The tricks I mentioned (whack the forward baseboard, weaponized vertigo) require nothing that's not already assumed in a canon belly-lander ship.
You get fore/aft ping-pong just from using the M-Drive without inertial compensation, alternated with inertial compensation without the M-Drive. It's vertical ping-pong if the ship's a tailsitter/skyscraper (Broadsword, classic Azhanti High Lightning).
Vertical ping-pong on the deck perimeters (bridge, outer edges of the cargo hold, engine room) is just what happens when the grav-field compensates for pitch and roll maneuvers that the ship isn't doing. Might not be 1G each way though -- the math for the actual Gs needed requires assumptions about how fast a ship can rotate on its axes.
The hardware capability is already present. The software controls are probably priced into the Anti-Hijack app.
But this sort of depends on how artificial gravity works, though.
It could also be something that sets the gravity within the space it influences to 1G in a particular direction, regardless of external forces (until it's overloaded and all external forces get applied). That is, it's not actually applying a forward "pull" to counter the maneuver drive and ship rotation, it's just 1G toward the deck no matter what.
In that case, you can only do one-way 1G ping... ping... ping... (down) without the maneuver drive.
With the drives, you can do M-Drive Gs aft, 1G down, then M-Drive Gs aft, repeating -- but basically if the hostiles stay put at the aft bulkhead, it's still just one THUD followed by G-stress and weaponized seasickness.