Let's see here, from my houserules (based on CE):
A character that makes the minimum roll gets to roll on the Basic Commendation table, making it by 3+ allows a roll on the Conspicuous Commendation Table, and making it by 6+ allows a roll on the Distinguished Commendation Table. Failing the Decoration roll by 6+ means the character must roll on the Legal Mishap Table.
It is also not uncommon in the realm of military decorations or commendations for there to be matching awards from foreign allies. These are often not deemed worthy of much note by members of the Imperium, but will be worn and displayed under the proper circumstances.
When examining the “fruit salad” of military characters, or the CV or resume of non-military characters, there are often other awards and commendations. Examples include: Long Service Medal (in Bronze for 16-23 years of Imperial service, Silver for 24-31 years of service, Gold for 32-39 years of service, and Iridium for 40+ years of service), the Prisoner of War Medal, and even minor examples like a “Reserve Service Good Conduct Medal” for serving with a Reserve Military force with no mishaps or charges of bad behavior. Similarly, there is the Imperial Wound Badge which is awarded for each Injury sustained while on active duty.
There are also Service Expeditionary Ribbons or Medals which are usually awarded for planetary campaigns, larger meta-campaigns, and then entire conflicts. Combat Command is noted by a Star on the Campaign Ribbon.
In the event of an individual’s death in Imperial service, their immediate family will be granted a Memorial Star.
Table: Basic Commendations
2D6 Decoration
2-3 (Imperial Unit Commendation Medal)
4-5 Service Good Conduct Medal (Non-Combat)
6-7 Service Achievement Medal (Non-Combat)
7-8 Service Commendation Medal (Heroism or Meritorious Service)
9-10 Service Commendation Medal with Valor (Valor)
11-12 Mentioned in the Dispatches (MiD) (For Meritorious Conduct under Fire, Heroism or Valor)
A Basic Commendation other than an Imperial Unit Commendation Medal, grants a +1 on that term’s Advancement roll. Unit Commendation medals are never granted below the Battalion level, though they can be granted to any starship. If a character receives a Unit Commendation Medal they are allowed a second Decoration check for a possible individual award.
Good Conduct, Achievement, and Commendation medals are service-specific. The services include: Army, Aerospace, Civil Service, Constabulary, Colonial Service, Foreign Service, Intelligence, Navy, Nautical, Marine, and Scouts.
For each Basic Commendation roll 9+ for a +1 Fame, Agent’s gain no Fame.
If the character is Mentioned in the Dispatches, roll 9+ for Fame +1. Being Mentioned in the Dispatches does not come with own medal, is instead noted by a Laurel on the Campaign Ribbon. Multiple awards within a given campaign grants pips on the Laurel. Roll with a +4 on the Injury Table. Constables receive the Justice Star, same benefits, while Agents receive the Hostile Action Service Medal, no Fame, both must roll on the with a +4 on the Injury Table.
Bureaucrats, Colonists, Constables, and Diplomats do not receive Mentioned in the Dispatches, they receive a Letter of Commendation. It does not come with its own medal and is instead merely kept in the individual’s file.
Anyone, civilians and non-Agents, may receive an Imperial Intelligence Medallion as recognition and thanks for significant efforts in aiding Imperial intelligence efforts, roll 10+ on receipt of Mentioned in the Dispatches, Justice Star, or Letter of Commendation.
Happy to post the Conspicuous and Distinguished tables also if people are interested.