Actually, Epee is the heaviest of the sport Fencing weapons.
In any case; there is an interplay between Strength and Endurance. Great Strength makes for less fatiguing work, everything else being equal.
We don't use dice-rolling programs - it's all trust. (Of course, we've known each other for over 20 years, so that's easier.)I figured it would. And even the dice rolling wouldn't be a problem since I have several dice programs we can use online as we play to keep it honest (except for me, the humble ref).
That depends entirely on how much bandwidth they have and the quality of their connections. Multi-MB graphics files can take quite a while to download through Skype if someone has a poor connection. If everyone has decent machines and a good broadband connection, then it will work better. You can add Idroo to your Skype, too, to get a whiteboard function. It *really* adds to the power/memory/bandwidth suckage, but it can be very handy. (Idroo is especially handy for combat situational awareness.)It would even make some of the information distribution easier with maps and other graphics since the players would have their computer in front of them, not passing around a laptop or squinting at a drawing.
We usually have four of us, though we're adding another familiar face of late. We usually play for about three to four hours on a Saturday night. Then one of the guys has to go sleep. (Wuss!How many play in your game and how long are the sessions?
Cams just make the bandwidth issue worse. Plus, it would mean we had to look at each other's ugly mugs, instead of at a picture of the character.And since we all have cams it will be pretty face-to-face. Why isn't yours?
For values of "Pike means Spear of >3m haft length", it seems pretty much accurate. I've fought guys with 3m spears in the SCA - once you get about a meter past the spear head, they have to either retreat quickly, or switch to a secondary weapon. Haft strikes with the pike are not terribly useful, due to the lever effect. 4m pikes, even worse for the pikeman.
Now, as for horse vs foot, I've not done that in the SCA, but everything I've seen says the horse trumps sword-bearing footmen. And Horse die if they charge pikes.
I find 90lbs is about my limit, with a preference to use a bow of 60lbs or thereabouts; but I can easily conceive how with a bit more intensive work, the higher weights woudl be eminently achievable.
Yeah - my suspicion, Saundby, is that the key lies in the fact that these bowstaves were brought up from a ship.
In sixteenth century naval warfare, the advantage of a teensy bit of extra range for your principal anti-personnel standoff weapon could be immeasurable. And whilst the additional range acquired for each additional pound of draw weight tails off quite spectacularly at these sort of weights because of the impliciations of the draw weight for the arrow used, there is nevertheless an increase in maximum range with each additional pound.
On land, you'd say "Sod it - I'll just take three steps closer to the enemy and use a bow with a 10lb lighter draw". At sea, you can't always do that without getting wet.
... to fire upward en masse ...
I caught Skyfall yesterday and while I enjoyed it, there was one scene that really made me groan. In it Bond fires a vintage double barrelled .500 nitro extress elephant gun and it has as much recoil as a Daisy Air Gun. If there is one thing I would change in the movies it would be showing recoil when fireing a gun, esp. a big old elephant gun.
You never FIRE an arrow, Carlo - it is an anachronistic term in the context of a weapon which pre-dates gunpowder, and inappropriate in any event as there is no fire involved in its discharge.
You only ever SHOOT an arrow.