Another major change (one I proposed over 10 years ago ISTR) is for MHD Turbines to burn petrol instead of hydrogen. Due to the fuel: oxidiser ratios (H2/O2 is only 1/9th fuel) we get a much increase in the stored energy per ton. In fact a fourfold increase. Oh, and I also started installing a lot of solar cells. Insystem they're the most mass efficient power system
Yet another was in the active sensors rules. Simply inverse square law tells you a spherical active scanner needs several hundred MW of output to make a detection (FWIW: modern military naval radars typically need the best part of a MW to detect a missile 100km away). I simply stopped them being spherical, and made them directional, you could use the active to "interrogate" a hex with black globes.
One upshot was ships started carrying multiple active arrays IMC.
Also, I decided that the rear endcap with "glowy bits" (that look like star wars engines) are actually the heat exchanger/ radiator. What I never then got round to doing is altering the sensor rules so that ships are less visible to passive detection from the front....
Yet another was in the active sensors rules. Simply inverse square law tells you a spherical active scanner needs several hundred MW of output to make a detection (FWIW: modern military naval radars typically need the best part of a MW to detect a missile 100km away). I simply stopped them being spherical, and made them directional, you could use the active to "interrogate" a hex with black globes.
One upshot was ships started carrying multiple active arrays IMC.
Also, I decided that the rear endcap with "glowy bits" (that look like star wars engines) are actually the heat exchanger/ radiator. What I never then got round to doing is altering the sensor rules so that ships are less visible to passive detection from the front....