Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
How can you tell a human crewing on a Vargr vessel? He's the one with hair all over him.
My dog is a mixed breed with some Chow in him. He's got an undercoat, and during shedding season, we sometimes have doggie tumbleweeds rolling through the house. I've had to stop our maid, who comes once a week, from committing suicide. When I wear black slacks to work, people think I'm wearing Angora.
In considering this, I started wondering about the hairier races in Traveller: Aslan and Vargr.
Can you imagine what the inside of a Vargr starship looks like? The hair alone! I bet it's like a soft layer that covers the entire ship--it sinks in an inch when you step on it.
And, they've got to have it on their clothes all the time.
I'm thinking most Vargr don't care.
But, the Aslan. They're too prideful. (Not that the Vargr aren't prideful--they just don't care about hair.) I'm thinking that the Aslan probably have some sort of device that takes care of the hair for them. Maybe something akin to an air atomizer--something that would make hair non-clingy and fall ot the ground. Then, another device--a strip along the base of the walls, attracts hair like a maget attracts metal. The hair is collected in this wall strip then disposed of in the ship's trash.
They probably have portable devices, too, to groom themselves when not operating in Aslan space.
My dog is a mixed breed with some Chow in him. He's got an undercoat, and during shedding season, we sometimes have doggie tumbleweeds rolling through the house. I've had to stop our maid, who comes once a week, from committing suicide. When I wear black slacks to work, people think I'm wearing Angora.
In considering this, I started wondering about the hairier races in Traveller: Aslan and Vargr.
Can you imagine what the inside of a Vargr starship looks like? The hair alone! I bet it's like a soft layer that covers the entire ship--it sinks in an inch when you step on it.
And, they've got to have it on their clothes all the time.
I'm thinking most Vargr don't care.
But, the Aslan. They're too prideful. (Not that the Vargr aren't prideful--they just don't care about hair.) I'm thinking that the Aslan probably have some sort of device that takes care of the hair for them. Maybe something akin to an air atomizer--something that would make hair non-clingy and fall ot the ground. Then, another device--a strip along the base of the walls, attracts hair like a maget attracts metal. The hair is collected in this wall strip then disposed of in the ship's trash.
They probably have portable devices, too, to groom themselves when not operating in Aslan space.