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Adventurer: CT and OD&D. What if ?

Update to Beta 2 in progress !

Hey all.

So, I've been plunking away at Adventurer, and am in the process of getting the second Beta uploaded. Currently I'm doing sections, and while I'd love to upload the file here, the limit for PDF files is less than 5 meg, and they don't fit.

So, I've got them hosted for now at box.net -

here are the first two sections:

Characters and Kit http://www.box.net/shared/snnutnptnl
Sorcerors and spells. http://www.box.net/shared/anj6ly1lty

Enjoy !

(Hey Mithras - any comments ?)
Two more files for Adventurer (a traveller/FRPG S&S mashup)

Two more files for Adventurer (a traveller/FRPG S&S mashup)
Okay, I've got an unfinished first pass at the dungeon sections (the ever popular UDP universal dungeon profile) including all the basics (size, type, who lives there, how they keep it safe) as well as their treasure horde determination.

Also, this inspired me to a first pass on writing magic item and creation rules.

The latter in particular is a first pass -I'd really appreciate some comments or critique this time; I know we're all busy, but hey, this is free, and can only be improved by help.

New files:
Magic items
Towers and Terrors
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Adventurer !

Yes, Adventurer, the traveller pastiche of D&D is still progressing. Its been undergoing playtesting and a serious reedit and reorganization which I'm now adding to the main ms -which will eventually be available for download.

For now,I'd appreciate comments on once particular change I've decided on: modifiers for characteristics. They are very genre appropriate, but often come to dominate chargen and task resolution. Specifically, Traveller, (and I) seem to be predicated on the concept that while your basic makeup is important, what one learns is more important. The classic example is this: would you rather have heart surgery by another character with average stats and Medical -1, or an unskilled character with a +4 dex modifier (assuming Dex is what should be used, substitute whatever works for you) ? How about an average character with Medic 4 vs the high dexterity medic 0 ? Both have the exact same chance of success, but should they ? In other words, a high Stat modifier allows a character access to lots more skills by balancing out the unskilled penalty.

Yet, genre conventions of Swords and Sorcery are full of the characters superior makeup (mighty thews, catlike grace, pantherish speed and all that ) being of notable importance. So, here's how I'm hoping to address it in adventurer.

[FONT=&quot]Traveller (and by extension Adventurer) is based on the premise that what a character knows and learns is more important than what abilities they were born with. While it is important not to let the characteristics become more important than the skills, the genre is full of examples where a protagonists raw makeup, be it strength, endurance or intelligence, makes the difference, particularly in a contest of equals. Accordingly, extreme scores provide a modifier to unskilled task attempt (discussed in the section on skills).[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Stat Mod[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]0-2 -2[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]3-4 -1[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]5-9 0[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]10-11 +1[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]12+ +2[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]For opposed skilled task rolls, the characteristic effects the contest by providing a +1 to the character with the highest relevant characteristic. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]For simple unopposed tasks rolls, no characteristic modifier should be used. It is assumed that the characters native trait is included in the skill level.[/FONT]
Hows that sound ?
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As it happens, I've been thinking about something similar for some houserules I'm devising, and I hit the same problem.
The solution I'm leaning toward is that mods only give the edge on the edge.
For most rolls, skilled or not, they make no difference, even on opposed rolls. But, if an opposed roll is a draw, the guy with the highest relevant stat mod wins. Also, if the dice indicate a marginal failure, a high stat will give a +1 bonus just to tip the scales.
I hope my GM from another game isn't reading this though, cos I've got a character with very high Dex...
As it happens, I've been thinking about something similar for some houserules I'm devising, and I hit the same problem.
The solution I'm leaning toward is that mods only give the edge on the edge.
For most rolls, skilled or not, they make no difference, even on opposed rolls. But, if an opposed roll is a draw, the guy with the highest relevant stat mod wins. Also, if the dice indicate a marginal failure, a high stat will give a +1 bonus just to tip the scales.
I hope my GM from another game isn't reading this though, cos I've got a character with very high Dex...

For 5CrImp I won't rat you off...:devil:

That said, that's an interesting approach. I'm likely to swipe it for traveller, although I do like a bit more physical input in low tech settings. I think that may be too much for players used to modern design, also, although thats not a big consideration.
The solution I'm leaning toward is that mods only give the edge on the edge.
For most rolls, skilled or not, they make no difference, even on opposed rolls. But, if an opposed roll is a draw, the guy with the highest relevant stat mod wins.

Neat idea, but I'd go with the highest STAT not stat mod as a tie breaker so that you'll have fewer tie breaker-breakers, and it gives some advantage to having (say) an 8 over a 7.
AAACS (Alternate Adventurer Abstract Combat System)

So, I've got a pdf available for the AAACS (Alternate Adventurer Abstract Combat System) available for perusal; and yes, I'd appreciate comments, and any actual playtest reports will get me to buy you a beer if we ever meet.

Adventurer book 1: Characters and conflict is now available !

Adventurer book 1: Characters and conflict is now available !

Low tech or Swords and Sorcery Traveller rules !

Character generation, equipment and money system, and two options for Low-tech traveller style combat.

This is the first part of a new reorganization of the previous Omnibus edition.
For details, check out my blog in the sigline, below !
My first impression:

It is ... so beautiful. I want to weep. With joy.

Great entertaining read, even before I've gotten into reading much detail or rolling up a character yet. I love the break-out boxes for flavour and background text.

Great stuff.
I am printing it out now. I shall take it to my D&D game tonight and mention it.

Captain SIR!, I am with eagerness waiting any revisions of the other documents in Adventurer.
Book three: Races, Realms and Riches is up !

Well, here it is. Book three of three.


This covers the equiv of the wilderness and underworld adventures for original D&D. Player and non-player races, animal and fantastic creature generation rules; map, city and dungeon generation rules, plus traveller style profile strings ! Major geek fest !

All it seems to lack at this point are some easy combat rules for flyers, and a few careers for the same -or at least skills for them.
A new revision coming out, so a new version of the intro:

In Principio
It’s a simple premise that started this: what if G & A had different inspirations than the one(s) that became The Big RPG . From it (so far) has come at least two variants I really like: Mazes and Minotaurs and Xplorers ; these ask “what if the font of inspiration was Greek myths, or Science fiction. Really well done, check em out.

This, then, is that, but spun thusly: what if the first RPG was Traveller? I’m not even going to get into the possibility that this might have happened (I hasten to add), but rather just follow it up . What if Fantasy was the red-headed stepchild of the RPG industry, which is seven-tenths dominated by endless SciFi worlds adventures and rules sets. Specifically…. recovered from the detreitus of a quantum chronoinfindibulum experiment at CERN, which turned out to contain this manuscript and some very, very odd dice.

In 1974, a garage-based game failed to get off of the ground due to lack of financing, and the efforts of two well known miniature and board game designers (an odd miniatures supplement called “the fantasy game” ) languished unpublished in a box in a garage. Eventually the designers ended up at GDW, best known nowadays for the breakthrough and innovative game Traveller which caught and rode the wave of star wars popularity, and created a whole new genre and audience for games. Adventure Simulations Games (as they are called) cater to an endless variety of SF settings and adventures, all ultimately derived from Traveler and an infinite variety of SF settings. Looking to expand the boundaries of the new hobby to other genres, G & A convince GDW to try a new approach to travelling: “howzabout something like that Robert E. Howard/Lovecraft genre , but the swords and sorcery version more than the pulp horror of Investigator; you know, like in Fritz Leiber's stuff ? …or, heck, Anderson's fantasy stuff...... Low tech, ya' know ? C'mon Marc, pleeeeeeze ?”

And so, in 1977, following the phenomenal success of book 8 (Droidbots), The Adventure game is dragged out and dusted off. Months later, Book 9 Adventurer is released. Always enjoying a small but devoted player base, Fantasy has remained a constant niche in Adventure simulation gaming. Adventurer has been the touchstone of the genre, and despite revisions and imitations, has always remained in print for the entire run of all editions of traveler, through Advance, 2nd and 3rd edition. With the contentious release of Traveller 4.0 considerable interest in older editions of the original ASG has developed, and GDW (now owned by Conhugebro) has now rereleased the original edition and supplements for a new generation. Whether you are a revered elder gamer from the first days, or a recent entry to the hobby, we are delighted to present the most unusual supplement Traveller ever produced.

“Scouts may come and go, and core rules change from space opera to gritty apocalyptic SF(and back), but swinging a sword and looting evil ruins always remains a comforting constant. Plus, there are no frikkin’ stellar spectra charts to constantly bicker and obsess about updating, right Marc ? “

– G, asked about the constant popularity of Adventurer at AdventuCon 22.

“Two words: Pole Arms.”
-Marc’s response
