You can toss that idea into the shredder. ...
I'd love to, but it's repeatedly embodied in different versions of the rules.
High Guard: "After the battle, damaged ships may be repaired at shipyards. Jump drives may be repaired at class A starports; any other ship systems may be repaired at class A or B starports. In any case, repairs must be conducted at shipyards of the required tech level (although the referee may make exceptions)."
TCS: "Full repair may be done at any A or B starport, but j-drive repairs require double cost and time at B starports, and no starport may repair a ship system of higher tech level than the starport's tech level."
MegaTrav: "After the battle has reached a resolution, any ships which have been damaged in the battle may be repaired at shipyards. Jump drives may be repaired at class A starports; any other ship systems may be repaired at class A or B starports. In any situation, repairs to a damaged ship following a battle must be conducted at shipyards of the required Tech Level (although it is an option of the referee to make exceptions to this rule)."
Inasmuch as the original question pertained to the capabilities of the canon milieu, I have to assume the original poster is interested in a canon analysis, not a referee's option. If we want to expand into referee options and exceptions, then life for the fleet becomes a lot simpler.
Add: I might add that I don't know of a version that opens up repair to naval bases. Whatever we might be doing in the modern age, it's not being reflected in the canon milieu.