Adventurer !
Yes, Adventurer, the traveller pastiche of D&D is still progressing. Its been undergoing playtesting and a serious reedit and reorganization which I'm now adding to the main ms -which will eventually be available for download.
For now,I'd appreciate comments on once particular change I've decided on: modifiers for characteristics. They are very genre appropriate, but often come to dominate chargen and task resolution. Specifically, Traveller, (and I) seem to be predicated on the concept that while your basic makeup is important, what one
learns is more important. The classic example is this: would you rather have heart surgery by another character with average stats and Medical -1, or an unskilled character with a +4 dex modifier (assuming Dex is what should be used, substitute whatever works for you) ? How about an average character with Medic 4 vs the high dexterity medic 0 ? Both have the exact same chance of success, but should they ? In other words, a high Stat modifier allows a character access to lots more skills by balancing out the unskilled penalty.
Yet, genre conventions of Swords and Sorcery are full of the characters superior makeup (mighty thews, catlike grace, pantherish speed and all that ) being of notable importance. So, here's how I'm hoping to address it in adventurer.
[FONT="]Traveller (and by extension Adventurer) is based on the premise that what a character knows and learns is more important than what abilities they were born with. While it is important not to let the characteristics become more important than the skills, the genre is full of examples where a protagonists raw makeup, be it strength, endurance or intelligence, makes the difference, particularly in a contest of equals. Accordingly, extreme scores provide a modifier to unskilled task attempt (discussed in the section on skills).[/FONT]
[FONT="]Stat Mod[/FONT]
[FONT="]0-2 -2[/FONT]
[FONT="]3-4 -1[/FONT]
[FONT="]5-9 0[/FONT]
[FONT="]10-11 +1[/FONT]
[FONT="]12+ +2[/FONT]
[FONT="]For opposed skilled task rolls, the characteristic effects the contest by providing a +1 to the character with the highest relevant characteristic. [/FONT]
[FONT="]For simple unopposed tasks rolls, no characteristic modifier should be used. It is assumed that the characters native trait is included in the skill level.[/FONT]
Hows that sound ?