SOC-14 5K
Reverse-engineering Paul's ships into a SailMaker
First pass.
Code:Pax/Lo Cargo Sailors Rowers STR Silver ------ ----- ------- ------ --- ------ SS Sailship 1 5 250 12 - 5 20,000 CT Coastal Trader 0 4 50 10 - 4 6,000 MG Merchant Galley 1 8 30 4 50 4 30,000 WG War Galley 4 40 60 20 270 5 60,000 s Small 1/2 1/3 1/4 2/3 1/2 -1 1/2 m Medium 1/2 1/3 2/3 2/3 1/2 -1 2/3 g Great x3 x5 x2 x2 x2 +1 x1.5 l Lateen Sails AGL+1, SPD-1
The way I'd like to spin it, is to abstract away various technological innovations as stage effects, and also include some shopping list items, such as ballistas, rams, and Greek Fire.
I think lateen sails are distinct (performance-wise) from square sails, so I'd like to add that into the mix in order to trade off (for example) speed versus agility -- square sails can run before the wind faster, but lateen sails can sail closer into the wind.
How much input are you looking for, as the lateen rig is not know prior to the end of the 9th century, so it would be in the Medieval Period, at least according to Bjorn Landstrom in his book, The Ship?
Also, when it comes to Greek Fire, are you thinking of the actual Greek Fire which the Byzantines pumped out of syphons mixed with water, or just a generic flammable liquid? The first use of Greek Fire by the Byzantines was in 717-718 AD, on the Moslem blockading fleet.
Also, there are reliable reports of some pirates, and also possibly the Rhodians using catapults to lob pots containing poisonous snakes into other galleys to cause problems for the oarsmen.