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Adventure recommendations

Isn't the The Flaming Eye terribly expensive these days? If found at all?

BTW, this thread is interesting. Are there any reviews out there of all the classic adventures? I have no idea of which ones are good or not.
So why does DGP get the 'uncanon' label when they produced more stuff than anyone outside of GDW, they produced 'high standards' stuff, and best yet, so much was written by the Keith bros...
I don't get it...

Originally posted by MADDog:
So why does DGP get the 'uncanon' label when they produced more stuff than anyone outside of GDW, they produced 'high standards' stuff, and best yet, so much was written by the Keith bros...
I don't get it...

Do a search for Roger Sanger among the forums to find this answer...

Copyrights? That seems awfully 'sour grapes' to me...You mean I can't write anything about the Traveller universe if I use a speck of info from a DGP product all because some economic terrorist POS wants to hold said info hostage??
That doesn't seem fair.
Why don't we just get together as a group, have RS declaired incompetent and have Hunter approved as legal guardian of the DGP licenses...

RS - Seriously. Dude, you are giving your copyrights the value of $0 - I can say my toe jam is worth $400,000, but if nobody is going to pay it, then the reality is my toe jam is worth NOTHING. All the hard work of Traveller GODS like the Keith Bros. goes into the trash bin...thanks alot pal.

<grumble...I guess I'll stop paying $$$$ for DGP crap on Ebay then...>