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{ARTWORK} More New Artwork

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hunter:
If you have definate, usable suggestions on how we can better portray them without resorting to stereotypes to ensure that a pic represents a specific ethnic group, I promise we will listen and do our best. Believe it or not I am in total agreement with you on portraying a wider range of human 'types'.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This may be overkill, but here's a random idea:

When commisioning art, you could generate the subjects like characters. A random die-roll on a chart to determine species and subrace. It could produce some interesting and eclectic pictures, and add some depth to the other sapients...

I mean is there only one breed of Aslan? Are all Vilani the same color? Do all Vargr look like German Sheperds?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
If you have definate, usable suggestions on how we can better portray them without resorting to stereotypes to ensure that a pic represents a specific ethnic group, I promise we will listen and do our best. Believe it or not I am in total agreement with you on portraying a wider range of human 'types'.


[This message has been edited by hunter (edited 14 March 2002).]

First thing Hunter my original request for more variety in the illustrations was not meant as either an attack or an accusation. Please don't take it as such.

With that said, it was my perception (right or wrong) that most of the illustrations of humans shown were of caucasian (females. cool
and that more variety would be nice. Simple as that.

As far as showing racial differences (Graphic Designer, former illustrator here) hard to do without either grayscale (shading) or color. BUT, Hunter there is a big difference between sterotypes and showing obvious physical racial differences (shape of eyes, style of hair, size of mouth, nose, etc.).

How about a Zhodani that doesn't look like an Arab sterotype?

Anyway to repeat someone else on the board, More Guns! One of the coolest things about the old 2300AD games were the illustrations of all the guns and tech!

-end of rant
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
If you have definate, usable suggestions on how we can better portray them without resorting to stereotypes to ensure that a pic represents a specific ethnic group, I promise we will listen and do our best. Believe it or not I am in total agreement with you on portraying a wider range of human 'types'.



I would like to send you some ideas. Is there a general mailbox that is working so that I may do so?

The contact us page seems to not be working.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dafrca:

I would like to send you some ideas. Is there a general mailbox that is working so that I may do so?

The contact us page seems to not be working.


What happens when you try to use it?

You can mail me at grip at RPGRealms.com

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
What happens when you try to use it?

Hunter here is the text of the error message I get:

"Bad Referrer - Access Denied
The form that is trying to use this FormMail Program resides at: http://www.rpgrealms.com/contact.html, which is not allowed to access this cgi script.

hope this helps.

As I understand it, the Zhodani, Vlani, and Solimani were seperated about 400,000 years ago. At that time Homo erectus/homo ergaster was tall, bipedal, relatively hairless, and omniverous so all the intersteller races likely share these characteristics. Considering that our current terrestial "races" are about 30-60,000 years old, the major races could look like just about anything in the Star Trek Universe or in Jack Vance novels.

Any characters of terrestial ancestry whose family has been living in the Spinward Marches is likely of mixed ancestry. If you see a Traveller character with chocolate skin and tightly curled hair or with narrow eyes and yellowish skin he must be a Solimanni.

On the other hand, the major Intersteller races have had each 10-12,000 years of urbanity and cultural unity to create a fairly homogenous genetic mix, like a single country on earth. It would be proper to create Vlani and Zhodani stereotypes, just as it is proper to generally draw Swedes with blue eyes or Mexicans as light brown with straight hair.

Apparently the Zhodani generally look like Osama bin ladin (or at least like Basil Rathbone in a turban). Vlani look like generic Europeans (since the majority of characters illustrated for Traveller are probably Vlani or mixed Vlani ancestry). These aren't the choices I would have made, but I can live with them.

[This message has been edited by Uncle Bob (edited 16 March 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dafrca:
Hunter here is the text of the error message I get:

"Bad Referrer - Access Denied

Yep sure does. It should be working now. Thanks!

Ront rurrey Rrian, Arts reat! Especially the cover. Rue drew ry runcle's rast rand rurfectly. Thanks for the reat rrurk!


Rorry, randard isn't rurfect yet. Will rend my next rexperience rroint there.