Imagine a remote, isolated frontier colony of less than 600 people. They are
able to grow enough food through hydroponics and in their agrodomes, they
have the machines and raw materials necessary to produce the equipment
they need for their everyday lives, and they have enough spare parts and
the necessary tools to keep all the vital systems working and to develop the
colony - slowly - by building new ones.
However, they have nothing to export, and therefore not the money to finan-
ce imports, so traders do not regularly visit the colony. Besides, the colony is
truly remote and isolated, located more beyond the frontier than on the fron-
tier: The nearest agricultural planet is 38 parsec/days away, the nearest in-
dustrial planet 43 parsec/days, and Terra 63 parsec/days.
Still, there will be some ships visiting the colony now and then. Bold explorers
going even further into the unknown, scientists interested in that remote out-
post of civilization, people who have the money to travel wherever they want.
They are likely to need some supplies (food, water, etc.) and perhaps some
basic spare parts or some services (for example the local doctor's) from the
The problem is: How do they pay for such goods or services ?
Money is not of much use for the colonists, it could well take a year or more
until they have a chance to spend it, and even longer until they have the op-
portunity to spend it for something they really need or want.
So, the colonists probably would want a more immediate kind of payment for
their goods or services, perhaps some goods or services the visitor is able to
provide - basically, a barter economy.
Provided that my basic idea is somewhat right, what could the barter goods
or services be that a visitor to such a remote outpost should be prepared to
give in return for what the colonists have to offer ?
Thank you for your ideas.
able to grow enough food through hydroponics and in their agrodomes, they
have the machines and raw materials necessary to produce the equipment
they need for their everyday lives, and they have enough spare parts and
the necessary tools to keep all the vital systems working and to develop the
colony - slowly - by building new ones.
However, they have nothing to export, and therefore not the money to finan-
ce imports, so traders do not regularly visit the colony. Besides, the colony is
truly remote and isolated, located more beyond the frontier than on the fron-
tier: The nearest agricultural planet is 38 parsec/days away, the nearest in-
dustrial planet 43 parsec/days, and Terra 63 parsec/days.
Still, there will be some ships visiting the colony now and then. Bold explorers
going even further into the unknown, scientists interested in that remote out-
post of civilization, people who have the money to travel wherever they want.
They are likely to need some supplies (food, water, etc.) and perhaps some
basic spare parts or some services (for example the local doctor's) from the
The problem is: How do they pay for such goods or services ?
Money is not of much use for the colonists, it could well take a year or more
until they have a chance to spend it, and even longer until they have the op-
portunity to spend it for something they really need or want.
So, the colonists probably would want a more immediate kind of payment for
their goods or services, perhaps some goods or services the visitor is able to
provide - basically, a barter economy.
Provided that my basic idea is somewhat right, what could the barter goods
or services be that a visitor to such a remote outpost should be prepared to
give in return for what the colonists have to offer ?
Thank you for your ideas.