My idea about accomodating the new system to the old HG formula is to make every two points of HG armor factor into one armor point. Weapon "hits" (damage table rolls) would then be:
Beam Laser: 1.
Pulse Laser: 2.
HE (standard) Missile: 3.
Focused Blast/AP Missile (double cost): 3, but ignores 2 points of armor.
Heavy Missile (triple cost, slower): 6, ignores 2 points of armor.
Nuclear Missile: 8 hits, 2 criticals, 2 radiation, ignores 4 points of armor.
Plasma: 2, ignores 1 point of armor.
Fusion: 4 hits, 1 radiation, ignores 2 points of armor.
Each point of armor reduces the number of hits by one. Any successful attack (i.e. hits the target) causes atleast one "hit" (damage roll), regardless or armor, UNLESS the armor rating, modified by the AP ("damage-ignoring") characteristics of the attack, is double or more of the basic number of hits the attack does. Radiation hits are reduced last by armor, and are included in the number of hits for the calculation of Armor stopping the hit altogather.
For example, a Pulse Laser does 2 hits to an unarmored ship; 1 hit to ships with Armor Rating 1 to 3; and no damage to ships with Armor 4+. A Plasma Cannon does 2 hits to an unarmored ship or ships with Armor 1; 1 hit to ships with Armor 2 to 4; and no damage to ships with Armor 5+.
Beam Laser: 1.
Pulse Laser: 2.
HE (standard) Missile: 3.
Focused Blast/AP Missile (double cost): 3, but ignores 2 points of armor.
Heavy Missile (triple cost, slower): 6, ignores 2 points of armor.
Nuclear Missile: 8 hits, 2 criticals, 2 radiation, ignores 4 points of armor.
Plasma: 2, ignores 1 point of armor.
Fusion: 4 hits, 1 radiation, ignores 2 points of armor.
Each point of armor reduces the number of hits by one. Any successful attack (i.e. hits the target) causes atleast one "hit" (damage roll), regardless or armor, UNLESS the armor rating, modified by the AP ("damage-ignoring") characteristics of the attack, is double or more of the basic number of hits the attack does. Radiation hits are reduced last by armor, and are included in the number of hits for the calculation of Armor stopping the hit altogather.
For example, a Pulse Laser does 2 hits to an unarmored ship; 1 hit to ships with Armor Rating 1 to 3; and no damage to ships with Armor 4+. A Plasma Cannon does 2 hits to an unarmored ship or ships with Armor 1; 1 hit to ships with Armor 2 to 4; and no damage to ships with Armor 5+.