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2300ad ship miniatures


I remember years ago reading an article in a magazine on how to make ship miniatures for the various 2300ad ships for star cruiser. Now I have the 2300ad cd-rom and it is not on there. I do no remember who wrote the article or what magazine it came from. I do not even know if the article came from a gdw source or not. Can anyone help?
I remember years ago reading an article in a magazine on how to make ship miniatures for the various 2300ad ships for star cruiser. Now I have the 2300ad cd-rom and it is not on there. I do no remember who wrote the article or what magazine it came from. I do not even know if the article came from a gdw source or not. Can anyone help?

Hmmm, never heard of such an article and I like to think I have seen most of them. There is the amazingly comprehensive website on all 2300AD magazine articles , nothing there seems to be an obvious answer your question.
I recall an article that showed various things mounted on golf tees, including black-painted ping-pong balls to indicate black globes. Is that what you're thinking of? Can't remember where it was, though if I had to guess, I'd say it was in Star Cruiser. I might be able to find it at home (OTOH, if it's not the one you're looking for, I won't bother). Does the CD include illos?

I recall an article that showed various things mounted on golf tees, including black-painted ping-pong balls to indicate black globes. Is that what you're thinking of? Can't remember where it was, though if I had to guess, I'd say it was in Star Cruiser.

Aaaah, now that does sound familiar! I think what you are referring to here is the sidebar of the Director's Guide on pg 73 (and the photographs on 73 and 69). LordVan is this what you are thinking of too?
I recall an article that showed various things mounted on golf tees, including black-painted ping-pong balls to indicate black globes. Is that what you're thinking of? Can't remember where it was, though if I had to guess, I'd say it was in Star Cruiser. I might be able to find it at home (OTOH, if it's not the one you're looking for, I won't bother). Does the CD include illos?

THAT is in the Traveller2300 rulebook!
Nope that is not what I am talking about

Nope that is not what I am talking about. I have the Cd Rom too. It was in a wargaming magazine as far as I can remember. As to which one, I do not know. Although the Golf tee is a good idea. I do most of my 2300 space combat through TNE and Brilliant Lances. Although, I do notice that all the articles from Challenge magazine from #75 onward are missing. I wonder why? I wonder if it could have been in once of those?

A note to those who do rpg's, if you move and let those family and friends who hate, despise, or dislike rpg's in any form or fashion, expect them to "disappear" parts of you collection. They do it "for your own good". I know this for a fact, because I had all the 2300ad and Traveller 2300 books and box sets, and a family member did this to me to encourage me to seek "more appropriate" and "socially acceptable" hobbies. Of course the fact that I got my revenge years later when I helped her move, more than made up for it (NOT!) Although why anyone one needs that many pairs of shoes I will never know.
Although, I do notice that all the articles from Challenge magazine from #75 onward are missing.
That is because the article in issue 75 was the last 2300AD article published in Challenge before the whole thing went bankrupt with issue 77.

A note to those who do rpg's, if you move and let those family and friends who hate, despise, or dislike rpg's in any form or fashion, expect them to "disappear" parts of you collection. They do it "for your own good".
Burn the Heathens! Burn them!!
Burn the Heathens

I like the Idea of Burning the Heathens, however, since she had over 30 pairs of shoes when she started the move, and as a courtesy, when she arrived she only had 3 pairs, I fealt justice had been served. Besides, I think that Someone else did not approve of her actions either, she died of 4 types of cancer 9 years ago.
I feel for you LordVan.

When I was just married we needed to store a lot of our stuff while dorting out a new home etc.

My mother lost about 75% of my non-book stuff like models and cars and lots of my wife's childhood stuff (dolls, bears etc)

My wife's uncle lived near where we bought our house and also stored a lot of stuff for us. Every single item in every box had been opened. Besides my wifes craft magazines being trashed, I ended up with on average 2/3 of each game eg the starcruiser boxed set.
I wrote something for Voyages SF about making your own spaceship miniatures out of wood and plastic parts. I don't remember the issue# right now. ALl my stuff is packed and away in storage.
Lost all RPG stuff- I had ALL of 2300ad-

Lots and lots of D&D, including issues from Dragon #32 to around #121, Gamma World and Traveler. Had almost all of the little black book stuff and Space 1889, and extensive comic collection -some Bat Man ,Superman, X-man from early 70's. The only thing I saved was lead figures. All of this stuff was stored on shelves 6 feet off the ground. I live in New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina got me with the flooding, due to the levee breaks.
Not ship minis, but I got some Dark Dream Studio 1/72nd (20mm) plastic Space Marines recently which looked ideal for converting into 2300 style marines. A few samples




...I got some Dark Dream Studio 1/72nd (20mm) plastic Space Marines recently which looked ideal for converting into 2300 style marines...

Wow! Are these new? Because I am checking some of the usual 1:72 online dealers and these not-Aliens Space Marines are nowhere to be seen...

PS: BTW, Kiwi, I used to be a member of the Internet Millennium's End community, and I do agree with your signature... A d**n shame indeed.
No, they've been out for ages but are pretty rare (as is most of DDS's stuff). I got them by accident when I bid on something else. Mostly what I've done is replace the heads and slightly modify the weapons, plus the paint job.

And I remember your name from the MillenniumsEnd[dot]net days. One day soon I will be playing ME again, and at that point my ethusiasm for putting out stuff will no doubt rekindle. I've put up some files in the meanwhile at the Team8.co.uk website.
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2300ad starship miniatures

OK gang, heads up. I have done some looking on the internet. The article for the making of our own starship minis for 2300ad does exist. The magazine we are looking for is indeed Voyages SF. It is in issue 15 or 16. I cannot seem to locate a copy of these. Can anyone help?