SOC-14 10K
Lovely Hecateus, players beware...Originally posted by Hecateus:
"How can this planet have both a government and a Law Level without a Population? Any suggestions what this might mean? A self-perpetuating oligarcy with no citizens? "
This reminds me of a PS1 game I have: Legend of the Dragoon
Therein an abondoned place called Lawcity exists which automagically maintains the city and enforces long dead laws.
Imagine a party of explorers driving their ContraGrav craft through a long abandoned city only to be pulled over by AutoCops and given a ticket for running a red light.![]()
An archeology site on an apparently abandoned world in some backwater system...
"Well Professor according to the first census this world used to be a teeming metropolitan hub with very advanced technology and a thriving starship industry. The government was a little oppressive and maintained the peace with a very strict set of laws."
"That is correct, of course now it is a dead world, those numbers from thousands of years ago are meaningless garbage. Let us begin the excavation and see what we can learn of the society that once lived here."
Digging machines commence with the work, quickly uncovering what seems to be an intact robot which powers up once fully excavated...
"You are in violation of civil code 2389-7610-23. You are under arrest. Cease your activity, shut down your equipment, then lie face down with your hands on the back of your head with fingers interlocked and cross your legs. Comply immediately or I will use necessary force to subdue you until transport arrives." To emphasize its point the robot deploys two menacing looking devices and aims them at the archeologists...