For what it is worth, I sort of took my own advise about figuring out how much shipping tonnage exists to service worlds based on the GURPS TRAVELLER FAR TRADER rules.
I'm still thinking "I must have done something wrong" because this is the first run through of creating the data, and I need to verify that it worked properly. But on the basis of my initial run - I generated in excess of 28,600 trade pairs where the BTN was 6.5+
Using Lunion as an example, it had 317 trade partners, of which 30 were of BTN value 9+
Those thirty worlds alone, would require tonnage capable of moving 9,000 dTons of tramp freight (not regular scheduled freight for liners, but TRAMP freight!). Using as a measure, the Empress Marava class ships, that works out to nearly 200 tramp freighters servicing 30 worlds on a DAILY basis. Call it roughly 1400 Empress Marava class ships, and that gives you an idea of how many freighters were out there (assuming a 200 dton standard, one could use a 400 dton ship instead, and run those numbers to get a different number of hulls out there).
Note that this is only for one world and 317 partners (Note that I didn't even bother to discuss how much trade is generated for those lesser worlds, of which there would have been some 280 or so).
Just food for thought.
I'm still thinking "I must have done something wrong" because this is the first run through of creating the data, and I need to verify that it worked properly. But on the basis of my initial run - I generated in excess of 28,600 trade pairs where the BTN was 6.5+
Using Lunion as an example, it had 317 trade partners, of which 30 were of BTN value 9+
Those thirty worlds alone, would require tonnage capable of moving 9,000 dTons of tramp freight (not regular scheduled freight for liners, but TRAMP freight!). Using as a measure, the Empress Marava class ships, that works out to nearly 200 tramp freighters servicing 30 worlds on a DAILY basis. Call it roughly 1400 Empress Marava class ships, and that gives you an idea of how many freighters were out there (assuming a 200 dton standard, one could use a 400 dton ship instead, and run those numbers to get a different number of hulls out there).
Note that this is only for one world and 317 partners (Note that I didn't even bother to discuss how much trade is generated for those lesser worlds, of which there would have been some 280 or so).
Just food for thought.