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Addressing Space Combat Damage Disparity


SOC-14 10K
My mind was wandering along the old space combat damage disparity issue (why a turret hit does the same damage to a small craft or a large ship and such) again and I wondered if the simple idea below is as good as it seems to me at first glance. I think it makes space combat a little (or lot) more deadly and can see battles not dragging out into long wear down combats. Maybe someone has already come up with a similar idea. So just putting this out there for comments and flaw nitpicks. Rough format so if it seems unclear just ask but I think it really is pretty clear. It's quite basic and I'm not sure it needs more elaboration, but it could be I'm blind to my presumptions :)

For CT (Book 2 and Book 5):

Each Turret Beam Laser Hit does 10tons damage to the system hit. Higher USP for batteries increases the To Hit probability but not the damage done. If the system is smaller than 10tons apply the damage to subsequent systems until used up. Beam Lasers in this system are MCr0.5 each, the cheap civilian version of lasers, primarily for point defense. Otherwise as per Beam Lasers.

Each Turret Pulse Laser Hit does 20tons damage to the system hit. Higher USP for batteries increases the To Hit probability but not the damage done. If the system is smaller than 20tons apply the damage to subsequent systems until used up. Pulse Lasers in this system are MCr1.0 each. The pricier military version of lasers, primarily for offense (doing more damage) and more reliant on computer DMs to offset the -1 to hit (B2) or reduced USP (B5).

Each Turret Standard HE/KK(1) Missile Hit does 10tons damage to the system hit. Higher USP for batteries increases the To Hit probability but not the damage done. If the system is smaller than 10tons apply the damage to subsequent systems until used up.

Each Turret Nuclear DL(2) Missile Hit does 50tons damage to the system hit. Higher USP for batteries increases the To Hit probability but not the damage done. If the system is smaller than 10tons apply the damage to subsequent systems until used up.

Turret weapons can kill or cripple small craft in one hit. Turret nuclear DL missiles can kill or cripple small ships in one hit.

Each Barbette Weapon Hit does 20tons damage to the system hit. If the system is smaller than 20tons apply the damage to subsequent systems until used up.

Each Bay Weapon Hit does 50tons damage (for 50ton bay) or 100tons damage (for 100ton bay). Nuclear DL Missile Bays are an exception, doing 250tons damage (for 50ton bay) or 500tons (for 100ton bay). If the system is smaller than the damage total apply the remaining damage to subsequent systems until used up. Bay weapons can kill or cripple small ships in one hit. Nuclear DL missile bays can kill or cripple large ships in one hit.

Each Spinal Weapon Hit does 100tons damage per 100tons of weapon. If the system is smaller than the damage total apply the remaining damage to subsequent systems until used up. Spinal weapons can kill or cripple large ships in one hit.

(1) HE/KK - High Explosive/Kinetic Kill - Final solution after closing on target is a high explosive fired impactor doing direct kinetic damage.

(2) Nuclear DL - Nuclear Detonation Laser - Final solution after closing on target is a Nuclear explosive detonation laser shot. A very high energy laser shot at very close range. Nuclear Radiation is negligible except to non-FIB computers.

I'm contemplating adding a point-blank range (for small craft vs large, some undefined as yet size disparity, probably limited to under 100tons for small craft and over 10,000tons for large) for energy weapons, making fighter screens important in protecting large ships. Once closed (after getting through point defenses and fighter screen if any) to point-blank range fighters would be deadly. Doing more damage and not being targetable. Though possibly being subjected to collateral damage from other fire on the large ship.
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My way: (for LBB2 anyway)

Weapon Rules

Missiles – Per LBB2 missiles will always hit the target unless stopped by countermeasures. Missiles are fired at end of turn, and hit at end of following turn.

• ECM program stops all incoming missiles currently in flight on a roll of 7+ each
• Anti-Missile: Lasers can destroy one incoming missile on a roll of 8+ ( +1 DM per laser in turret above the first one) Pulse Lasers must roll 9+. ONLY Beam Lasers used to fire on enemy targets are allowed to fire on incoming missiles, Pulse Lasers cannot shift fire quickly enough.
• Sandcasters: Each incoming missile must save at 11- on 2D6 if sand is fired.

Missile Types – Missiles may be fired from turrets or bays. Bay missiles (commonly called torpedoes) cannot be fired from turrets, but can be launched from ordnance hardpoints on small craft so equipped, i.e. FA-6 Avenger Torpedo/Bomber. A 50-ton missile bay fires 4 torpedoes at a time, a 100-ton bay fires 8.

• Standard HE: does 1D6 hits (less armor) applied randomly
• Standard HEAP: does 4 points damage (less armor) to one location
• HE Torpedo: as standard HE, but 3D6 hits (less armor) applied randomly
• HEAP Torpedo: 8 points damage (less armor) to one location

Energy Weapons – Each turret rolls only once to hit a target. All fired energy weapons in the turret hit on that single roll. Armor protects against each weapon mount independently. For example, a triple laser turret firing all its weapons rolls once to hit, and then once on the location table for 3 points of damage against that location less armor. 3 points of armor would keep out triple beam turrets no matter how many turrets fired.
• Beam Lasers – Beam lasers hit at 8+ (+/- appropriate DM) and do 1 point of damage each.
• Pulse Lasers – Pulse lasers hit at 9+ (+/- appropriate DM) and do 2 points damage each.
• Plasma / Fusion Guns – Both are short range weapons that can be fired from turrets and bays. Plasma guns do 3 points each, Fusion guns do 4. Bay versions are increased by 2 points respectively at 50 tons, 4 at 100 tons.
• Particle Accelerator Weapons (PAW)-
• PAW turrets do 4 points damage (less armor) plus 1 hit radiation damage, crew take 1D6 damage (less personal armor).
• PAW barbettes do 6 points (less armor) and 2 hits/2D6 radiation damage.
• PAW Bays 50-ton bays do 8 points damage (less armor) plus 4 hits & 3D6 personnel radiation damage. 100-ton bays do 12 points damage (less armor) plus 6 hits & 4D6 personnel radiation damage.
Personal armor reduces crew radiation by that armor’s point value.

– Sand will stop incoming laser fire at a rate of I canister of sand per laser stopped. For example: a triple laser turret would do 3 points damage if it hit, but only 1 point if 2 canisters of sand had been fired.

• Sand is launched at the end of the turn and counts towards the next round of laser fire.
• Sand only lasts one round of laser fire.
• Launchers may only launch one canister per turn.
• Sand will not stop fusion/plasma guns or PAW fire.

Armor – Ships may be armored per High Guard rules.

Damage Control

Critical hits may not be repaired since the damage has destroyed the component.

Components damaged to zero cannot be temporarily repaired more than to half their original value. For example: a Jump-2 drive damaged to 0 and then repaired will only function as Jump-1 until permanent repairs can be made.

Turrets hit twice are destroyed and may not be repaired,

All repairs are considered temporary only and will fail after the next jump unless more permanent repairs can be made in a shipyard.

The time required to make a repair is equal to 2D6 combat man-turns minus appropriate skill level. For example: the Jump Drive takes two points damage in combat. The Engineer rolls 2D6 and gets 5…less Engineer-3 equals 2 combat man-turns to patch things up. It means the Engineer will need 2 turns working by himself, or only 1 if another character with Engineer skill helps.

Combat Sequence

• Ranges are defined as moving from Long to Short to Close

1 – Both sides begin at Long Range unless special circumstances have occurred as ruled by the referee.

2 – Combat proceeds as per Book 2 rules (with DM’s per house rules below)

3 – At the end of the turn the ship with the highest agility will determine range for the next turn.

4 – When moving from Short to Close Range in an attempt to force a boarding action against an opponent who has functional weapons, the defender will be able to have 1 free fire round with ½ half of his functional weapons mounts against the attacking ship provided the weapons are still manned at the time of the range change (you can’t run from “starboard to larboard” with gun crews to replace casualties in this round).

• Missiles cannot be used for this free fire because they will not have sufficient time to properly arm prior to impact. At his option the referee may decide this rule does not apply to the specific situation.

Weapon Range Modifiers

Lasers: At Long Range all lasers fire at -1DM (-3 for Pulse)

Plasma/Fusion Guns may ONLY be employed at Short & Close Range

Missiles: Missiles cannot be fired at Close Range. 10+ on 2D6 to hit at Short Range. Automatic hit unless intercepted at Long Range.

All other weapons have no specific range modifiers.

How are you thinking of handling partial damage to a ship's system? For example, if a 50-ton bay takes 10 tons of damage, does the bay still work? Only have a chance of working? Work at reduced USP? What about systems that aren't rated, such as the bridge?
Not all target systems are created equal. Under CT Bk2, different systems took 1 hit per X tons, where X is:
MD: 2 (round up)
JD: 5
PP: 4
Turrets: 1
Fuel: 10
Cargo: 10
Bridge: 1 hit wonder.

I'd suggest keeping that approach... but with:
MD: 2
PP: 4
JD: 5
Comp: 10
Quarters: 20
Cargo: 10
Fuel: 10
Weapons: 5.
Sensors (for MGT compatibility): 5
Hull itself: 50 (See Mayday for why...)
Thanks for the interest all. I intend to get back to this sooner than later, just too many distractions, other distractions ;) at the moment :)
My mind was wandering along the old space combat damage disparity issue (why a turret hit does the same damage to a small craft or a large ship and such) again and I wondered if the simple idea below is as good as it seems to me at first glance.

Maybe it's a very simple answer...

Maybe the technology is affordable, so its cost effective to put as much firepower into a small craft as that of a large ship.

For example...

(From the sales literature.)

The T213 Large Ship Laser, manufactured by Ling Standard Products and shipped via Tukera all over the Imperium, is the standard laser used on large craft. It's a very effective unit, with extra power requirements (above that used in the weapon itself) that's rated at nil.

There is no real reason why these units are not fitted on smaller craft, and today, the T213 and its clones have replaced the older V682's as the main weapon used in starship conflict whether we're speaking of large craft or small.

I'm sure that's not quite what you're looking for in an answer, but it's how I usually tackle game "hums" like this.

Thanks for the interest all. I intend to get back to this sooner than later, just too many distractions, other distractions ;) at the moment :)

Dan...whatever you do...don't listen to the voices. (They're not real.)