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Alternate/modified ship tech

My only modifications would be to use autoloaders and introduce lighter-weight parts at lower TLs.
andy: implement the tasks as written in 2300. the tasks are compatible.
Originally posted by Andy Fralix:

Magazines with autoloaders Modern naval vessels use them - Why not starcraft. I applied data from one of the older anternate combat system vehicle rules years ago so I don't remember which it was. Basicly reduce the magazine capacity to 100 missles and/or sand canisters per ton vs. MT's 135 per ton to allow for the autoloader mechanisms. I also figured a minium size of .5 tons as a magazine. It may be possible to have multiple weapons using the same magazine depending on turret location. Each autoloader costs .01 MCr, adds .1 ton weight and consumes .1 power. (I even add this to HG ships even though magazines were not required by HG.)
I think I'll add that to my CT LBB2 variant (which I'm going to submit to the next Stellar Reaches). But first, what is the missile's volume? In CT, 1 dton=14,000 liters; once I'll have the volume of one missile, I'll calculate how many of them sit per dton. Other than that, I think that I'll stick with your stats.

Built in robots This is mentioned in LBB#8, but I have never actually seen it done.
I'm currently planning a drone fighter (no pilot, only robo-brain, TL12) using The Oz's small craft design system and LB8; I'll post the stats tomorrow.
I built a LBB2 torpedo/drone that is basically a type A maneuver drive and power plant - 5 tons - fitted with a robot brain and a hardpoint for three sand canisters - to defend against anti-missile programs and laser fire - total cost 13.85MCr.
It causes 5d6 hits when it rams home...
First, the Robot Brain (LBB8 design):
Robotic Fighter Brain 31000-00-PP223-0055(8) Cr490,800 33.9Kg Powered by Fighter's Power Plant TL=12
10/25 (Mesh)
Elec. Circuit Protection, Power Interface, Brain interface, Extensive ECM
Ship's Boat-4
Ship Tactics-1
Notes: Design lacks locomotion, power plant or a sensor as it is plugged directly into the Fighter's power plant and computer; it uses the Fighter's integral sensor arrays for input.

Then, The Fighter (Steve Osmanski's Design System):
Wasp-Class Robotic Fighter (TL-12): Using a 20-dton hull the Robotic Fighter is capable of 6-Gs acceleration, carries two ton of fuel (giving 12 days endurance for the power plant) and has a crew of none (it is completely controoled by the Robot Brain described above). The Robotic Fighter does not have an airlock and no fresher and it doesn't need any of these. The Robotic Fighter mounts a fixed (forward-facing) Fusion Gun and has an Armor Factor of 8. The Robotic Fighter comes with a Computer Mod/2 Fib. The Robotic Fighter has 2.65 tons of excess space available and costs MCr35.66 single or MCr28.53 mass produced.

Note that the Armor and the Fusion Gun are incorporated into this LBB2-centric design according to Sig Oddra's LBB2 Armor/Heavy Weapon Rules.