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Are You Planning to Purchase T20?

Are You Planning to Purchase T20?

  • Definately No! I have no interest in T20 or the supplementary material

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
LOL. I know what you mean.

Honestly, I'm torn between picking Gurps Trav or T20. I like what I hear of the GURPS system cause you can totally customize your characters. Everything about them. Plus the xp and advancement are more gradual and realistic. T20 is easy to learn from the years wasted playing DnD. Buuuut most of the rules for construction are in the main manual. So that's pretty few sourcebooks to buy, maybe a $5 pdf here an there.

The worst part is I got no F2F group. Grrrrrr!

Maybe I'll buy both or neither. I'll check the moon when it comes up on the night T20's out.

Frankly I think GURPS s..er... is not the best system. There are other examples of what I call "points and budget" systems out there (CHAMPIONS/HERO, BESM, etc) that while they don't directly support GT would probably be more playble IMO than GURPS. T20 or the Rumoured T5 sound much more appealing to me.

but that's me.

I vote yes, I have too many different games already, but Traveller is near the top. It is a game that I have found others have played before. In my life, I do move to new areas every few years, and the gaming group is always going to other places in the world. D&D will get old but is a way to draw in new gamers. Then they can be show the light of Sci-Fi!
I voted yes.

But I believe it will turn out to be one of those 'soft' votes that surprise pollsters by skewing their predictions.

If I could vote again. it would be no.

but anyone who's seen my posts on other related topics knows that already.

I still think GT or it's original Core rule book at least barked up two wrong trees:

a) there was no allowance for 'prior history' a unique and ESSENTIAL element of the traveller experience.

b) Imperial System sucks. Traveller has always been metric. -I've- been metric since my country switched while I was in grade school. I convert my imperial units by converting to metric converting between nearest equivalents and converting back.

c) it's a subjective thing but the artwork seemed...off. it was GURPS artwork not Traveller. mind you for me the "traveller Look" was established way back with the 'Traveller Book' and some illustrated Dragon Magasine articles. (oh and the movie Outland) so even a lot of MT stuff looked... 'off' to me.

On the other hand their historical data seemed good. I actually learned a few things I hadn't known from Imperial Encyclopedia and my Hodge Podge of Library Data Entries.

But anyway. No. No T20 for me. Not Today. Though my vote may change with it's release. I vote best with my money anyway.


... subject to some issues that may yet spanner the project, there will be a $25 PDF of the full rules. As soon as the main book goes to the printers, we'll lay out the PDF and put it up for sale.
Originally posted by MJD:

... subject to some issues that may yet spanner the project, there will be a $25 PDF of the full rules. As soon as the main book goes to the printers, we'll lay out the PDF and put it up for sale.
MOST Excellent

When will you guys start taking orders?
Hi all,

After reading the "free" lite version I was very impressed.
Only if T4 would have had a small demo, that would have saved me a few bucks

I might just hold off until a TNE or MT timeline addon get published.

I don't think you will need any add-ons to play T20 in any milieu (sp?).. just pick a time period and play, use the already published works and do some basic conversions (which shouldn't be too difficult, esp. as ships are pretty darn near High Guard).
Not sure. Don't put much faith in Lite versions.

I played CT for years......bought MT and was disappointed. Bought TNE liked the timeline, some
of the rules. Bought some of T4 and was completely disappointed....Gurps haven't taken the pricy dive
although I like the flexibility.

so I will wait and see a few of the products before diving in.

More importantly the T20 system has many positive
benefits. I have been considering Gurps or T20 with a TNE background for some time.

I pre-ordered T20, and am anxiously awaiting its arrival.

I ordered T20 because Traveller has always been my favorite game, and with the D20 rules there is now an enormous amount of easily converted material that I can include IMTU.
I'm looking forward to T20. Pre-ordered it duirng the discount period.

At this point I am not sure if I want to use the particular milieu, though. Been toying with the idea of setting up some "pocket empires" out past the Solomani Confederation in the Rimward Reaches during the period of the original game or a little time after for a bit of an "Old West" feel. Guess I'll decide soon enough.
I'm planning on buying two copies of T20. One for myself so I am atleast familar with the D20 treatment of Traveller, so I can participate at cons running it. Maybe in the future I might run T20 with a group or solo adventures.

The second copy is for a friend that runs both D&D and D20 Star Wars. He's familar with the the Traveller universe and would probaly run it with his kids. In fact we are doing a phone/online GT campaign that is going very well.
CT is all I've ever known as far as Traveller goes, but I played AD&D (mainly 1st edition, a little 2nd) for many years and have some exposure to D20, though never a total D20 system. If I can find some people to play with, it will be an experience.
Though I'm currently sharing T20 with Yaskoydray[as we both co-own pretty much all the previous versions],I probably will pick up my own copy sometime in the future.
I'll be buying a copy as soon as they become available in Australia. I like to actually flick through the book before handing over large sums of money.

Having said that, If I was aware how long the wait was likely to be, I might have pre-ordered
hi all,
new to traveller as a whole. just got classic traveller (lbb) through ebay and have just made characters with my ladyfriend so far. like it muchly. ordered t20 and will do the same when it arrives (thus my "yes" vote).

good to be here,