Hmmm, I like the term Makers much better then Printers. Perhaps we can get a terminology change meme going.
This would be the functional high tech equivalent of a machine shop on major warships, which typically has heavy industrial equipment.
I would tend to make it a percentage installation on board ship, of either total ship tonnage or the drives it supports. The bigger the drives the bigger the shop must be to repair parts.
Ship's weapons may get a separate armory, where weapon parts are made/repaired, and missile maintenance and customization occurs.
I would be leery of full-bore makers that can rebuild a starship. One could limit them by saying that makers that can fit on ships can only build 'get you to the nearest starport' quality parts and impose chances for breakdown, or that by law custom and survival interstellar governments, corps and/or navies do not build fully capable shops lest they fall into the hands of opposing forces.
I have a McGuffin planned from several months back where the pirates are after a cargo ship shipping maker-like facilities being shipped to a colony. The anti-pirate people are going to be VERY unhappy if it falls into corsair hands.
As to capabilities, I would tend to go with something like
* shipboard versions can only repair/create spare parts for the TL and two below the maker is at (LBB2 drives are an exception as its a spec all TLs can build to)
* the shop is sized as a percentage, or perhaps to the equivalent size of the largest thing it has to be able to fix (so largest engineering component, largest weapon, etc.) or percentage thereof
* price is TL3 x 1000 Cr per ton
* permanent repair/small craft build capabilities are at 5x the ship-based temporary repair size, and full maker capacity 20x.
Which, BTW, would seem to give one a maker price tag for equipping C, B or A starports, the C starport would have the temp ship repair version, B the permanent repair, and A the full maker set.