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Alien races of 2300AD?

I've seen some references to races like the Kafer and the Ylii on these boards (been doing some digging), but other than the Kafer, I know nothing about these races. Could someone please give me a brief but informative rundown on these races (minus the Kafer, of course).

--just what are "the Ylii" like? NB
besides the kafers, 2300 hosted a number of alien races. here's a brief description for you stright from the 2300 directors guide and kafer sourcebook.
the ylii are a rather timid race conquered by the kafers and are responsible for much of the kafers high technology. they evolved around a dim star and therefore have a rather goggle-eyed appearance. they are also unusual in that they consist of a number of sub-races. imagine chimps, gorilla, humans, etc. all evolving intelligence at the same time. sort of a planet of the apes thing.
next come the pentapods. a race looking like a bunch of upright squids. their mastery of biotechnology allows them to make tailored items for sale to humans. they also do the same thing to themselves if needed.
the klaxun were introduced in the first adventure. a combination of animal and plant, they are very primitive. they resemble a tentacled tree with quartz 'eyes'.
the ebers are tall, heavy, with short legs and very long arms whose elbows nearly reach the ground. they were once very advanced but blew themselves back to medieval technology. long-lived, they are noticable for having a multiple-personality thought process.an example given is a person giving different answers to a question depending whether they are considering the question as a father, businessman, scientist, etc.
the sung are the first alien race to engage in a war with humans. having no stutterwarp drive, the humans won easily. the sung are a race of fliers somewhat resemblimg traveller's droyne. their society calls for more advanced civilizations to conquer and educate less advanced ones. sort of an alien white man's burden. they applied this to each other, then another race found in their system. misunderstandings with humans led to the short-lived Sung War.
the 'enslaved' race in question is the xiang. they look like ten-legged crabs with the front legs developed into arms. a peaceful race of artists, they make their lives around their 'dirt-mothers', a large disk-shaped plant with which the xiang are symbiotically intertwined with.

i hope this helps.
no. psionics were never a part of the game.

with ooooooone exception. the nyotekundu sourcebook contained an adventure on a space station orbiting a gas giant. the crew finds the fossilized remains of an alien life form which passed this area of space many, many moons ago. it was said to resemble a large starfish but an illustration looked more like a flea. ANYWAY, the crew finds a strange plant with the creature. this plant turns out to be a sort of 'psionic notebook' that the creature leaves before it dies. this notebook (i can only presume that it wasn't windows-based software) unknowingly drives one of the crew insane and he tries to take over the station. mayhem ensues.
another point. one of the early theories for kafer behavior was that the race was psionic but that using their powers was used only in emergency situations. later discoveries proved this to be incorrect, but the fact that it was mentioned makes one think that psionics were a possibility humans were considering encountering on their explorations among aliens.
Well, yeah, in that sense it's like MechWarrior. But it doesn't have giant stomping robots, either. :D
Don't get me wrong, I like giant stomping robots, but in their place. 2300 isn't their place. (Unless, of course, you really want it to be. I don't, but that's just me. In your own game, go nuts.

2320AD writer and nutcase
How about modular hard-points? New weapons and equipment developed especially for small stomping robots? New armors? :D

The Kafer version? :eek:

The Pentapod version?

2320AD Writer and Nutjob
Mmmmmm....stompy robots....

In all seriousness, I was never insinuating that 2300AD had giant stompy robots in it. I was merely comparing its total lack of psionics to this game's total lack of psionics.

Most interesting. However, I have a further question along these lines: are any stellar nations or species working on psionics and/or genetic engineering? I imagine with the Kafer hordes breathing down Humanity's collective backs there'd be a high interest in "super soldier" genetics and such.

--also, what's the status on cybernetics in 2300AD? NB
psionics were never a part of 2300. IMHO, it would probably bring up too many comparisons to traveller. the overall feel of 2300 was to be along NEAR future lines rather than the far future. ex.: movies like 'alien' & 'outland'.

genetic engineering was mentioned and sometimes integrated into the storyline. a major example of this is the modification of colonists on the planet king to adapt them to the high-g and sulfuric-tainted atmosphere there. there was also a criminal organization called provolution whose stated goal was the creation of genetic 'super-race' but overall gene modification was glossed over in favor of the kafer war.

just a moment. just a moment. i do recall an article in challenge magazine whose plot involved the kidnapping of the pc's by clandestine french authorities. the pc's were then abandoned on a desert island whose other inhabitant was a gene-modified soldier being tested for use in the kafer war. normally, the pc's kill the soldier and escape.

if you have an interest in this, you might look for the 'war world' series of book edited by jerry pournelle. they featured the sauron's. a race of gene-modified soldiers.

cybernetics were another uncomfortable addition to 2300. an entire section was added to the earth sourcebook bringing an element of cyberpunk to 2300, but it never really seemed to fit in. (IMHO) i guess the rough-and-tumble worlds of the frontier didn't call for a group of people whose only ability was to sit at a computer for hours on end. heyyy...wait a minute.
Originally posted by ElHombre:
The Nyotekundu sourcebook contained an adventure on a space station orbiting a gas giant. the crew finds the fossilized remains of an alien life form which passed this area of space many, many moons ago. it was said to resemble a large starfish but an illustration looked more like a flea. ANYWAY, the crew finds a strange plant with the creature. this plant turns out to be a sort of 'psionic notebook' that the creature leaves before it dies. this notebook (i can only presume that it wasn't windows-based software) unknowingly drives one of the crew insane and he tries to take over the station. mayhem ensues.
Interesting...so psionics DOES exist, just that none of the established species have access to it.

--vewy vewy intewesting NB
Originally posted by Colin:
How about modular hard-points? New weapons and equipment developed especially for small stomping robots? New armors? :D
The Kafer version? :eek:
The Pentapod version?

2320AD Writer and Nutjob
I had warrior Pentapods. Think biological ED-209s.
The Kafers don't need small giant robots to go stomping. :)
And 2300 does have exoskeletons, they're very popular on one world as a means of all-terrain travel (I forget which world).

- Rob.
Originally posted by robmyers:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Colin:
How about modular hard-points? New weapons and equipment developed especially for small stomping robots? New armors? :D
The Kafer version? :eek:
The Pentapod version?

2320AD Writer and Nutjob
I had warrior Pentapods. Think biological ED-209s.
The Kafers don't need small giant robots to go stomping. :)
And 2300 does have exoskeletons, they're very popular on one world as a means of all-terrain travel (I forget which world).

- Rob.
</font>[/QUOTE]It's one of the Chinese worlds. Syuhlam is the name that comes to mind. They weren't exoskeletons, but the Chinese pod-type walkers.

AS for battlesuits, 2300's combat walkers are about 3m tall, heavily armed. They don't compare to BattleTech battlesuits though. Different tech assumptions (they don't jump, fr ex). Same basic idea. They're what I meant by small stomping robots.

Kafers don't use many of them, but they do have them.

2320AD writer and certified nutjob
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> AS for battlesuits, 2300's combat walkers are about 3m tall, heavily armed.
Which is about the same size as T20 BattleDress ;)
</font>[/QUOTE]Battledress isn't that big. It can actually fit into buildings and go through doors. For the most part, combat walkers can't. Different technological assumptions. T20 battledress, though designed as a vehicle, is used as a suit or armor, while combat walkers really are vehicles. Think the loader from Aliens, but with armor.

2320AD Writer and nutcase
Yey, I got a bite ;)

1vl=10litres (THB p223)

300vl = 3000litres = 3cubic metres

Average human volume = 75-100litres = 7.5-10vl

I don't have a problem with a seated human at a work station requiring 110vl because a seated human does take up a lot of room and needs the space to move around.
I've always thought of Battledress as form fitting, therefore T20 BattleDress makes me think of T2300 Combat Walkers
3 cubic meters? Hmm, you're right. That's huge. I'll have to check that up (my books aren't with me). OK, IMTU, battledress aint't that big. I suspect that's flaw in the design system. Perhaps there should be a "form-fitting" control system with a vol of, say, 20, or even 40. Not my call. Design decisions for 2320 are, though.

2320AD writer and nutjob
Poul Anderson's Hokas can be used in 2300 for spoilers, etc. The same can be said for the Groaci if you wanted to replace the Kafer with Groaci, you could have a slightly silly tongue in cheek game. Keith Laumer's Retief series has lots of possibilities.