimism, it makes going to the movies fun when they dont suck!
*- I would like to note that while it was in no way Robert Heinleins Starship Troopers as advertised, it was an ok movie that I refer to as Bug Hunt. But I do expect that if you wish to bring what many consider a classic to the big screen, frakking do it right.
I would like to see a good version of Starship Troopers, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and The Cat Who Walks Through Walls but I hold no hopes for that. I dread the screen versions of anything John Ringo or David Weber, there is no way in hades they will get those right. On the other hand, I,Robot made me deliriously happy for one reason- in the credits was the line "Inspired by a book by Issac Asimov". The screenwriters were honest for once. WHEEEE!:rofl:
Then again, with all my pessimism, it makes going to the movies fun when they dont suck!

*- I would like to note that while it was in no way Robert Heinleins Starship Troopers as advertised, it was an ok movie that I refer to as Bug Hunt. But I do expect that if you wish to bring what many consider a classic to the big screen, frakking do it right.