Week 4
<Text File>
Well, I have to call this something, and it can't really be a Captain's Log any longer since I don't actually have a ship right now. One wreck, and one decrepit fast freighter that we'll take delivery of in a few weeks, but nothing right now. May as well format it as an Interim Mission Report from back in my Scout Service days.
Interim Mission Report
Victoria Reconnaissance Mission
1530 ST
Boughene/Regina (Spinward Marches 1904)
Boughene Station
Scout (Separated) Tomos Puch Reporting:
Mission Objectives and Progress:
1. Trace Annic Nova route to its origin.
- Ship may have been connected with Ancients sites, but connection is unclear.
2. Study Hokan culture and technology.
- Well, the 'technology study' part isn't going to happen now that General Products blew the ship's drives up.
- At least we have copies of the nav database as well as some of their recorded entertainment and educational media.
- General Products' technical advisor notes that their materials dating tests showed the hull had experienced an absurd number of Jump cycles, appearing to have been in use for thousands of years. I consider this unlikely, but it's a data point anyhow.
3. Contact Hokan civilization.
- No progress. We have to find them, first.
Significant Events:
- Inspected wreckage of Annic Nova.
Personnel Observations:
- Crew morale is Fair, which is better than I expected after the overhaul debacle. It helps that we've got a replacement coming soon.
- Having the Albatross instead of the Israfil-class courier will allow bringing the entire crew of the Annic Nova instead of just myself and two others. I wasn't looking forward to having to make the call on that, and now I don't have to.
- Will need to hire an additional Engineer for the Albatross.
- Will need a highly-skilled Navigator to replace Smythe, especially with the new ship's 5-parsec Jump range.
- Will need a Medic, as Dr. Martin will return to Feri after one last virus-screening of our crew. (A disabled and parked Annic Nova isn't a contagion threat he needs to monitor.)
- One Gunner position is excess, as the Albatross has only a single turret.
- Need to consult Ms. Oakley about whether she'll accept a reassignment from Chief Gunner to Ship's Medic at same salary.
- The Albatross has enough staterooms to transport Scout Ketonic as a supernumary, as per her request (and, surprisingly, ability to pay). She could prove useful for reasons I am not at liberty to discuss. (You'll have to trust me on this for now.)
- It is worth mentioning that Dr. Martin decided to return to Feri only after finding out we intended to bring Scout Ketonic on the mission to Victoria/Lanth. I suspect this says something about both of their reasons for accompanying us.
Minor edits after initial posting.
Mouse-over the box with the word "Hokan" for a pop-up explainer.
If I'm going to do an exposition-dump, I may as well format it as a formal exposition-dump.
More edits. I think that does it for this post (0045 PDT).
Wasn't quite done. Now I am... I think. (0305 PDT)
Maybe editing resets the clock on the edit window?
Week 4
<Text File>
Well, I have to call this something, and it can't really be a Captain's Log any longer since I don't actually have a ship right now. One wreck, and one decrepit fast freighter that we'll take delivery of in a few weeks, but nothing right now. May as well format it as an Interim Mission Report from back in my Scout Service days.
Interim Mission Report
Victoria Reconnaissance Mission
1530 ST
Boughene/Regina (Spinward Marches 1904)
Boughene Station
Scout (Separated) Tomos Puch Reporting:
Mission Objectives and Progress:
1. Trace Annic Nova route to its origin.
- Ship may have been connected with Ancients sites, but connection is unclear.
- Map of Victoria/Lanth (Spinward Marches 1817) found aboard Annic Nova with annotation of known and previously unknown Ancients sites.
- Ship's navigation database has annotations suggesting previously unknown Ancients sites in the vicinity of Lanth Subsector.
- Dr. Martin discovered historical records of an outbreak of what appears to have been the viral disease from the ship, on Ylaven/Lanth (Spinward Marches 1916). Coincidentally, the nav database has an annotation of an unknown Ancient site on that world.2. Study Hokan culture and technology.
- Well, the 'technology study' part isn't going to happen now that General Products blew the ship's drives up.
- At least we have copies of the nav database as well as some of their recorded entertainment and educational media.
- General Products' technical advisor notes that their materials dating tests showed the hull had experienced an absurd number of Jump cycles, appearing to have been in use for thousands of years. I consider this unlikely, but it's a data point anyhow.
3. Contact Hokan civilization.
- No progress. We have to find them, first.
Significant Events:
- Inspected wreckage of Annic Nova.
-- Most of the main hull from the cargo deck down, is surprisingly undamaged.
-- Everything from the Maker Device deck up was either vaporized or is beyond salvage.
-- Pinnaces One and Vee were stored separately and not affected.
- Preliminary inspection of Albatross (walk-through).-- Ship has accumulated a significant maintenance backlog (deferred maintenance items noted for follow-up on delivery).
-- Combat damage (laser penetration) port side dorsal, fuel tankage affected.
-- General Products will repair during overhaul.
-- Other systems appear functional, though inspection/testing not complete as power plant not active.
- Contacted by Dame Lishbii Irshinri O.E.G., Knight of Boughene. She offered condolences for the damage to Annic Nova, congratulations on acquiring Albatross, offered assistance (unspecified) with facilitating the Annic Nova rebuild, and relayed that Base Director Kehoe (S.B. Boughene) received notice that we still have a deferred recall to Detached Duty from S.B. Feri. Without the Nova, I'm pretty sure that's a moot point. I advised her that we no longer require the Israfil-class courier she'd offered to loan us for the mission to Victoria/Lanth, as the Albatross will suffice.Personnel Observations:
- Crew morale is Fair, which is better than I expected after the overhaul debacle. It helps that we've got a replacement coming soon.
- Having the Albatross instead of the Israfil-class courier will allow bringing the entire crew of the Annic Nova instead of just myself and two others. I wasn't looking forward to having to make the call on that, and now I don't have to.
- Will need to hire an additional Engineer for the Albatross.
- Will need a highly-skilled Navigator to replace Smythe, especially with the new ship's 5-parsec Jump range.
- Need to consult Ms. Oakley about whether she'll accept a reassignment from Chief Gunner to Ship's Medic at same salary.
- The Albatross has enough staterooms to transport Scout Ketonic as a supernumary, as per her request (and, surprisingly, ability to pay). She could prove useful for reasons I am not at liberty to discuss. (You'll have to trust me on this for now.)
- It is worth mentioning that Dr. Martin decided to return to Feri only after finding out we intended to bring Scout Ketonic on the mission to Victoria/Lanth. I suspect this says something about both of their reasons for accompanying us.
Minor edits after initial posting.
Mouse-over the box with the word "Hokan" for a pop-up explainer.
If I'm going to do an exposition-dump, I may as well format it as a formal exposition-dump.

More edits. I think that does it for this post (0045 PDT).
Wasn't quite done. Now I am... I think. (0305 PDT)
Maybe editing resets the clock on the edit window?
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