A while back someone started the "who wants the Type Y thread"..so I set about creating some replacements for it...the stats are old so they will change as the new revision comes out.
500 ton Kulyat class Heavy Yacht.
The Yacht has long been seen as a vital part of any Noble, or wealthy Businessman's holdings. Constructed to specification, fitted with the comforts and luxuries that put most Passenger Liners to shame, these personal vessels are part home, part office, and show piece for the owner. Whether simply cruising the local system or carrying it's owner between systems Yachts are designed and styled to catch the eye, and display the wealth and prestige of the owner for all to see.
There is no set standard for the heavy Yachts to be built to, no self respecting buyer would buy an off the shelf design for personal use. Often designers will spend a great deal of effort to lay out and equip each yacht to suit the owner demands. However, for the most part the Heavy Yachts in use fall within a general range.
The 500 ton Yacht is usually for the more wealthy patron, travelling along secured trade lanes, between worlds with more advanced starports and facilities. They lack the range and speed of smaller yachts and rely heavily on the established infrastructure to provide fuel and supplies as needed. While this may not appeal to younger, more adventurous buyers, which tend to prefer long ranged high speed vessel. The more seasoned businessman, and nobles, may see the vessel is a comfortable way to travel while entertaining guests, and potential clients.
Occasionally these Vessels are used as Diplomatic Vessels. for use as mobile embassies, or mobile corporate offices. I such cases some of the staterooms and recreational areas will be replaced with offices and communications gear.
With the addition of security troops to the crew. Due to the sensitive nature of information, and personnel aboard the weapons suite of the ship may be upgraded to include two additional turrets, armed with more lethal anti-ship systems.
when properly upgraded and outfitted the ship is an effective tool for diplomats, and senior corporate agents, and negotiators.
NOTES: system mechanics based on Mongoose Traveller, pre-revision rules..changes likely when final draft of Revised rules available.
http://wbyrd.deviantart.com/art/500-ton-Yacht-Kulyat-Class-578397106?ga_submit_new=10%3A1450304755 for a little better view of the image.

500 ton Kulyat class Heavy Yacht.
The Yacht has long been seen as a vital part of any Noble, or wealthy Businessman's holdings. Constructed to specification, fitted with the comforts and luxuries that put most Passenger Liners to shame, these personal vessels are part home, part office, and show piece for the owner. Whether simply cruising the local system or carrying it's owner between systems Yachts are designed and styled to catch the eye, and display the wealth and prestige of the owner for all to see.
There is no set standard for the heavy Yachts to be built to, no self respecting buyer would buy an off the shelf design for personal use. Often designers will spend a great deal of effort to lay out and equip each yacht to suit the owner demands. However, for the most part the Heavy Yachts in use fall within a general range.
The 500 ton Yacht is usually for the more wealthy patron, travelling along secured trade lanes, between worlds with more advanced starports and facilities. They lack the range and speed of smaller yachts and rely heavily on the established infrastructure to provide fuel and supplies as needed. While this may not appeal to younger, more adventurous buyers, which tend to prefer long ranged high speed vessel. The more seasoned businessman, and nobles, may see the vessel is a comfortable way to travel while entertaining guests, and potential clients.
Occasionally these Vessels are used as Diplomatic Vessels. for use as mobile embassies, or mobile corporate offices. I such cases some of the staterooms and recreational areas will be replaced with offices and communications gear.
With the addition of security troops to the crew. Due to the sensitive nature of information, and personnel aboard the weapons suite of the ship may be upgraded to include two additional turrets, armed with more lethal anti-ship systems.
when properly upgraded and outfitted the ship is an effective tool for diplomats, and senior corporate agents, and negotiators.
NOTES: system mechanics based on Mongoose Traveller, pre-revision rules..changes likely when final draft of Revised rules available.
http://wbyrd.deviantart.com/art/500-ton-Yacht-Kulyat-Class-578397106?ga_submit_new=10%3A1450304755 for a little better view of the image.
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