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An example 2 BCr High Guard Combat


SOC-14 1K
Public Game Data:

Initial Set Up: The 2 KTon ship Agility 3 Hurricane faces off against two ships-- the 1.3 Kton Agility 3 Capella and the 700 ton Agility 3 Vargr's Despair.

Turn 1: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 5. Capella rolls 2. Hurricane has initiative. Range is automatically at long.

Hurricane is the first ship to receive fire.

Capella fires Missile-5 at Hurricane. Rolls a 9. Hit. Rolls an 8 against nuclear dampers. Penetration!
Rolls 12 (DM +9). [Weapon-1] Applied to Missiles. One battery destroyed.
Rolls 8 (DM +15). [No Effect]

Capella fires Laser-7 at Hurricane. Rolls a 6. Miss.

Vargr's Despair fires Missile-4 at Hurricane. Rolls a 7. Miss.

Hurricane fires 2 Missile-9's at Capella. Rolls 5, 9. One Hit.
Rolls 7 (DM +7). [Weapon-1] Applied to Missile battery, reducing it by one factor.
Rolls 4 (DM +13). [Weapon-1] Applied to Laser battery, reducing it by one factor.

Turn 2: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 3. Capella rolls 4. Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to SHORT.

Capella fires Missile-4 at Hurricane. Rolls a 7. Miss.

Capella fires Laser-6 at Hurricane. Rolls a 12. Hit.
Rolls 9 (DM +15). [No Effect]

Vargr's Despair fires Missile-4 at Hurricane. Rolls a 4. Miss.

Vargr's Despair fires Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Rolls a 11. Hit.
Rolls 2 (DM +15). [Weapon-1] Applied to Missile battery, reducing it by one factor.

Hurricane fires Missile-9 at Capella. Rolls a 8. Hit.
Rolls 10 (DM +7). [Weapon-1] Applied to MISSILE BATTERY.
Rolls 11 (DM +13). [No Effect]

Turn 3: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 6. Capella rolls 1. Hurricance has initiative. Hurricance moves range to Long.

Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 10. Penetration!
Rolls 7 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Fuel-1]
Rolls 11 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Capella firing Beam-6 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-8 at Capella. Roll 4. Miss.

Turn 4: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 4. Capella rolls 1. Hurricance has initiative. Hurricance moves range to Long.

Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 8. Penetration!
Rolls 9 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Missiles reducing them to factor 7)
Rolls 9 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Capella firing Beam-6 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 7. Penetration!
Rolls 9 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Missiles reducing them to factor 6)
Rolls 5 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Missiles reducing them to factor 5)
Hurricane firing Nuclear-8 at Capella. Roll 7. 1 hit.
Rolls 7 (DM +7) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Beams reducing them to factor 5)
Rolls 12 (DM +13) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]

Turn 5: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 2. Capella rolls 5. Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.

Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 7. 1 hit deflected!
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-5 at Capella. Roll 5. Miss.

Turn 6: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 4. Capella rolls 2. Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.

Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 3. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 9. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 11. Penetration!
Rolls 6 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Reduces Hurricane to Nuclear-4.)
Rolls 10 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]

Hurricane firing Nuclear-5 at Capella. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Rolls 4 (DM +7) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-2] (Reduces Capella to Nuclear-1.)
Rolls 3 (DM +13) on Radiation Damage Table. [Fuel-1]

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 1. Capella rolls 3.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 12. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 5. 1 hit deflected!
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.

Turn 7:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 2. Capella rolls 5.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.

Turn 8:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 4. Capella rolls 3.) (Hurricance rolls 6. Capella rolls 3.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Must roll 10+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 6. 1 hit deflected!
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Rolls 11 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [No Effect]

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 6. 1 hit deflected!

Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 8. Miss.

Turn 9:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 1. Capella rolls 6.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Rolls 8 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [No Effect]

Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.

Turn 10:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 5. Capella rolls 2.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Must roll 10+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 7. 1 hit deflected!
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 4. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.

Turn 11:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 5. Capella rolls 5.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 2. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 8. Penetration!
Rolls 8 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1]
Rolls 8 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Rolls 9 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [No Effect]

Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 3. Miss.

Turn 12:

Capella moves to the reserve.
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. No fleet bonus.
(Hurricance rolls 3. Vargr's Despair rolls 2.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 7. Miss.

Capella attempts to repair its Beam-5 back up to Beam-6. Need 9+. Rolls 5.
Capella's repairs are unsuccessful.

Turn 13:

Capella moves to the reserve.
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. No fleet bonus.
(Hurricance rolls 3. Vargr's Despair rolls 4.)
Vargr's Despair has initiative. Vargr's Despair moves range to Short.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 3. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 9. Miss.

Capella attempts to repair its Beam-5 back up to Beam-6. Need 9+. Rolls 4.
Capella's repairs are unsuccessful.
Turn 14:

Capella moves to the reserve.
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. No fleet bonus.
(Hurricance rolls 5. Vargr's Despair rolls 1.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Rolls 8 (DM +6) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1]
Rolls 9 (DM +12) on Radiation Damage Table. [Weapon-1]

Capella attempts to repair its Beam-5 back up to Beam-6. Need 9+. Rolls 6.
Capella's repairs are unsuccessful.

Turn 15:

Capella moves to the reserve.
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. No fleet bonus.
(Hurricance rolls 5. Vargr's Despair rolls 4.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 7. Miss.

Capella attempts to repair its Beam-5 back up to Beam-6. Need 9+. Rolls 7.
Capella's repairs are unsuccessful.

Turn 16:

Capella moves to the reserve.
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. No fleet bonus.
(Hurricance rolls 2. Vargr's Despair rolls 6.)
Vargr's Despair has initiative. Vargr's Despair moves range to Short.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-4 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 8. Miss.

Capella attempts to repair its Beam-5 back up to Beam-6. Need 9+. Rolls 6.
Capella's repairs are unsuccessful.

Turn 17:

Capella moves to the reserve.
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. No fleet bonus.
(Hurricance rolls 5. Vargr's Despair rolls 5.) (Hurricance rolls 6. Vargr's Despair rolls 6.) (Hurricance rolls 4. Vargr's Despair rolls 2.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.

Capella attempts to repair its Beam-5 back up to Beam-6. Need 9+. Rolls 8.
Capella's repairs are unsuccessful.

Turn 18:

Capella moves to the reserve.
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. No fleet bonus.
(Hurricance rolls 2. Vargr's Despair rolls 5.)
Vargr's Despair has initiative. Vargr's Despair moves range to Short.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 9. Penetration!
Rolls 7 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Fuel-1]
Rolls 8 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-4 at Hurricane. Roll 12. 1 hit.
Rolls 8 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [No Effect]

Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.

Capella attempts to repair its Beam-5 back up to Beam-6. Need 9+. Rolls 7.
Capella's repairs are unsuccessful.

Turn 19:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 5. Capella rolls 3.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 3. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 4. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 8. Miss.

Turn 20:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 3. Capella rolls 6.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 4. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 11. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 9. Penetration!
Rolls 10 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Fuel-1]
Rolls 9 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-4 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.

Turn 21:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 5. Capella rolls 4.) (Hurricance rolls 4. Capella rolls 2.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 12. 1 hit.
Rolls 3 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1]

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 4. Miss.

Turn 22:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 6. Capella rolls 6.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 11. 1 hit.
Must roll 10+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 8. 1 hit deflected!
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-4 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-2 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 2. Miss.

Turn 23:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 2. Capella rolls 2.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-4 at Hurricane. Roll 3. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-2 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 6. Miss.

Turn 24:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 3. Capella rolls 4.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 2. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 4. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-4 at Hurricane. Roll 2. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-2 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 10. Miss.

Turn 25:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 2. Capella rolls 6.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 9. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-4 at Hurricane. Roll 12. 1 hit.
Rolls 6 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1]

Hurricane firing Nuclear-2 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 7. Miss.

Turn 26:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 2. Capella rolls 1.) (Hurricance rolls 2. Capella rolls 6.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 9. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-4 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.

Hurricane firing Nuclear-1 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 7. Miss.

Turn 27:

Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 6. Capella rolls 3.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.

Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 3. Miss.

Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 12. Penetration!
Rolls 6 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1]
Rolls 9 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]

Hurricane firing Nuclear-1 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 8. Miss.

In Turn 1 you state that Hurricane fires two factor-9 missile batteries.

In Turn 2 Vargr's Despair hits Hurricane with a factor-5 fusion battery, penetrates, and inflicts a Weapon-1 hit which then reduces a missile battery's factor .

If Hurricane has two missile batteries, the Weapon-1 hit should have destroyed one of them in its entirety. It is only after a ship is reduced to single batteries of a given weapon type that the Weapon-N result reduces the battery factor. When there are multiple batteries of a given weapon type, Weapon-N hits then destroy N batteries.

Glancing over the rest of the battle, I think you may have made the same error during other turns.

I've a rather lengthy HG2 combat example I wrote up several years ago in the style of the wargame examples in Avalon Hill's The General. The file is nearly 100kb IIRC. I'll try and dig it up and post it to the file library.


P.S. While I don't know Hurricane's gee and agility rating towards the end of the battle, I would have attempted to Break Off via acceleration once Capella moved to the Reserve. Better to live and fight another day and all that.

P.P.S. I found the document I mentioned and have uploaded it to the File Library. It's in the General Discussion section.
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As Commodore of Frontier Patrol 15, composed of the Destoyer Capella and the Frigate Vargr's Despair, I would be interested in analysis.

Just how in the h#@$ did I win? I actually expected to have the stuffing beat out of me.

In Turn 1 you state that Hurricane fires two factor-9 missile batteries.

In Turn 2 Vargr's Despair hits Hurricane with a factor-5 fusion battery, penetrates, and inflicts a Weapon-1 hit which then reduces a missile battery's factor .
Bill, Capella got a weapon hit in Turn 1. That took out one of those missile bays.
Quickie question...

When you roll to inflict damage upon a target ship, how do you resolve the sequence:

Do you:

A) Fire all weapon systems at target first, tally up the total hits, then allocated defenses against all incoming hits, then roll to penetrate, and finally, determine damage from all penetrating hits...


B) Fire weapon systems one at a time, have the defender allocate defenses per incoming hit as it occurs, then roll to penetrate defenses, then allocate damage?

Method A seems to be what the rules themselves require, while method B seems to be what you're using now. At least, from what I can see thus far...
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As Commodore of Frontier Patrol 15, composed of the Destoyer Capella and the Frigate Vargr's Despair, I would be interested in analysis.

Just how in the h#@$ did I win? I actually expected to have the stuffing beat out of me.

I don't know if this is for the competition or not. If it isn't an actual competition outright, and you don't mind the stats being made available for the public to look over, perhaps your question can be answered. ;)

Of course, if you want, you can always email it privately to any of us here responding to the thread, and then have a private discussion about what is going on.


I don't mind - I may not use Capella in the 10 BCr battles. This was a test because I wasn't sure about her.

From HGS
Ship: Capella
Class: Capella
Type: Destoyer
Architect: Billy Downs
Tech Level: 12

DD-A4345F2-700000-70005-0 MCr 1,290.825 1.3 KTons
Bat Bear 1 1 Crew: 22
Bat 1 1 TL: 12

Cargo: 69.500 Frozen Watch Fuel: 455.000 EP: 65.000 Agility: 3 Shipboard Security Detail: 1

Ship: Vargr's Despair
Class: Corsair
Type: Frigate
Architect: Billy Downs
Tech Level: 12

FF-74335F2-600000-05004-0 MCr 698.543 700 Tons
Bat Bear 1 1 Crew: 18
Bat 1 1 TL: 12

Cargo: 68.500 Frozen Watch Fuel: 245.000 EP: 35.000 Agility: 3 Shipboard Security Detail: 1
In Turn 1 you state that Hurricane fires two factor-9 missile batteries.

Yes. Hurricane started the battle with two factor-9 batteries. Capella blew one of them completely off with a Weapon-1 hit on the first two. This cut Hurricane's firepower in half on the first turn-- and the design decision of going to two factor 9 missile batteries with NO supporting weaponry (for padding purposes, if anything else) lost him the game.

In Turn 2 Vargr's Despair hits Hurricane with a factor-5 fusion battery, penetrates, and inflicts a Weapon-1 hit which then reduces a missile battery's factor.

Yes... V.D. reduced Hurricane's missile factor from 9 to 8 on turn 2. That seems to be the intentions of the rule.

If Hurricane has two missile batteries, the Weapon-1 hit should have destroyed one of them in its entirety. It is only after a ship is reduced to single batteries of a given weapon type that the Weapon-N result reduces the battery factor. When there are multiple batteries of a given weapon type, Weapon-N hits then destroy N batteries.

Yeah, the first Weapon-1 hit DID destroy an entire battery. But I disagree that Weapon-N hits destroy N batteries. They only destroy one battery if there are multiple batteries of a given type-- otherwise they destroy N factors.

Screen-n: The USP factor for one screen (nuclear damper, meson screen, or black globe) selected by the firing player is reduced by the indicated amount. Damage must be divided as evenly as possible: no screen may receive two hits until all other screens have a t least one, or three hits until all others have at least two.

Weapon-n: Each hit destroys one battery of weapons, either offensive (laser, energy weapon, meson gun, particle accelerator, or missile) or defensive (sandcasters, or repulsors). If the ship has only one battery of a type (including spinal mounts), a hit reduces its USP factor by the indicated amount. As with screens, the firing player chooses which weapons are affected, but damage must be divided as evenly as possible.

A Weapon-4 hit is only one hit. The "indicated amount" is only used when the ship is down to a single battery of tha type.

Weapon hits must be divided up evenly, but factor reduction by the "indicated amount" need not be tallied. It's only the hit division that must remain even.
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Bill, Capella got a weapon hit in Turn 1. That took out one of those missile bays.


Thanks. I knew I was missing something but I couldn't find that first weapon hit no matter how many times I read the post. :(

Glasses schmasses, I need new frontal lobes!

For what it is worth, I combed the battle report turn by turn. As best as I can tell, it was run as it should be. The assigning of defensive batteries for penetration purposes was based on the simple fact that there were little in the way of defenses used - so that answers one of my questions.

Minor quibble...

Turn 6 has what appears to be two turns worth of battle in it. Actual battle length took 28 turns total (as best as I can figure). No biggie (hence minor quibble).

As for tactical decisions...

I probably would have kept the Capella in battle longer until such a time as she took her last missile weapon hit possible. Then I would have taken her into reserve to try and get back her missile battery.


Missiles in and of themselves were the only thing that could get past the other's armor. If radiation damage wasn't occurring but weapon hits were, the captain of the ship would have inferred that the armor levels were TOO high to be affected by non-nuclear attacks. At this point in time, the captain of the Capella should have kept the range at long range to insure greater hit probabilities with the weapon of choice. That being said? With two missile systems versus one, if at any time moving to close range would worsen the odds to hit for the enemy, perhaps close range WAS optimal tactically speaking ;) However, two missile systems versus one, with everyone having a better chance of hitting, would have perhaps made a difference by sheer weight of numbers.

As suggested by Jeffr0, not having other defensive systems to take up the slack in damage dispersal made a difference. I'm assuming that the Hurricane might have been better off with the following configuration:

20 turrets:
6 triple turrets arranged in 3 batteries each missile-6
4 triple turrets arranged in 2 batteries each Laser-4
2 double turrets arranged in 2 batteries each Plasma-3
8 triple turrets arranged in 3 batteries each Sandcaster-6

This all assumes TL 12 as the design limit. Total cost to build a hurricane with TL 12 technology, Jump-3, Manuever 3, Model 6 fiber optic computer, 9 levels of armor, and the aforementioned turrets plus staterooms for 34 crew: 2162.612 MCr.
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P.P.S. I found the document I mentioned and have uploaded it to the File Library. It's in the General Discussion section.

Hi Bill,
In reading your document, I noted that you voiced reservations about permitting the Courier to just jump away at the start of the battle you depict involving Zhodani and Imperial forces. If I might suggest? Why not change the battle such that the Courier ship has a damaged Power plant, jump drive, and/or computer level? For example? Suppose the courier ship needs to have powerplant 3 and Computer 3 in order to make a 3 parsec jump. If both computer and jump drive are at 2 apiece, then the courier needs to make repairs rolling a 9+ for both systems. If you postulate an engineer with Engineer 2, then you only need 7+

Just a thought.

Thanks. I knew I was missing something but I couldn't find that first weapon hit no matter how many times I read the post.

Glasses schmasses, I need new frontal lobes!


Know what you mean about the glasses, dude. At my decrepit age (54), it seems I need new glasses more frequently now. :(

Turn 6 has what appears to be two turns worth of battle in it. Actual battle length took 28 turns total (as best as I can figure). No biggie (hence minor quibble).
I saw that too, although I think that about the time Jeff had made a big change in his programming. There are other subtle differences starting about there.

I probably would have kept the Capella in battle longer until such a time as she took her last missile weapon hit possible. Then I would have taken her into reserve to try and get back her missile battery.
If you notice, Hal, Capella's missiles were ineffective after Turn 12 anyway. I also had no doubts at this point about the eventual outcome and was expecting Hurricane to pull out at any time. So, I wanted to play with the DC rules; BTW, they suck, or at least my dice rolls did.

Missiles in and of themselves were the only thing that could get past the other's armor. If radiation damage wasn't occurring but weapon hits were, the captain of the ship would have inferred that the armor levels were TOO high to be affected by non-nuclear attacks. At this point in time, the captain of the Capella should have kept the range at long range to insure greater hit probabilities with the weapon of choice. That being said? With two missile systems versus one, if at any time moving to close range would worsen the odds to hit for the enemy, perhaps close range WAS optimal tactically speaking ;) However, two missile systems versus one, with everyone having a better chance of hitting, would have perhaps made a difference by sheer weight of numbers.
Actually, not quite. Capella's lasers and Vargr's fusion guns did score some important weapons hits.

I think also that having two missile platforms was a critical success. Vargr's Despair never got hit. If she had a stronger missile battery, she might have done more damage.

As suggested by Jeffr0, not having other defensive systems to take up the slack in damage dispersal made a difference. I'm assuming that the Hurricane might have been better off with the following configuration:

20 turrets:
6 triple turrets arranged in 3 batteries each missile-6
4 triple turrets arranged in 2 batteries each Laser-4
2 double turrets arranged in 2 batteries each Plasma-3
8 triple turrets arranged in 3 batteries each Sandcaster-6
I'll take you on !! :)

But after replacing Capella with Arcturus. I'm not posting her stats, tho. :D
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Hi Bill,
In reading your document, I noted that you voiced reservations about permitting the Courier to just jump away at the start of the battle you depict involving Zhodani and Imperial forces. If I might suggest? (snip of good ideas)


I wrote several times how hard it is to create balanced victory conditions for HG2 beyond the somewhat simplistic Kill The Other Guy. I then came up with what seemed on the surface to be balanced victory conditions; the escape of the courier after a certain number of rounds.

The Sword Worlds player won when the courier escaped. However, when you consider that the Sword Worlds also lost the 2000dTon "strike cruiser", it becomes apparent that the victory conditions weren't balanced at all! That was the point I was going for in the article.

I should have written more about difficulty in creating victory conditions, but the document was already over the size I'd originally planned on. Perhaps if I summarized a few of the combat rounds while also pruning back the introduction and postscript, I could free up enough space for a discussion of victory conditions.

I should also tell everyone that while the ship choices, lack of nukes aboard the corvettes, and initial deployment of the fighters were all contrived; that is I chose the ships, weapon loads, and initial fighter deployment for reasons more specific to the article and not to the battle, the various die rolls in the battle were not contrived at all. I had no idea that a late critical hit would cripple the strike cruiser until the dice were rolled. Similarly, I had no idea that one of the corvettes would be mission killed or that the other would escape the same fate by a whisker.

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I'm assuming that the Hurricane might have been better off with the following configuration:

20 turrets:
6 triple turrets arranged in 3 batteries each missile-6
4 triple turrets arranged in 2 batteries each Laser-4
2 double turrets arranged in 2 batteries each Plasma-3
8 triple turrets arranged in 3 batteries each Sandcaster-6

This all assumes TL 12 as the design limit. Total cost to build a hurricane with TL 12 technology, Jump-3, Manuever 3, Model 6 fiber optic computer, 9 levels of armor, and the aforementioned turrets plus staterooms for 34 crew: 2162.612 MCr.


You really should get in on the 10 BCr tournament and teach these ladies a lesson.

</old school military-style sexism>

</pimping tournament>

I've currently got 7 entries for it....

You really should get in on the 10 BCr tournament and teach these ladies a lesson.

</old school military-style sexism>

</pimping tournament>

I've currently got 7 entries for it....

I was tempted to join the 1 trillion credit campaign game on the CT Starships list, and your comment about the 10 billion tournament is tempting as well. Where might I find the info on the 10 billion credit tournament?