So, I've started my Traveller Hero game with a group that's done little other than fantasy for the last decade, and it's become fairly popular with the group. I ran them through a couple of adventure seeds I already have (the interminable Exit Visa scenario in the Traveller Book and encounter 6 from 76 Patrons*) and one adventure (the classic, incomparable Annic Nova, with the addition of a little "space thriller" style atmosphere). The adventure seeds work really well for me, since my group's atypical in composition and I can adapt an adventure seed very easily, unlike a scenario.
So I was wondering if you wonderful people had any adventure seeds to contribute? I'm a huge fan of 76 Patrons and the mini-adventure style it's written in. And since I don't like to leech without contributing:
01. Han Biaadin's Wild Discovery
Required Skills: various
Required Equipment: none
While on layover on Nasemin, the players are approached by a man dressed like a tourist. He explains that he works for Han Biaadin, a famous Vilani media personality who creates holovids exploring various natural phenomena on worlds in the Spinward Marches. Biaadin was supposed to produce a holovid covering the byssals, huge marine animals native to Nasemin that are hunted by the locals for a particular chemical. Unfortunately, Biaadin's holovid crew, who arrived on-planet weeks ago to set up for the production, are nowhere to be seen. Biaadin is running under extreme time constraints, and his assistant asked around the starport for skilled individuals who might be employed temporarily, and was directed to the player group. He offers Cr2000 to each player for a two week stint as production assistants, drivers, etc.
Referee's Information: The situation is as the patron indicates. He's willing to extend about Cr 10,000 total to cover expenses (submarine rental, etc.) but is not willing to cover illegal or illicit purchases, and prefers rentals to outright purchases.
1-2. The previous holovid crew ran afoul of local traditions and are stranded on the planet, on the run from various groups of locals. This information will come out during one of Biaadin's televised stunts. Biaadin will want to get them, and use the rescue as part of his holovid.
3-5. The previous holovid crew are smugglers who have been using Biaadin's holovid series as a cover for their operations. They made planetfall, but ran afoul of the local organized crime syndicate. The syndicate's leaders are convinced that Biaadin is part of the smuggling ring (based in part on erroneous information given them by the holovid crew), and plan to kidnap him in order to take over his organization. The syndicate will find out the itinerary from various equipment rental shops under their control, and then strike while the group is well away from centralized authority.
6. As in 3, but Biaadin actually is the leader of a highly successful smuggling ring, and will have contingency plans in place involving his local contacts to provide himself added security.
In all cases, the referee must determine the flow of subsequent events.
So I was wondering if you wonderful people had any adventure seeds to contribute? I'm a huge fan of 76 Patrons and the mini-adventure style it's written in. And since I don't like to leech without contributing:
01. Han Biaadin's Wild Discovery
Required Skills: various
Required Equipment: none
While on layover on Nasemin, the players are approached by a man dressed like a tourist. He explains that he works for Han Biaadin, a famous Vilani media personality who creates holovids exploring various natural phenomena on worlds in the Spinward Marches. Biaadin was supposed to produce a holovid covering the byssals, huge marine animals native to Nasemin that are hunted by the locals for a particular chemical. Unfortunately, Biaadin's holovid crew, who arrived on-planet weeks ago to set up for the production, are nowhere to be seen. Biaadin is running under extreme time constraints, and his assistant asked around the starport for skilled individuals who might be employed temporarily, and was directed to the player group. He offers Cr2000 to each player for a two week stint as production assistants, drivers, etc.
Referee's Information: The situation is as the patron indicates. He's willing to extend about Cr 10,000 total to cover expenses (submarine rental, etc.) but is not willing to cover illegal or illicit purchases, and prefers rentals to outright purchases.
1-2. The previous holovid crew ran afoul of local traditions and are stranded on the planet, on the run from various groups of locals. This information will come out during one of Biaadin's televised stunts. Biaadin will want to get them, and use the rescue as part of his holovid.
3-5. The previous holovid crew are smugglers who have been using Biaadin's holovid series as a cover for their operations. They made planetfall, but ran afoul of the local organized crime syndicate. The syndicate's leaders are convinced that Biaadin is part of the smuggling ring (based in part on erroneous information given them by the holovid crew), and plan to kidnap him in order to take over his organization. The syndicate will find out the itinerary from various equipment rental shops under their control, and then strike while the group is well away from centralized authority.
6. As in 3, but Biaadin actually is the leader of a highly successful smuggling ring, and will have contingency plans in place involving his local contacts to provide himself added security.
In all cases, the referee must determine the flow of subsequent events.