What, for a Traveller ATV?
Caveat - I designed it as a teenager, far too long ago. Check it for accuracy, but it'll be in the ball park.
Tracked ATV TL 10
Dimensions: L 8m, W 4m, H 3m. Front Moderate, Sides & Rear Vertical. Vol 57.6m^3, Area 136 m^2.
Engine: 1.2MW MHD Turbine 2m^2 2T 20,000Cr.
Intake Compressor: 0.12m^3 0.12T 240Cr.
Transmission: 0.72m^3 0.72T 1080Cr Tracked.
Suspension: 8m x 1.6m x 1m = 12.8m^3 12.8T 32,000Cr.
Fuel: 2000 litres hydrocarbon 2m^3 2T 500Cr
Avionics: N/A
Protection: 0.5cm Crystaliron 0.68m^3 6.8T 6120Cr. Front 12, sides & rear 8.
Armament: Pintel mount medium machinegun 0.095T 1500Cr Ammo 500rds 0.0125T 600Cr Optional.
Passengers: 3 Crew, 5 Passengers. 8m^3 0.8T 400Cr Plus survival accommodation 32m^3 1.6T 800Cr.
Electronics & Equipment: 5000 power orbital contact radio 0.0026m^3 0.0013T 5000Cr, Active IR Searchlight 0.01T 2000Cr, Map Box TL9 0.005T 1500Cr, Bulldozer Blade 0.5T 2000Cr, Mine Detector 0.005T 100Cr, Mine Sniffer 0.006T 250Cr, 50m roll Barbed Wire 0.05T 20Cr, Light Earth Moving Equipment 0.01T 50Cr, Vehicle Tool Kit 0.05T 1500Cr, Weapon Toolkit 0.02T 1000Cr, Electronics Toolkit 0.005T 2000Cr, Medical Kit 0.01T 1000Cr, Five Shaped Charges (earthmoving) TL10 0.1T 500Cr,
Sealed Environment: 0.04m^3 0.04T 400Cr.
Life Support: 4m^3 4T 4000Cr.
Spares (1x battle damage repair): Engine 1m^3 1T 10,000Cr, Transmission 0.72m^3 0.72T 1080Cr, Suspension 1.28m^3 1.28T 3200Cr
Totals: 49.57m^3 18.69T 77,390Cr
Cargo: 8.03m^3
Nominal field weight: 21.94T
Ground Pressure: 1T/m^2
Power/Weight = 54
Movement: 159kph, 95kph cross-country, 8kph water.
Ratings: 58m^3 22T 77500Cr Cargo 8m^3 160kph 100kph 8kph.
The ATV cab seats 3 crew in front, with the central gunner's seat on a hydraulic ram lifting to the pintel, and 5 passenger seats behind. A connecting door behind the central passenger seat gives access to the living accommodation behind. The cab and living space are independently sealed and life supported. The vehicle can tow a trailer containing more fuel or other cargo.
Now I know there's at least one error, cos it has a water speed but no water transmission listed, but it'll give you an idea and you can tweak it to suit you.
If you find errors, let me know - it'll save me the trouble of correcting it, which I haven't got around to in the last three decades.
PS. If you meant stats for the Smart Tank, ignore the above - nope, sorry not statted anything like that.