It has to do with the populations...
In non-MGT...
The average random imperial world C555555-6.
The average random world citizen is from a C555AAA-9.
Pop A worlds consist of 1/36 of worlds. 1 share of population
Pop 9 worlds are 2/36, but 1/10 the pop. So, 0.2 shares
Pop 8 worlds are 3/36, but 1/100 the pop... so 0.03 shares.
the net total shares are thus 1.2345654321, so Pop A is about 81% of the population.
The reality of the 3I as mapped in the 5 "assuredly canonical imperial sectors" as originally released is actually somewhat different than these numbers. That's because all of those were massaged a bit by the developers. (Spinward Marches, Deneb, Trojan Reach, Reft, Solomani Rim.) I don't know whether the Gateway domain was massaged. Vland (from V&V) has alternate world gen, but may not have been massaged; it is slightly different.
In MGT, if not using the options, the above holds true.
If using the options on page 180, Hard Science means the average citizen is from an A port, as well, and is from an average TL of 11...
In T5, the numbers are skewed... by the "10= reroll as 2d6+3" rule (p409)
Pop | Odds | Shares |
15 | 1/1296 | 100000 |
14 | 2/1296 | 20000 |
13 | 3/1296 | 3000 |
12 | 4/1296 | 400 |
11 | 5/1296 | 50 |
10 | 6/1296 | 6 |
9 | 77/1296 | 7.7 |
8 | 112/1296 | 1.12 |
7 | 147/1296 | 0.147 |
6 | 182/1296 | 0.0182 |
5 | 217/1296 | 0.00217 |
4 | 180/1296 | 0.00018 |
3 | 144/1296 | 0.0000144 |
2 | 108/1296 | 0.00000108 |
1 | 72/1296 | 0.000000072 |
0 | 36/1296 | 0 |
Totals] | 1296/1296 | 123464.987565552 |
Pop F is thus 80% of the imperial population... even tho' it's under 0.1% of worlds.