• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

A Proper Wiki Should Be Here


Absent Friend
Recent publications of material on Traveller on the "Wikia" Wiki have made use of the unlimited license provided under its license. As a result, material LICENSED under the "Fair Use Policy" of Traveller has, essentially, been stolen for profit by a "wiki scavenger." This scavenger publishes using Amazon services, essentially bypassing the copyrights of people like Marc Miller, who owns the rules set and much if not all of the underlying "background."

It is time for people who know how to do these things to think about creating a wiki that runs ONLY ounder the "FUP" type of license -- a license which FORBIDS for-profit use of material specifically protected by copyright or trademark.

You may be willing to write just for the love of doing so. However, the good ideas that have gotten YOU thinking and rolling dice were created by other people. Whether it's pennies or millions (and I doubt Mr. Miller is a millionaire), there is no reason to let someone ELSE make profits on the ideas of Marc Miller and other Traveller writers.

--Gregory P. Lee
Thomas Jones-Low, the Admin at the Wikia wiki, has announced that it can no longer remain hosted by Wikia and that he's looking into alternatives. I've suggested that the CotI wiki might be a good place to transfer all the files and continue the good work, but the last I heard from Thomas was that he was working with Wikia and FFE to figure out what to do.

The data here was not continued mainly due to duplication of effort. I don't see any reason why we could not upload the data here, apart from the age of the wiki code. Any chance of upgrading it?
The data here was not continued mainly due to duplication of effort. I don't see any reason why we could not upload the data here, apart from the age of the wiki code. Any chance of upgrading it?

I can't at present. I'd love to.
Let me know if the situation with Wiki/FFE makes it impossible to keep that wiki up. I may have a solution for it.
Not a solution to add it here, but to setup a server to put it on. I've got a couple of other requests for webserver space so I may be able to get one started and share the space/bandwidth. But if he has a solution in progress already then I won't upstage that. Just consider my idea "Plan B" or "C" or whatever...
I really miss the traveller wikia !

It is the nth time that I want look for a Traveller detail and forget, that the wiki is down.
Sometimes its entries were really different than IMTU but it was a very very usefull tool.
Please let the community know how to help to get it up again. What ever it may be please ask. I miss it for my game preparations and for my free time browsing.
Again: I really miss the traveller wikia !

Greetings MCutter

Something wonderful will happen: