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500 ton Survey Corvette "Rough Country"


Here we see an example of the Survey Corvette after the new ship smell has worn off.

The Rough Country is an independent operations version of the 500 ton Survey/exploration Corvette. Designed for exploration/survey/and Scientific assistance operations on it's own without A heavier Explorer vessel supporting it.

Assigned to Scout Services, Perimeter Exploration and Survey Group 227. the Rough Country has experienced it's share of impacts, attacks, and brutal planetary conditions. Her hull is scarred. Her paint is fading. And her systems have been pushed to the limits of the crews ability to maintain them. But the rough country takes a licking and Keeps on ticking. four years overdue for refit, and refurbishment, the Rough Country wears her scars as a badge of honor.

I wanted to show off my first successful attempt at applying bump maps and speculars to a models. This old girl is now my pride and joy. I as able to show wear and tear, and fading on her hull plate and seams. I am a happy camper, i finally licked the one issue that was driving me absolutely bananas.


Clean Simple texture version


The 500 ton survey vessel is a modular hull fitted with large bays to hold laboratories, sensor arrays, drone launch and recovery facilities, and remote operated vessels. It lacks armor and weapons due to the its use as a first contact/survey vessel. It however is usually accompanied by a larger Explorer vessel which carries combat small craft and it's own weaponry. With the bulk of its space designated for internal scientific facilities, and housing for assigned crew and specialists. The vessel is known to be rather roomy and comfortable to serve on.

When configured for survey operations the vessel carries a wide variety of sensors, deployable sensor arrays, and large numbers of drones, and remote operated vehicles. In addition the survey vessel has the ability to land, take local samples, and operate as a mobile survey station. to carry out this mission it is also fitted with storage bays for vehicles, and cargo pallet to store hardware, supplies and instruments for use by the ground team.

for safety the vessel has a high degree of agility, radiation, and heat shielding, as well as a high acceleration rate to allow it to avoid attack, and retreat to the protection of armed vessels accompanying it. In extreme cases it will carry fighter drones, and turret drones in its storage hangers instead of utility craft. In addition all survey cutters are equipped with full medical bays,surgical theater, and two specially fitted quarantine rooms.

The Survey Cutter has large drives, and it's own jump dries, however it's jump drives are short ranged systems useful for emergency jumps, and short range operations to systems neighboring the current location of the Corvettes explorer vessel. Its acceleration is high for a non military craft, allowing it to quickly re-position, and evade hostile vessels. In addition it has surplus power generation capabilities allowing it to maneuver, power it's jump drives, and maintain sensor operations.

the vessel has an obvious number of large observation windows and domes on its forward section. Usually these cover observatory packages, labs, sensor packages. they are heavily reinforced to survive impacts from debris. The observations areas can also be fitted as recreational areas when not needed for survey, observation hardware. if used for first contact, or diplomatic functions, often the observations areas are refitted as reception and conference areas.

The bridge of the ship is completely enclosed, and near the core of the ship, along with vital systems for power, life support, and jump drives. Labs and utility bays are arranged around the core systems, and often have small direct access to one another avoiding the core areas when possible to provide the scientific crew to move about without interfering with the ships crew. In addition, internal bulkheads, and secure hatches to control spread of contaminants, biological threats, and fire during accidents.

a large bay is fitted under the nose of the ship, allowing up to a 50 ton smallcraft bay, or a 50 ton cargo pallet additional bays on the secondary engine wells allow the craft to attach high energy demand systems, or additional fuel cells, close to the ships power systems. This does include weapons pallets if the need arises, but is seldom used to maintain the non-combat nature of Survey cutters.

multiple modular bays, and hangers are arranged along the sides of the vessel, and hardpoints for attaching drop tanks, cargo modules, and other external pallets if needed.

Statistics: exact details forthcoming when Mongoose high Guard revision complete.

Thrust: 4
Jump: 1( 3 for independent operations versions)
Fuel: 2 months,+single jump 1 fuel ( fuel scoops and processors installed)
Power systems: fusion reactor, with additional solar cells on external hull.
Crew: varies
Nomral ship crew consist of
2 pilots
2 Sensor, system operator
4 engineers
2 medical officers
1 Steward/science team liaison Officer
4 security Officer/marines

advanced sensors, survey sensor array, and deployable array.
Small craft 3 ten ton survey ROVs
2 10 ton modules for housing
2 50 ton modular bays
20 robotic Survey drones
I somewhat doubt the economics of modules above 30-100 tons. You end up with a lot of modules sitting around collecting dust and not in use, money that could have gone to building another usable ship or perhaps a better repair/maintenance facility.
I somewhat doubt the economics of modules above 30-100 tons. You end up with a lot of modules sitting around collecting dust and not in use, money that could have gone to building another usable ship or perhaps a better repair/maintenance facility.

This is one of several ships that are meant to work together for large scale survey missions. Usually these would be fitted out for specific missions at a scout base, or by an exploration/survey mother ship. the modules wouldn't be stockpiled all over the place.

a modular bay can accept more than one module, and those modules can be mixed and matched. so they might have several smaller modules fitted into one bay.

These are special purpose limited run ship built for a specific use.They would typically be assigned to a region to conduct lengthy surveys, or scientific investigations...accompanied by a larger explorer craft which would have construction bays to build modules as needed.
Just two questions:

  • What design system did you use?
  • Is the ship streamlined?
Just two questions:

  • What design system did you use?
  • Is the ship streamlined?

No it's a standard hull.

and used the rough draft MgT v2 rules to do the back of napkin notes for the design. I am holding off on doing detailed builds until I have the final draft of MgT v2 High Guard.

It will probably end up a bit bigger than 500tons. since it's facilities and performance are the main goal of the design not the tonnage.
No it's a standard hull.

And wouldn't a streamlined hull help in its task to perform planetary surveys (as well as its SAR/Medical variant to reach the planets where it can be needed)?
And wouldn't a streamlined hull help in its task to perform planetary surveys (as well as its SAR/Medical variant to reach the planets where it can be needed)?

It would,I toyed with a streamlined version but went with the slightly smoothed cylinder hull for looks. and as part of my idea of how it would operate.

I decided on making it more of a mobile base camp, than an active participant in ground operations. that's why I added small craft, drones,and vehicles to it's payload.

Since they often have advanced sensors, and survey senor gear they are more useful at higher altitudes where they can cover a larger area with their sensors. And provide a relay point for ground team communications.

if a lot of ground activity was called for.It's first task would be to perform a high level recon flight, locate a location for a base camp, drop to that location and unload the ground crew and prepacked base camp pallets.

If it needs to it can land at the base camp to provide access to it's labs, equipment and medical facilities.

The SAR-bird variant would definitely land close to the site of a downed ship/medical emergency/disaster site, and act as a MASH style mobile hospital/triage center.
Here we see an example of the Survey Corvette after the new ship smell has worn off.

The Rough Country is an independent operations version of the 500 ton Survey/exploration Corvette. Designed for exploration/survey/and Scientific assistance operations on it's own without A heavier Explorer vessel supporting it.

Assigned to Scout Services, Perimeter Exploration and Survey Group 227. the Rough Country has experienced it's share of impacts, attacks, and brutal planetary conditions. Her hull is scarred. Her paint is fading. And her systems have been pushed to the limits of the crews ability to maintain them. But the rough country takes a licking and Keeps on ticking. four years overdue for refit, and refurbishment, the Rough Country wears her scars as a badge of honor.

I wanted to show off my first successful attempt at applying bump maps and speculars to a models. This old girl is now my pride and joy. I as able to show wear and tear, and fading on her hull plate and seams. I am a happy camper, i finally licked the one issue that was driving me absolutely bananas.


Clean Simple texture version


The 500 ton survey vessel is a modular hull fitted with large bays to hold laboratories, sensor arrays, drone launch and recovery facilities, and remote operated vessels. It lacks armor and weapons due to the its use as a first contact/survey vessel. It however is usually accompanied by a larger Explorer vessel which carries combat small craft and it's own weaponry. With the bulk of its space designated for internal scientific facilities, and housing for assigned crew and specialists. The vessel is known to be rather roomy and comfortable to serve on.

When configured for survey operations the vessel carries a wide variety of sensors, deployable sensor arrays, and large numbers of drones, and remote operated vehicles. In addition the survey vessel has the ability to land, take local samples, and operate as a mobile survey station. to carry out this mission it is also fitted with storage bays for vehicles, and cargo pallet to store hardware, supplies and instruments for use by the ground team.

for safety the vessel has a high degree of agility, radiation, and heat shielding, as well as a high acceleration rate to allow it to avoid attack, and retreat to the protection of armed vessels accompanying it. In extreme cases it will carry fighter drones, and turret drones in its storage hangers instead of utility craft. In addition all survey cutters are equipped with full medical bays,surgical theater, and two specially fitted quarantine rooms.

The Survey Cutter has large drives, and it's own jump dries, however it's jump drives are short ranged systems useful for emergency jumps, and short range operations to systems neighboring the current location of the Corvettes explorer vessel. Its acceleration is high for a non military craft, allowing it to quickly re-position, and evade hostile vessels. In addition it has surplus power generation capabilities allowing it to maneuver, power it's jump drives, and maintain sensor operations.

the vessel has an obvious number of large observation windows and domes on its forward section. Usually these cover observatory packages, labs, sensor packages. they are heavily reinforced to survive impacts from debris. The observations areas can also be fitted as recreational areas when not needed for survey, observation hardware. if used for first contact, or diplomatic functions, often the observations areas are refitted as reception and conference areas.

The bridge of the ship is completely enclosed, and near the core of the ship, along with vital systems for power, life support, and jump drives. Labs and utility bays are arranged around the core systems, and often have small direct access to one another avoiding the core areas when possible to provide the scientific crew to move about without interfering with the ships crew. In addition, internal bulkheads, and secure hatches to control spread of contaminants, biological threats, and fire during accidents.

a large bay is fitted under the nose of the ship, allowing up to a 50 ton smallcraft bay, or a 50 ton cargo pallet additional bays on the secondary engine wells allow the craft to attach high energy demand systems, or additional fuel cells, close to the ships power systems. This does include weapons pallets if the need arises, but is seldom used to maintain the non-combat nature of Survey cutters.

multiple modular bays, and hangers are arranged along the sides of the vessel, and hardpoints for attaching drop tanks, cargo modules, and other external pallets if needed.

Statistics: exact details forthcoming when Mongoose high Guard revision complete.

Thrust: 4
Jump: 1( 3 for independent operations versions)
Fuel: 2 months,+single jump 1 fuel ( fuel scoops and processors installed)
Power systems: fusion reactor, with additional solar cells on external hull.
Crew: varies
Nomral ship crew consist of
2 pilots
2 Sensor, system operator
4 engineers
2 medical officers
1 Steward/science team liaison Officer
4 security Officer/marines

advanced sensors, survey sensor array, and deployable array.
Small craft 3 ten ton survey ROVs
2 10 ton modules for housing
2 50 ton modular bays
20 robotic Survey drones

But no Hardpoints? You ought to have at least two triple or now quads of sandcasters in defensive and two triple or quads? of beam lasers.. just in case. You can have it in retractable and covered turrets only to come out in self-defense and then get the hell out of dodge. So Factor 4 maneuver is ok.. but if you want to run to a safe distance to jump out of system, I'd like a 5 or 6.. and the agility to dodge angry locals... launching nasty things at you. Also why J1.. yes ok for 3 jumps.. but still...

I like the design very much.. and the look of it is fantastic. And the thought about the necessary bits to do its job is likewise very well executed.
But no Hardpoints? You ought to have at least two triple or now quads of sandcasters in defensive and two triple or quads? of beam lasers.. just in case. You can have it in retractable and covered turrets only to come out in self-defense and then get the hell out of dodge. So Factor 4 maneuver is ok.. but if you want to run to a safe distance to jump out of system, I'd like a 5 or 6.. and the agility to dodge angry locals... launching nasty things at you. Also why J1.. yes ok for 3 jumps.. but still...

I like the design very much.. and the look of it is fantastic. And the thought about the necessary bits to do its job is likewise very well executed.

J-1 is for ships assigned to a survey group, or mother-ship...J-3 is the range of an independent operations vessel.

a survey group would have it's own armed corvette as an escort....three or four survey ships, with an armed corvette for escort.

I have to think about the defensive batteries suggestion It does make a certain amount of sense..especially for independent operations vessels.