I'll call B.S. on your friends "story". The power companies have never feared "solar" because it is not a viable base load source. (that's why Germany has about the highest electricity rates in the industrialized world. Ridiculously high) Ergo, electrical power company higher ups don't even think about it in that way.
I live in a some what sunnier part of the world, where the Power companies where having to pay Householders for their excess because of where the fead-in tariff (that the home owner was receiving when the sun was up) was and the off-peak tariffs (that they where paying when the sun was down), and that was just on a basic system, if you have an expanded system you may still may be receiving a credit from the power company, but Tariffs have bean restructured so it's back to almost everybody paying again.
They are more worried about how much it complicates there lives, not what it's costing them, since they just pass it on to the consumer as a "Green Power Levy" if you tick the "I'm a Greeny" box on your power bill or they hit you up with "Carbon Tax Deferment Costs" and an "Environmental Reparations Levy".