Public Game Data:
Initial Set Up: The 2 KTon ship Agility 3 Hurricane faces off against two ships-- the 1.3 Kton Agility 3 Capella and the 700 ton Agility 3 Vargr's Despair.
Turn 1: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 5. Capella rolls 2. Hurricane has initiative. Range is automatically at long.
Hurricane is the first ship to receive fire.
Capella fires Missile-5 at Hurricane. Rolls a 9. Hit. Rolls an 8 against nuclear dampers. Penetration!
Rolls 12 (DM +9). [Weapon-1] Applied to Missiles. One battery destroyed.
Rolls 8 (DM +15). [No Effect]
Capella fires Laser-7 at Hurricane. Rolls a 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair fires Missile-4 at Hurricane. Rolls a 7. Miss.
Hurricane fires 2 Missile-9's at Capella. Rolls 5, 9. One Hit.
Rolls 7 (DM +7). [Weapon-1] Applied to Missile battery, reducing it by one factor.
Rolls 4 (DM +13). [Weapon-1] Applied to Laser battery, reducing it by one factor.
Turn 2: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 3. Capella rolls 4. Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to SHORT.
Capella fires Missile-4 at Hurricane. Rolls a 7. Miss.
Capella fires Laser-6 at Hurricane. Rolls a 12. Hit.
Rolls 9 (DM +15). [No Effect]
Vargr's Despair fires Missile-4 at Hurricane. Rolls a 4. Miss.
Vargr's Despair fires Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Rolls a 11. Hit.
Rolls 2 (DM +15). [Weapon-1] Applied to Missile battery, reducing it by one factor.
Hurricane fires Missile-9 at Capella. Rolls a 8. Hit.
Rolls 10 (DM +7). [Weapon-1] Applied to MISSILE BATTERY.
Rolls 11 (DM +13). [No Effect]
Turn 3: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 6. Capella rolls 1. Hurricance has initiative. Hurricance moves range to Long.
Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 10. Penetration!
Rolls 7 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Fuel-1]
Rolls 11 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Capella firing Beam-6 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-8 at Capella. Roll 4. Miss.
Turn 4: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 4. Capella rolls 1. Hurricance has initiative. Hurricance moves range to Long.
Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 8. Penetration!
Rolls 9 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Missiles reducing them to factor 7)
Rolls 9 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Capella firing Beam-6 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 7. Penetration!
Rolls 9 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Missiles reducing them to factor 6)
Rolls 5 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Missiles reducing them to factor 5)
Hurricane firing Nuclear-8 at Capella. Roll 7. 1 hit.
Rolls 7 (DM +7) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Beams reducing them to factor 5)
Rolls 12 (DM +13) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Turn 5: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 2. Capella rolls 5. Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.
Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 7. 1 hit deflected!
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-5 at Capella. Roll 5. Miss.
Turn 6: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 4. Capella rolls 2. Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.
Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 3. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 9. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 11. Penetration!
Rolls 6 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Reduces Hurricane to Nuclear-4.)
Rolls 10 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Hurricane firing Nuclear-5 at Capella. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Rolls 4 (DM +7) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-2] (Reduces Capella to Nuclear-1.)
Rolls 3 (DM +13) on Radiation Damage Table. [Fuel-1]
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 1. Capella rolls 3.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 12. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 5. 1 hit deflected!
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.
Turn 7:
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 2. Capella rolls 5.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.
Turn 8:
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 4. Capella rolls 3.) (Hurricance rolls 6. Capella rolls 3.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Must roll 10+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 6. 1 hit deflected!
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Rolls 11 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [No Effect]
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 6. 1 hit deflected!
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 8. Miss.
Turn 9:
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 1. Capella rolls 6.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Rolls 8 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [No Effect]
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.
Turn 10:
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 5. Capella rolls 2.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Must roll 10+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 7. 1 hit deflected!
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 4. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.
Turn 11:
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 5. Capella rolls 5.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 2. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 8. Penetration!
Rolls 8 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1]
Rolls 8 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Rolls 9 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [No Effect]
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 3. Miss.
Turn 12:
Capella moves to the reserve.
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. No fleet bonus.
(Hurricance rolls 3. Vargr's Despair rolls 2.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 7. Miss.
Capella attempts to repair its Beam-5 back up to Beam-6. Need 9+. Rolls 5.
Capella's repairs are unsuccessful.
Turn 13:
Capella moves to the reserve.
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. No fleet bonus.
(Hurricance rolls 3. Vargr's Despair rolls 4.)
Vargr's Despair has initiative. Vargr's Despair moves range to Short.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 3. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 9. Miss.
Capella attempts to repair its Beam-5 back up to Beam-6. Need 9+. Rolls 4.
Capella's repairs are unsuccessful.
Initial Set Up: The 2 KTon ship Agility 3 Hurricane faces off against two ships-- the 1.3 Kton Agility 3 Capella and the 700 ton Agility 3 Vargr's Despair.
Turn 1: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 5. Capella rolls 2. Hurricane has initiative. Range is automatically at long.
Hurricane is the first ship to receive fire.
Capella fires Missile-5 at Hurricane. Rolls a 9. Hit. Rolls an 8 against nuclear dampers. Penetration!
Rolls 12 (DM +9). [Weapon-1] Applied to Missiles. One battery destroyed.
Rolls 8 (DM +15). [No Effect]
Capella fires Laser-7 at Hurricane. Rolls a 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair fires Missile-4 at Hurricane. Rolls a 7. Miss.
Hurricane fires 2 Missile-9's at Capella. Rolls 5, 9. One Hit.
Rolls 7 (DM +7). [Weapon-1] Applied to Missile battery, reducing it by one factor.
Rolls 4 (DM +13). [Weapon-1] Applied to Laser battery, reducing it by one factor.
Turn 2: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 3. Capella rolls 4. Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to SHORT.
Capella fires Missile-4 at Hurricane. Rolls a 7. Miss.
Capella fires Laser-6 at Hurricane. Rolls a 12. Hit.
Rolls 9 (DM +15). [No Effect]
Vargr's Despair fires Missile-4 at Hurricane. Rolls a 4. Miss.
Vargr's Despair fires Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Rolls a 11. Hit.
Rolls 2 (DM +15). [Weapon-1] Applied to Missile battery, reducing it by one factor.
Hurricane fires Missile-9 at Capella. Rolls a 8. Hit.
Rolls 10 (DM +7). [Weapon-1] Applied to MISSILE BATTERY.
Rolls 11 (DM +13). [No Effect]
Turn 3: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 6. Capella rolls 1. Hurricance has initiative. Hurricance moves range to Long.
Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 10. Penetration!
Rolls 7 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Fuel-1]
Rolls 11 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Capella firing Beam-6 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-8 at Capella. Roll 4. Miss.
Turn 4: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 4. Capella rolls 1. Hurricance has initiative. Hurricance moves range to Long.
Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 8. Penetration!
Rolls 9 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Missiles reducing them to factor 7)
Rolls 9 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Capella firing Beam-6 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 7. Penetration!
Rolls 9 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Missiles reducing them to factor 6)
Rolls 5 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Missiles reducing them to factor 5)
Hurricane firing Nuclear-8 at Capella. Roll 7. 1 hit.
Rolls 7 (DM +7) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Applied to Beams reducing them to factor 5)
Rolls 12 (DM +13) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Turn 5: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 2. Capella rolls 5. Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.
Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Must roll 8+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 7. 1 hit deflected!
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-5 at Capella. Roll 5. Miss.
Turn 6: Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1. Hurricance rolls 4. Capella rolls 2. Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.
Capella firing Nuclear-3 at Hurricane. Roll 3. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 9. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 11. Penetration!
Rolls 6 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1] (Reduces Hurricane to Nuclear-4.)
Rolls 10 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Hurricane firing Nuclear-5 at Capella. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Rolls 4 (DM +7) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-2] (Reduces Capella to Nuclear-1.)
Rolls 3 (DM +13) on Radiation Damage Table. [Fuel-1]
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 1. Capella rolls 3.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 12. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 5. 1 hit deflected!
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.
Turn 7:
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 2. Capella rolls 5.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 8. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.
Turn 8:
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 4. Capella rolls 3.) (Hurricance rolls 6. Capella rolls 3.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Must roll 10+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 6. 1 hit deflected!
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Rolls 11 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [No Effect]
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 8. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 6. 1 hit deflected!
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 8. Miss.
Turn 9:
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 1. Capella rolls 6.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Rolls 8 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [No Effect]
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.
Turn 10:
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 5. Capella rolls 2.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 10. 1 hit.
Must roll 10+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 7. 1 hit deflected!
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 5. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 4. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 5. Miss.
Turn 11:
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. Capella gets a fleet size bonus DM of +1.
(Hurricance rolls 5. Capella rolls 5.)
Capella has initiative. Capella moves range to Short.
Capella firing Nuclear-1 at Hurricane. Roll 2. Miss.
Capella firing Beam-5 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Must roll 7+ to penetrate Damper-1. Rolls 8. Penetration!
Rolls 8 (DM +9) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [Weapon-1]
Rolls 8 (DM +15) on Radiation Damage Table. [No Effect]
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 9. 1 hit.
Rolls 9 (DM +15) on Surface Explosion Damage Table. [No Effect]
Hurricane firing Nuclear-4 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 3. Miss.
Turn 12:
Capella moves to the reserve.
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. No fleet bonus.
(Hurricance rolls 3. Vargr's Despair rolls 2.)
Hurricane has initiative. Hurricane moves range to Long.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 7. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 7. Miss.
Capella attempts to repair its Beam-5 back up to Beam-6. Need 9+. Rolls 5.
Capella's repairs are unsuccessful.
Turn 13:
Capella moves to the reserve.
Roll for initiative. No agility bonus. No fleet bonus.
(Hurricance rolls 3. Vargr's Despair rolls 4.)
Vargr's Despair has initiative. Vargr's Despair moves range to Short.
Vargr's Despair firing Nuclear-4 at Hurricane. Roll 6. Miss.
Vargr's Despair firing Fusion-5 at Hurricane. Roll 3. Miss.
Hurricane firing Nuclear-3 at Vargr's Despair. Roll 9. Miss.
Capella attempts to repair its Beam-5 back up to Beam-6. Need 9+. Rolls 4.
Capella's repairs are unsuccessful.