What I don't like about the scout in MT, and in general of all the MT designs in the original three MT books, is that they are all built at TL15. In Book 7: Traders and Gunboats, the scout was TL9, as were the A2 and Sub Merchant. The Gazelle was TL 14 and the SDB was TL 12. A nice wide variety. I think it was also more realistic.
Yes there are a lot of ships on the seas today with the latest technology, but is it really up to military standards? For what it does, would the Imperium be lending out hundreds of TL 15 ships?
I think the scout should be redesigned at a lower TL around 12. TL 9 is just too low. But TL 12 the ships can get spare parts at so many more ports, and it is easier to operate in unexplored teritory.
Free Traders and Merchants under around 1000 tons should also be built at a lower TL for some of the same reasons. Plus, in the Marches, you need to travel a ways to find a TL 15 shipyard.
Military ships like the Gazelle should be built at TL 14 or 15. It's a military ship. The SDB should be built at least at the local TL limit. But how many planets have a TL of 15 Behind the Claw?
Dropping the TL changes everything really fast. Just dropping it to TL 14 doubles the PP volume as I recall.
Just food for thought.