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Armor Layering

I'v bean going through the 2300AD books i have got as well as my suviving challenge mags ant the list but can not find the rules for layering Armor i was woundering if any one could tell me where to find the offical rules or failing that the best verson of the fan produced rules
the 'aurore sourcebook' cleard this up. there is no armor layering. wearing different types of armor such as a suit and a breastplate only gives you the best armor value to determine penetration.

ex: if you're wearing the soft suit and a rigid breastplate and are then shot in the chest, you can only apply the armor value of the breastplate, NOT the suit underneath.

i believe the thinking was, if a shot can penetrate the best armor you have,nothing else is gonna help.
Of course house rules and common sense would dictate otherwise.
If I were to be shot by a rifle and it somehow penetrated my rigid chestplate, the non-rigid undergarment would definatly lessen the blow, even if only to transfer the damage to stun only.

Now I see where the designers/writers were coming from, you don't want every munchkin running around with stacked armor looking like a dagwood sandwich and surviving every firefight easily.
But again common sense would dictate in this instance since that would get a bit cumbersome.

Thanks guys i was thinking of using somthing akin to the Cpunk rules of halfing (then quatering) the PV of the lower rated armor but i need to figure out what to do with inisitve peneiltys