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Another canon-check

Major B

SOC-14 1K
I developed the following back story to accompany another vehicle image I’m collaborating with bbzwbbzw on. What started with a back story ended up as the background for a soon-to-be-more-fully-developed NPC, but that’s off the subject. The events are drawn from DonM’s consolidated timeline and the location data from both LBB S3 and www.travellermap.com. But, since I’m trying to insert these events into the published timeline I want to make one last check before I finalize this. All here whose canon familiarity is better than mine (that’s just about all of you), please take a look and let me know if you spot any conflicts with published canon sources.

The accompanying image of the M1096A2 Porcupine LDPWS is derived from holoimages that were among the personal effects of Lance Sergeant (LSgt) Pekka Oksanen, Imperial Marines. The account of the events in this description are derived from LSgt Oksanen’s personal journal, provided along with the holoimages by his sister (and sole surviving relative), Sisko Oksanen.

Where possible, dates and events have been cross-checked with Imperial and public records, but not all events can be confirmed through other sources so this record should be viewed as primarily a personal recollection, not necessarily as historical fact.

Pekka Oksanen enlisted in the Imperial Marines in 1100, hoping to find something more than what his Homeworld of Aramis (Spinward Marches, 3110) had to offer. After his initial training, he was assigned to two shipboard assignments and a training mission, and was promoted twice to the rank of Corporal (E3). He re-enlisted and was assigned to the 2140th Marine Regiment, assigned to garrison the Naval Base on Jae Tellona (Spinward Marches, 2814). His journal entries from the time show that the tedium of garrison duties grated the young corporal. The boredom was relieved somewhat with a training mission on Yori (Spinward Marches, 2309) the following year, and his performance was rewarded with a promotion to Lance Sergeant. However, returning to Jae Tellona and the garrison routine made the newly-minted NCO to wonder if he would ever see any of the action he hungered for. He wrote home to Sisko that he did not plan to re-enlist after his second term, and he was looking into the possibilities offered by mercenary units when the onset of the Fifth Frontier War changed the course of his career.

The 2140th received an alert on 208-1107 ordering the formation of a Site Security Task Force (SSTF) to secure Imperial Research Station Beta, located on Yori. The 2nd battalion of the 2140th (LSgt Oksanen’s unit), having just trained for that specific mission, was quickly organized and embarked, reaching Yori on 236-1107. After the initial excitement of an actual wartime mission and the feverish construction of defensive positions had passed, the Marines of Task Force 21402 began to feel that the war was going to pass them by. When word reached the unit of the gallant rearguard action of the 2113th Marine Regiment on Regina (Spinward Marches, 1910), the less experienced among them were at once sobered and somewhat envious. Later news of the fighting against the Zhodani, Vargr, and Sword World forces resulted in some deterioration of morale and discipline among the Marines. LSgt Oksanen and several others in his unit were reprimanded for decorating their vehicle with unauthorized artwork (the reason for the holoimages he proudly sent to Sisko).

On 033-1108 (according to LSgt Oksanen’s calculations, their 161st day on Yori), Task Force 21402 received the order to prepare Station Beta for relocation to Aramis. A week later an Imperial Navy Auxiliary cargo vessel arrived with escorts and, after the ordeal of loading and an uneventful transit, they reached Aramis on 098-1108. LSgt Oksanen was able to enjoy a brief leave at home with his sister (his parents were both killed in an air/raft accident the year he enlisted). While happy to be back in a familiar environment, he was surprised at how much he missed the desert world of Jae Tellona. There, his frequent forays into the local wilderness areas had earned him the nickname “desert ox” and the similar environment on Yori he also found a constant source of wonder. He was also happy that he had been automatically re-enlisted due to the current emergency. Sisko was as saddened by his eagerness to return to the desert as she was at his eagerness to face what he explained as his duty to fight with his brother Marines.

LSgt Oksanen’s eagerness for combat was soon to be answered. The Marines of Task Force 21402 were ordered to depart Aramis only a month after arriving. Reuniting with the rest of their regiment, the Marines of the 2140th Marine Regiment were assigned to reinforce the garrison of Mirriam (Spinward Marches, 1315). The anticipated Zhodani assault finally arrived on 362-1108. When the 2140th was withdrawn a week later, they left 50% of their number behind, including LSgt Oksanen.

For his actions on Mirriam, Pekka Oksanen was posthumously awarded the Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry and promoted to Sergeant. These documents and the personal effects he left behind on departing Aramis are now in the possession of Sisko Oksanen, who plans to enlist in the Imperial Navy when she turns eighteen.
Pekka Oksanen enlisted in the Imperial Marines in 1100, hoping to find something more than what his Homeworld of Aramis (Spinward Marches, 3110) had to offer. After his initial training, he was assigned to two shipboard assignments and a training mission, and was promoted twice to the rank of Corporal (E3). He re-enlisted and was assigned to the 2140th Marine Regiment, assigned to garrison the Naval Base on Jae Tellona (Spinward Marches, 2814).

Fifth Frontier War only mentions eight marine regiments and the 2040th is not one of them. Of those, the 1931st served at Lanth and Rhylanor, the 6127th served at Quopist and Rhylanor, and the 8327th served at Thanber and Garda-Vilis [Note: This doesn't mean that they may not have served elsewhere as well]. No canonical information is available about the rest: The 1071st, the 2091st, the 3277th, the 5722nd, and the 8041st. Presumably one of those five was stationed in Rhylanor subsector at the start of the war.

I think GT:Ground Forces has some additional information, but I haven't gotten around to extracting informational nuggets from it yet. I know many consider GT material irrelevant, but I for one like as much information as I can get. IMO, as long as it supplements rather than contradicts canon, it's worth including. YMMV.

His journal entries from the time show that the tedium of garrison duties grated the young corporal. The boredom was relieved somewhat with a training mission on Yori (Spinward Marches, 2309) the following year, and his performance was rewarded with a promotion to Lance Sergeant.
It seems a tad strange (to me, anyway) that a marine regiment stationed in the Rhylanor subsector (and thus attached to the 212th Fleet) would train on a world in the Regina subsector (where the 193rd Fleet was stationed). I suppose it could have been a joint training operation involving both fleets.

The 2140th received an alert on 208-1107 ordering the formation of a Site Security Task Force (SSTF) to secure Imperial Research Station Beta, located on Yori.
Rhylanor was alerted on 201-1107, so if you think the high command would have made up their mind to deploy units into the AOO of another fleet that fast, 208-1107 works fine.

The 2nd battalion of the 2140th (LSgt Oksanen’s unit), having just trained for that specific mission, was quickly organized and embarked, reaching Yori on 236-1107.
I forget what the jump capacity of a troop transport is. I think it is jump-4, in which case 28 days to deploy sounds fine. If it's jump-3, you're cutting it a bit fine, but it's still possible.

After the initial excitement of an actual wartime mission and the feverish construction of defensive positions had passed, the Marines of Task Force 21402 began to feel that the war was going to pass them by. When word reached the unit of the gallant rearguard action of the 2113th Marine Regiment on Regina (Spinward Marches, 1910), the less experienced among them were at once sobered and somewhat envious.
There were no action on Regina during the 5FW. There was one TNS newsbrief (datelined 201-1107 on Rhylanor) that claims that Regina has been invaded, but that's expressly refuted in the chronology in Spinward Marches Campaign where Regina reports no invasion to date on 210-1107. And the description of the war in the same book makes it clear that the Zhodani never got near Regina (except, possibly, for some bombing raids).

Sisko was as saddened by his eagerness to return to the desert as she was at his eagerness to face what he explained as his duty to fight with his brother Marines.
It's a duty to fight with fellow marines? ;)

LSgt Oksanen’s eagerness for combat was soon to be answered. The Marines of Task Force 21402 were ordered to depart Aramis only a month after arriving. Reuniting with the rest of their regiment, the Marines of the 2140th Marine Regiment were assigned to reinforce the garrison of Mirriam (Spinward Marches, 1315).
An odd place to reinforce (it's not very important) and garrison duty is an odd way to use an elite regiment equipped to TL 15. I would have saved them for planetary assaults. Of course, Sector Admiral Santanocheev was a numskull.

The anticipated Zhodani assault finally arrived on 362-1108.
The news of the fall of Mirriam was announced on Regina on 362-1108. Since Regina is eight parsecs from Mirriam, the fall of Mirriam must have taken place at least 14 days earlier.

(You're not the first one to forget about communication lag. The chronology in SMC makes the same mistake multiple times, taking the date when a newsbrief mentions some occurrence as the date of the occurrence.)

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Hans, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to critique this. You've given me a lot to work with and I hope I can produce a better product for it.

Fifth Frontier War only mentions eight marine regiments and the 2040th is not one of them. Of those, the 1931st served at Lanth and Rhylanor, the 6127th served at Quopist and Rhylanor, and the 8327th served at Thanber and Garda-Vilis [Note: This doesn't mean that they may not have served elsewhere as well]. No canonical information is available about the rest: The 1071st, the 2091st, the 3277th, the 5722nd, and the 8041st. Presumably one of those five was stationed in Rhylanor subsector at the start of the war.
Yep, I made up the 2140th because I didn't have a copy of SMC. I will use one of the 'unassigned' canon regiments.
I think GT:Ground Forces has some additional information, but I haven't gotten around to extracting informational nuggets from it yet. I know many consider GT material irrelevant, but I for one like as much information as I can get. IMO, as long as it supplements rather than contradicts canon, it's worth including. YMMV.
Don McKinney's consolidated timeline draws from GT source material and that was my source for this passage. You point out some of the discrepencies caused from using GT source material later.
It seems a tad strange (to me, anyway) that a marine regiment stationed in the Rhylanor subsector (and thus attached to the 213th Fleet) would train on a world in the Regina subsector (where the 193rd Fleet was stationed). I suppose it could have been a joint training operation involving both fleets.
Excellent Point. The discrepency is caused by me not having SMC to use as a reference. Maybe this could be explained by using units further back from the 'front' to handle 'rear security' types of missions but that seems like over-justification. Really, my main reason for using Jae Tellona as a base was that bbzwbbzw and I had decided early to use desert camouflage for the vehicle artwork and Jae Tellona is a desert world. I'll re-look this part.
Rhylanor was alerted on 201-1107, so if you think the high command would have made up their mind to deploy units into the AOO of another fleet that fast, 208-1107 works fine.
I came up with 208 as an alert date by figuring transit time for a J6 courier. The x-boat route would have taken 8 weeks to get the word there. Good to see the timing coincides closely with canon.
I forget what the jump capacity of a troop transport is. I think it is jump-4, in which case 28 days to deploy sounds fine. If it's jump-3, you're cutting it a bit fine, but it's still possible.
I used J4 to calculate the timing.
There were no action on Regina during the 5FW. There was one TNS newsbrief (datelined 201-1107 on Rhylanor) that claims that Regina has been invaded, but that's expressly refuted in the chronology in Spinward Marches Campaign where Regina reports no invasion to date on 210-1107. And the description of the war in the same book makes it clear that the Zhodani never got near Regina (except, possibly, for some bombing raids).
Here is an instance where GT varies from canon, as you mentioned above. DonM cites Ground Forces in his timeline for the description of the 2113th Regiment's rearguard action on Regina. Does 5FW have a similar example from about the same time that I could cite here instead?
It's a duty to fight with fellow marines? ;)
Good catch :). I'll change that to 'alongside' in the next draft.
An odd place to reinforce (it's not very important) and garrison duty is an odd way to use an elite regiment equipped to TL 15. I would have saved them for planetary assaults. Of course, Sector Admiral Santanocheev was a numskull.
Another great point. I chose Mirriam to tie in to the TNS announcement of the fall of that planet. Can you suggest a better location where a Marine regiment would be needed as reinforcements at that point in the war?
The news of the fall of Mirriam was announced on Regina on 362-1108. Since Regina is eight parsecs from Mirriam, the fall of Mirriam must have taken place at least 14 days earlier.
I'll adjust the date, or modify if you have a better location in mind (see above).
(You're not the first one to forget about communication lag. The chronology in SMC makes the same mistake multiple times, taking the date when a newsbrief mentions some occurrence as the date of the occurrence.)
I tried to keep communications lag in mind as I worked out the timing of events. Checking my notes, I wrote that this date was the date of the announcement, but I forgot to back-date when I was writing. Thanks for the catch, again.

And, once again thanks for the critique. I'll post a revision soon.
Here is an instance where GT varies from canon, as you mentioned above. DonM cites Ground Forces in his timeline for the description of the 2113th Regiment's rearguard action on Regina. Does 5FW have a similar example from about the same time that I could cite here instead?


Another great point. I chose Mirriam to tie in to the TNS announcement of the fall of that planet. Can you suggest a better location where a Marine regiment would be needed as reinforcements at that point in the war?

I'll adjust the date, or modify if you have a better location in mind (see above).

Early in war (no specific date given) there's a battle called the Battle of Thanber. Scout Joan Eshunnak, who serves with Scout Squadron 53, is captured at the battle and is exchanged in time to serve at Lanth and Rhylanor as boat gunner attached to a Marine landing force. [Tarsus&Beltstrike]

Heavy fighting (with the Zho) takes place at Louzy and Efate on 214-1107 [SMC:16]

In early 1108 Jewell has been sealed off by Zhodani 10th Fleet and the Zhos have a foothold on Jewell's minor northern continent. [SMC:10]

On 35-1108 Admiral Santanocheev on Regina announces that Yorbund has fallen to Vargr forces and Ruby, Emerald, and Lysen to Zhodani forces, but that fighting continues on Jewell and the other worlds of the subsector, as well as on Kinorb. [JTAS13:5]

On 97-1108 a Zhodani raiding fleet strikes Inthe and cripples an Imperial
fleet [presumably a provisional one] that is massing there. [SMC:16]

On 98-1108 the Zhodani 2nd Assault Fleet, having successfully reduced Ruby, transfers its ships to the 3rd and 15th Fleet and is dissolved. Its admiral, Vleniziatl, is transferred to a staff position at the High Command. [SMC:10]

In Mid 1108 the Zhodani 15th Fleet pushes closer to the Lanth border and the Corridor Fleet arrives in the Marches and is assigned to protect the Abyss. [SMC:10]

On 229-1108 a Zhodani fleet strikes Boughene. [SMC:16]

On 281-1108 an Imperial fleet strikes against Lysen, but fails. [SMC:16]

In late 1108 the Zhodani foothold on Jewell forced to withdraw. At the same time, Pressure by Zhodani 1st Assault Fleet at Efate induces Admiral Santanocheev to move the Corridor Fleet into Regina subsector, leaving the Abyss unprotected. [SMC:10]

Let me know if you need more.

In early 1108 Jewell has been sealed off by Zhodani 10th Fleet and the Zhos have a foothold on Jewell's minor northern continent. [SMC:10]
This would mean that Lysen was seized early in 1108. Probably Nakege and Mongo as well. If so, Jewell can still be reached via J5 from Grant and Louzy and by J6 from Efate and Alell. I know there was heavy fighting on Efate, but don't know of any mention of Alell.
On 35-1108 Admiral Santanocheev on Regina announces that Yorbund has fallen to Vargr forces and Ruby, Emerald, and Lysen to Zhodani forces, but that fighting continues on Jewell and the other worlds of the subsector, as well as on Kinorb. [JTAS13:5]
That confirms the fall of Lysen. That means the actual 'fall' happens on 028-1108 or earlier (Lysen is J6 from Regina so in naval courier range for 1 jump or 1 week time lag).
On 229-1108 a Zhodani fleet strikes Boughene. [SMC:16]
There's a candidate. But 'strike' implies that there was no landing so no ground action there.
On 281-1108 an Imperial fleet strikes against Lysen, but fails. [SMC:16]
Is there any mention of an Imperial landing in conjunction with this strike? I doubt there would be one until after the fleet action was done and again, 'strike' implies there was no assault.
In late 1108 the Zhodani foothold on Jewell forced to withdraw. At the same time, Pressure by Zhodani 1st Assault Fleet at Efate induces Admiral Santanocheev to move the Corridor Fleet into Regina subsector, leaving the Abyss unprotected. [SMC:10]
This looks like the only substantial ground action among the choices you present Hans. Am I correct in assuming the there was fighting on Efate during this entire timeline? If so, it would make sense to reinforce the garrison on Efate at about the time that the regiment is consolidated from many ancillary missions to be commited to the fight.

Do you think reinforcing Efate make sense from the strategic perspective considering all of the other action going on at the time?
Yes, there are a bunch of discrepancies between GT sources and CT canon, mostly stemming from the fact that apparently no GT writer appears to have access to SMC.

That's Behind the Claw's biggest weakness...

Anyway, at one point, I actually tried shifting and correcting the GT references, but they weren't interested in the corrections.

Let me know if the timeline needs CT corrections or GT items pulled :)
Don, just one specific discrepency here though from what you and Hans say there are probably others.

On page 119 near the top - date 210-1107 - delete the entry that starts with "As the Imperium tries to evacuate Regina..." as this contradicts SMC.

By the way, thanks for the work in making the consolidated timeline available. It has been a great resource.
Thanks for the feedback and interest in this little project.

I revised the initial draft and posted it below.

The accompanying image of the M1096A2 Porcupine LDPWS is derived from holoimages that were among the personal effects of Lance Sergeant (LSgt) Pekka Oksanen, Imperial Marines. The account of the events in this description are derived from LSgt Oksanen’s personal journal, provided along with the holoimages by his sister, Sisko Oksanen.

Where possible, dates and events have been cross-checked with Imperial and public records, but not all events can be confirmed through other sources so this record should be viewed as primarily a personal recollection, not necessarily as historical fact.

Pekka Oksanen was born and raised on Aramis (Spinward Marches, 3110), the second of three children. His older brother followed his parent’s career path, operating a clothing retail business serving the Aramis starport. Pekka enlisted in the Imperial Marines in 1100, mostly because the family business failed to attract his interest. After his initial training, he was assigned to the 4203rd Fleet Marine Regiment (Rhylanor Subsector) and completed two shipboard assignments and a training mission. During this tour he was promoted twice, reaching the rank of Corporal (E3). He re-enlisted and was assigned to the 2140th Garrison Marine Regiment, which was also based in various locations in Rhylanor Subsector.

Posted to the Naval Base on Jae Tellona (Spinward Marches, 2814), his journal entries show that the tedium of garrison duties grated the young corporal. He found the desert environment of Jae Tellona fascinating, but missed the excitement of visiting many different worlds that he remembered from his assignment with the Fleet Marines. In his second year on Jae Tellona, his initial excitement on learning of an impending training mission was dampened when he learned that the mission would be to Yori (Spinward Marches, 2110), another desert world. Despite that, Corporal Oksanen’s performance was rewarded with a promotion to Lance Sergeant. Returning to Jae Tellona and the garrison routine made him wonder if he would ever see any of the action and excitement he hungered for. He wrote home to Sisko that he did not plan to re-enlist after his second term, and that he was looking into the possibilities offered by mercenary units. The onset of the Fifth Frontier War changed his plans.

The 2140th headquarters on Jae Tellona received an alert on 208-1107, ordering the formation of a Site Security Task Force (SSTF) to secure Imperial Research Station Beta on Yori. LSgt Oksanen’s unit (2nd battalion of the 2140th), having just trained for that specific mission, was quickly organized and embarked, reaching Yori on 236-1107. After the initial excitement of an actual wartime mission and the feverish construction of defensive positions had passed, the Marines of SSTF 21402 began to feel that the war was going to pass them by. Reports of the fighting against the Zhodani, Vargr, and Sword World forces caused many of the less combat-experienced Marines to feel at once sobered and somewhat envious. This resulted in some deterioration of discipline among the Marines. LSgt Oksanen and several others in his unit were reprimanded for decorating their vehicles with unauthorized markings. Luckily, LSgt Oksanen captured his artwork in several holoimages before he was ordered to remove the markings. When he later gave the holos to Sisko, LSgt Oksanen only regretted that they had neglected to re-paint their Imperial Marine starburst emblems - the desert sun on Yori has bleached the logo from Maroon to a faded red and Pekka thought it made the holos appear to depict “a bunch of joyriding scouts.”

On 033-1108 (according to LSgt Oksanen’s calculations, their 161st day on Yori), SSTF 21402 received the order to prepare Station Beta for relocation to Aramis. A week later an Imperial Navy Auxiliary cargo vessel arrived with escorts and, after the ordeal of loading and an uneventful transit, they reached Aramis on 098-1108. LSgt Oksanen was able to enjoy a brief leave at home with his family. While happy to be back in a familiar environment, he was surprised at how much he missed the desert environments of Jae Tellona. There, his frequent off-duty forays into the local wilderness areas had earned him the nickname “desert ox” and the similar environment on Yori he also found a constant source of wonder. He was also happy that he his enlistment had been extended due to the current emergency. Sisko was as saddened by his eagerness to return to the desert as she was at his eagerness to face what he explained as his duty to fight alongside his brother Marines.

LSgt Oksanen’s eagerness for combat was soon to be answered. The Marines of SSTF 21402 were ordered to depart Aramis only a month after arriving. Rather than reuniting with the rest of their regiment, the SSTF was assigned to reinforce the Imperial forces defending Efate (Spinward Marches, 1705) which was threatened with capture by the Zhodani. What happened to LSgt Oksanen and the other Marines of SSTF 21402 on Efate is not known to Sisko, as she received no further communication from her brother. Her only knowledge of his fate is derived from the notice delivered to her family on 362-1108, notifying them that he had been killed in action, and a later notice describing his actions that resulted in his posthumous award of the Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry. These documents and the personal effects he left behind on departing Aramis are now in the possession of Sisko Oksanen, who plans to enlist in the Imperial Navy when she turns eighteen.

The regimental designations are different from those cited in SMC, because IMTU those listed regiments would be "Line" Marines. I made up new designations for the "Fleet" and "Garrison" Marine regiments LSgt Oksanen finds himself assigned to. (Yeah, I'm following the CoDominium Marine model, though IMTU the garrison marines aren't such a bad lot as those Pournelle depicted)

Its not literature, but I like the background. It also helped me flesh out the background for Sisko, who will be an NPC featured in an upcoming campaign.

Thanks again,
Yes, there are a bunch of discrepancies between GT sources and CT canon, mostly stemming from the fact that apparently no GT writer appears to have access to SMC. That's Behind the Claw's biggest weakness...


Which - once again - raises the question of why those manuscripts were accepted for GT.

Aside from S:3, SMC is our primary source of information regarding the Marches and nearly our only source of information about the Fifth Frontier War. How can any sourcebook about the Marches for any version of Traveller be written without access to SMC?

The mind boggles...

Have fun,
Aside from S:3, SMC is our primary source of information regarding the Marches and nearly our only source of information about the Fifth Frontier War. How can any sourcebook about the Marches for any version of Traveller be written without access to SMC?

Well, until the release of the Classic Traveller CD-ROM, it was pretty easy. Mainly because the SMC was so absurdly hard to get and it only sold for ridiculous prices.
Well, until the release of the Classic Traveller CD-ROM, it was pretty easy. Mainly because the SMC was so absurdly hard to get and it only sold for ridiculous prices.
While this is true, the TML was up and running back them. Anyone who considered it important enough could have gotten in touch with someone who had a copy. I don't know about you, but if I was writing a sourcebook about the Spinward Marches, I'd've considered it fairly important to find out what a book named The Spinward Marches Campaign had to say.

Well, until the release of the Classic Traveller CD-ROM, it was pretty easy. Mainly because the SMC was so absurdly hard to get and it only sold for ridiculous prices.


Sorry. That's an excuse and not a reason.

SMC could have easily been either shared with or loaned to the BtCauthors for their use. An email to the TML or any other Traveller fora would have garnered dozens of offers.

What's more, as a GDW alumnus, the G:Traveller line editor at the time surely had a copy the authors could have used if they had only asked.

While SMC isn't perfect; you've pointed out the various UWP errors, Hans has long pointed out the TNS date problems, and a few of the pages were printed out of order among other things, attempting to write a sourcebook covering the most heavily detailed sector in Traveller canon without bothering to have in hand the first (and only non-Virus) sourcebook for that sector is completely mind boggling.

Baldly writing a completely different history of the Fifth Frontier War and then continuing to pretend that the only "problems" with BtC are UWP errata and a few cranks complaints about too many and/or too odd minor races only compounds the problem.

Sadly, BtC is crap. There is quite a lot of very good bits in it and many, many good ideas. However, the cavalier way in which the event that introduced most of the Hobby to the OTU is treated destroys any credibility the sourcebook might have had. And Paul Chapman's bleating about BtC's not being meant to be used as a Traveller source is utter crap too.

Have fun,
I just this morning discovered, while looking up something else, that Aramis is a desert world...

Don't know why I never noticed that before, but it changed an assumption in the background I had drafted so I've posted a corrected copy (and took the opportunity to use the nifty spoiler tags).


The accompanying image of the M1096A2 Porcupine LDPWS is derived from holoimages that were among the personal effects of Lance Sergeant (LSgt) Pekka Oksanen, Imperial Marines. The account of the events in this description are derived from LSgt Oksanen’s personal journal, provided along with the holoimages by his sister, Sisko Oksanen.

Where possible, dates and events have been cross-checked with Imperial and public records, but not all events can be confirmed through other sources so this record should be viewed as primarily a personal recollection, not necessarily as historical fact.

Pekka Oksanen was born and raised on Aramis (Spinward Marches, 3110), the second of three children. His older brother followed his parent’s career path, operating a clothing retail business serving the Aramis starport. Pekka enlisted in the Imperial Marines in 1100, because his brother was to inherit the family business and other local career choices failed to attract his interest. After his initial training, he was assigned to the 4203rd Fleet Marine Regiment (Rhylanor Subsector) and completed two shipboard assignments and a training mission. During this tour he was promoted twice, reaching the rank of Corporal (E3). He re-enlisted and was assigned to the 2140th Garrison Marine Regiment, which based component units in various locations across Rhylanor Subsector.

Posted to the Naval Base on Jae Tellona (Spinward Marches, 2814), his journal entries show that the tedium of garrison duties grated the young corporal. He found the desert environment of Jae Tellona fascinating, similar to the environments on Aramis but without his home planet’s corrosive atmosphere. However, he missed the excitement of visiting many different worlds from his previous assignment with the Fleet Marines. The boring routines of Jae Tellona were broken in his second year, when he was alerted for a training deployment. However, even that excitement was dampened when he learned that the mission would be to Yori (Spinward Marches, 2110), another desert world. Despite that, Corporal Oksanen’s performance was rewarded with a promotion to Lance Sergeant. Returning later that year to Jae Tellona made him wonder if he would ever see any of the action and excitement he hungered for. He wrote home to Sisko that he did not plan to re-enlist after his second term, and that he was looking into the possibilities offered by mercenary units. The onset of the Fifth Frontier War changed his plans.

The 2140th headquarters on Jae Tellona received an alert on 208-1107, ordering the formation of a Site Security Task Force (SSTF) to secure Imperial Research Station Beta on Yori. LSgt Oksanen’s unit (2nd battalion of the 2140th), having just trained for that specific mission, was quickly organized and embarked, reaching Yori on 236-1107. After the initial excitement of an actual wartime mission and the feverish construction of defensive positions, some of the Marines of SSTF 21402 began to worry that the war was going to pass them by. Reports of the fighting against the Zhodani, Vargr, and Sword World forces caused many of the Marines without combat experience to feel envious. This resulted in some deterioration of discipline - LSgt Oksanen and several others in his unit were reprimanded for decorating their vehicles with unauthorized markings. Luckily, LSgt Oksanen captured his artwork in several holoimages before he was ordered to remove the markings. When he later gave the holos to Sisko, LSgt Oksanen only regretted that they had neglected to re-paint their Imperial Marine starburst emblems - the desert sun on Yori had bleached the logo from Maroon to a faded red and Pekka thought it made the holos appear to depict “a bunch of joyriding scouts.”

On 033-1108 (according to LSgt Oksanen’s calculations, their 161st day on Yori), SSTF 21402 received the order to prepare Station Beta for relocation to Aramis. A week later an Imperial Navy Auxiliary cargo vessel arrived with escorts and, after the ordeal of loading and an uneventful transit, they reached Aramis on 098-1108. LSgt Oksanen was able to enjoy a brief leave at home with his family. While happy to be home, he was now to find how much he missed the desert of Jae Tellona, where he could wander at will without needing filter masks. There, his frequent off-duty forays into the local wilderness areas had earned him the nickname “desert ox” and the similar environment on Yori he also found a constant source of wonder. He was also happy that he his enlistment had been extended due to the current emergency. Sisko was as saddened by his eagerness to return to Jae Tellona as she was at his eagerness to face what he explained as his duty to fight alongside his brother Marines.

LSgt Oksanen and his comrades were soon to be caught up in the combat that they had thought might pass them by. The Marines of SSTF 21402 were ordered to depart Aramis only a month after arriving. Rather than reuniting with the rest of their regiment, the SSTF was assigned to reinforce the Imperial forces defending Efate (Spinward Marches, 1705) which was threatened with capture by the Zhodani. What happened to LSgt Oksanen and the other Marines of SSTF 21402 on Efate is not known to Sisko, as she received no further communication from her brother. Her only knowledge of his fate is derived from the official announcement delivered to her family on 362-1108, notifying them that he had been killed in action, and a later notice describing the actions that resulted in his posthumous award of the Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry. These documents and the personal effects he left behind on departing Aramis are now in the possession of Sisko Oksanen, who plans to enlist in the Imperial Navy when she turns eighteen.

Sorry. That's an excuse and not a reason.

SMC could have easily been either shared with or loaned to the BtCauthors for their use. An email to the TML or any other Traveller fora would have garnered dozens of offers.

Eh, possibly. I know that when I was working on my project, getting information on the SMC was annoyingly difficult. I know that you helped me out with a couple AotI pages, someone helped me with the UWPs, and Robert was able to later help me out with the entire book. But, even so, I had a lot of time with which to work. They didn't.

Of course, the ironic part of the whole thing is that I heavily used SMC (to the point of undoing a retcon inserted by RSB*), and studiously ignored BtC, including its myriad minor races. And the only aspect of the 5FW I highlighted was the political ascendance of Norris, rather than any technical details of the history.

[*] The warrant Norris used to depose Santanocheev was from Algine, not Shionthy!
But, even so, I had a lot of time with which to work. They didn't.


Seeing as SJGames never discusses how they make their "sausages", we don't know how long the BtC authors had to work. There was time for a playtest of some sort, although it seems that the playtest's recommendations didn't make it into the final product.

Whether the final product had playtest tweaks or not is moot however. If the published version of BtC is the initial draft, and the Hobby has been led to believe that this is so, then the initial draft was fundamentally flawed. It never should have been accepted.

... and studiously ignored BtC, including its myriad minor races.

Those minor races, whether pre-BtC canonical or not, are not the true issue here. The three "wasted" human minor races are not the issue either, nor is the UWP errata or any of the other "fiddly" stuff. The only real issue with BtC is the most damning issue; the Fifth Frontier War.

That War is the event that launched the OTU as an active history, that War is the event that introduced a majority of the Hobby to Traveller, and that war is the event that the BtC authors completely rewrote.

They either had the canonical information and chose not to use it or they didn't have the canonical information but decided it wasn't important and that a [rewrite was in order.

However it happened, it doesn't sit too well.

Have fun,
Seeing as SJGames never discusses how they make their "sausages", we don't know how long the BtC authors had to work.
MJD has stated that it was a very tight timeframe.

The only real issue with BtC is the most damning issue; the Fifth Frontier War.
I agree that is a problem with the book. Which is why I did not use its history for my purposes. It should have been done within SMC's framework. I agree with that. I, too, wish it had been done differently.

However, I was just trying to point out that there were extenuating circumstances. They are not reasons; they are not even excuses. They just are.

I just don't take as hard a line on it. Especially considering that GDW couldn't even keep their own history in line.
BTC is all the proof needed to show that the divergence point between the GTU and the OTU is somwhere in the time before 1105... ;)

I do agree that it desperately needed a mission statement if it was going to ignore prior OTU canon before the listed divergence point of 1115...
However, I was just trying to point out that there were extenuating circumstances. They are not reasons; they are not even excuses. They just are.
You're right, there are extenuating circumstances. My main problem with BTC isn't really the mistakes, egregious though some of them were. It's the reluctance on the part of TPTB to correct the mistakes.

And, in fairness, I have to admit that I'm partly to blame for that. After all, I've been promising to send in errata for a long time now and haven't gotten around to doing it. (Due to my desire to have every t crossed and every i dotted before I submit[*]).

Also, when we wrote Sword Worlds I asked for permission to base my writeup of the Swordies in the 5FW on previously published material rather than BTC and GF and got it, so some error correction has been done. (12 down, 600 to go :devil:).


[*] There's one reference that's driving me nuts. I'm sure I've seen a mention somewhere that 'Collace gets raw materials from Tarsus, Avastan and Inchin', but I can't track it down.
You're right, there are extenuating circumstances. My main problem with BTC isn't really the mistakes, egregious though some of them were. It's the reluctance on the part of TPTB to correct the mistakes.
Now that you get my whole agreement on. While they have denied it, I still believe they just gave up and don't care about that book anymore. My main evidence is that the corrections made by Sword Worlds still has never been included in the errata file. That would not have taken any time, and all of that data is right in front of them. If they were to ever work on the errata, at least that would already be done. But it hasn't been.

From a Darrian perspective, it still annoys me that Dorianna is listed rather than Kardin.

And for Collace, my complaint is that it has the wrong government type!
MJD has stated that it was a very tight timeframe.


Tight? Apparently there was enough time to run a playtest. Also, SJGames routinely fails to meet their own deadlines. So much so, as a matter of fact, that they are loathe to even announce deadlines.

And offering to write a G:T sourcebook about the single most detailed sector in Traveller without having on hand the primary canonical source for that sector goes beyond chutzpah and right out the other side.

As I stated before, the manuscript should not have been initially accepted.

I just don't take as hard a line on it. Especially considering that GDW couldn't even keep their own history in line.

The whole concept of RPG setting "canon" was viewed very differently back then; Traveller's canon was accreted more than planned. Now that the RPG "operating system" war has been decided in the favor of d20-descended systems, "content" for the "operating system" is what sells and that "content" needs to be more tightly scripted.

I also strongly agree with you and Hans about SJGames refusal to fix BtC's mistakes. Hell, they won't even admit that BtC has any mistakes. Paul Chapman actually suggested during a BtC on the SJGames for a that, if BtC was of so little use for Traveller, people should simply use it as a generic G:Space setting!

Have fun,