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[Azhanti High Lightning] Incident VII--Broadsword


(Adapted from Adventure 7: Broadsword):
INCIDENT VII--Broadsword Year of the Imperium 1107
Ticket to Garda-Vilis: At the conclusion of the Fourth Frontier war,
Garda-Vilis was a major communication link between the Imperial holdings in the Spinward
Marches and the de-militarized "neutral" zone on the border of Zhodani and Sword Worlds
space. The planet was originally colonized in -121 and named "Tanoose". But that initial
colonization attempt failed. Vilis then stepped in and re-colonized the planet, re-naming
it "Garda-Vilis" or "New Vilis". It installed a military council to rule the new colony,
and has consciously manipulated the planet's economy to maintain its dependence on Vilis.
A small rebellion in 1103 was violently put down by the ruling council, costing them
what little popular support they had. Now the general population of Garda-Vilis is largely
dis-satisfied with the ruling council, and most support the growing insurrectionist movement
that calls itself the "Tanoose Freedom League" (TFL). The TFL has always taken pains to
protect Imperial property and Imperial personell, and so while it has engaged in low-level
military operations against the ruling council, it has never invited Imperial intervention.
However, Ruling Council intelligence agents have discovered a sudden spike in funding and
arms within the TFL. Obviously, they are receiving covert, off-world support, and the Ruling
Council fears it might be from either the Zhodani or the Sword Worlds. This sudden "War Scare"
has prompted the Ruling Council to open their coffers and hire a high-tech Striker Platoon
in the hope that such a force might be able to end the TFL threat once and for all.
The Striker Platoon, arriving in a Broadsword-class Mercenary Cruiser, established
orbit and achieved planetfall on the 196th day of Year of the Imperium 1107. Hardly had the
mercs set foot in Garda-Villis' tainted atmosphere, hwoever, than they were given their first
mission, for the panicky Ruling Council was anxious to get the most for their money.
Scenario 1--House to House Fighting
After breaking through the eggshell defense of a TFL-sympathetic village, the Broadsword's Strikers began the much more difficult and dangerous task of clearing each building of armed rebels. Second Squad hit the jackpot when it found a Warehouse being used as the TFL command Group's Headquarters. After silencing a TFL Light Machinegun dug in on the Warehouse' roof, First Fireteam set up a perimeter while Second Fireteam was sent in to clear the building and arrest the rebel officers.
Deck Plans Used: WitchKingAmor's Warehouse Map is the only map used in this scenario.
Forces Used--Strikers: Striker Second Squad, Second Fireteam is used in this scenario,which consist of Counters NCO35 , E36 , E37, and E38. They all wear Combat Armor.
Forces Used--TFL: Survivors of TFL Company HQ is used in this scenario, which consist of Counters O47, O48, NCO49, E50, NCO51, E52, E53, and E54. None of them wear Armor.
Special Rules: The following special rules apply.
1. Setting up the Scenario-- The TFL player places counters O47, O48, NCO49, and E50 insde the Warehouse. Once this is complete, the Striker player places his counters anywhere outside the warehouse. Thirdly,the Striker charater places a white blank counter on any north, west, or southern wall space that is not adjacent to a Striker counter, in order to represent a hole that has been blasted by Second Squad, First Fireteam's Fusion Gunner. Lastly, the TFL player places counters NCO51, E52, E53 and E54 inside the warehouse. The Strikers may either enter the warehouse through the hole or through the door (if it can be breached or broken down, see below).
2. Stairs and Doors: All doors are considered locked and must be broken down or breached. The stairs squares cost one extra action point to move up or down, but characters may "Jump Down One Level" from anywhere on the stairs as per rule 8C1.
3. Rifle Grenades: Each Striker carries three RAM HEAP Rifle Grenades, as indicated by the "GL" modifier on their counter. Loading a Rifle Grenade requires the "Reloading" special action as per rule 25.B. As soon as a Rifle Grenade is loaded, the counter may not fire its Gauss Rifle until the Rifle Grenade has been fired. As soon as the Rifle Grenade is fired, the counter may immediately begin using its Gauss Rifle again without having to use the "Reload" special action as per rule 25.B. Strikers may choose to begin the scenario with a Rifle Grenade loaded.
4. Obstacles: Any square containing an obstacle (crate or furniture, for ecample) provides Cover for a line of sight passing through or into it. Squares containing obstacles cost one extra action point to move out of.
5. The TFL Captain: The TFL Captain (O47) is busy burning documents. Every turn that she is ordered to Move, and she chooses to remain in his starting square, at the end of the Movement Phase she is considered to be Evading and to have burned one document. Se has a total of 12 documents he must burn.
Objectives: The Strikers are attempting to recover as many of the TFL Captain's documents as possible. Additionally, the Strikers would like to take the two TFL Officers (O47 and O48) Captive. The TFL player receives 1 point for every document she burns, and the Strikers receive 1 point for every document they recover. Additionally, the Strikers gain 3 points if they capture O48 alive, and 5 points if they capture O47 alive. If a Striker counter moves on top of a Cowering counter, that cowering counter is considered captured and removed from the game. Alternatively, a Striker may capture O48 or O47 by engaging with them in melee and achieving a "Light Wound" or better.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Counter Stats:
Second Squad Second Fireteam

NCO35 Fireteam Leader 446685 Age 26 2 terms Cr5,000 GR 0/GL-3
Mechanical-1, Computer-1, Tactics-2, Rifle-2 8-2

E36 Trooper 387758 Age 30 3 terms Cr22,000 GR+1/GL 0
Gambling-2, Rifle-1, Brawling-1, Dagger-1 7-3

E37 Trooper 346557 Age 22 1 term Cr1,200 GR-1/GL-3
ATV-1, Rifle-1, Mechanical-2 5-1

E38 Cook A5A7CA Age 30 3 terms Cr12,000 GR-1/GL -3
Medic-1, Steward-1, Rifle-1, Shotgun-1 9-3
TFL Company Command Squad

O47 TFL Captain 198A79 Age 42 6 Terms Cr 40000 RV+5
Blade Combat-1, Brawling-1, Cutlass-1, Mechanical-1, 11-3
Revolver-4, Vehicle-1
O48 TFL First Lieutenant 9C8653 Age 26 2 Terms Cr 5000 AR+2
Blade Combat-1, Brawling-1, Cutlass-1, Revolver-1, 8-6
Tactics-1, Vacc Suit-1

NCO49 TFL Leading Sergeant 678E8A Age 38 5 Terms Cr 40000 AR+2
Blade Combat-1, Cutlass-1, Electronic-1, AutoRifle-2 10-3

E50 TFL Trooper 6B9689 Age 26 2 Terms Cr 2000 AR+2
Brawling-1, Cutlass-1, Tactics-1, Vacc Suit-1 8-5

NCO51 TFL Lance Sergeant A37D4A Age 30 3 Terms Cr 0 CR 0
Blade Combat-1, Cutlass-1, Gambling-1, Carbine-1 7-3

E52 TFL Trooper 87434B Age 22 1 Term Cr 0 CR 0
Cutlass-3 4-3

E53 TFL Trooper 9C6C88 Age 22 1 Term Cr 5000 AR+3
Cutlass-1, AutoRifle-1, Tactics-1 6-5

E54 TFL Trooper A964B6 Age 22 1 Term Cr 0 CR+2
Administration-1, Cutlass-1, Carbine-1 5-4

GR=Gauss Rifle, 1 extra clip
GL=RAM Rifle Grenade, 3 total
CR=Carbine, 1 extra clip
AR=Auto-Rifle, 2 extra clips
RV=Revolver, no re-loads</pre>[/QUOTE]
Scenario 2--Drive Deck
When several large merchant vessels loaded with a two full battalions of reinforcements appeared in-system from Vilis, their appearance was a surprise to both the Garda-Vilis ruling council and the Zhodani. Unfortunately for the Zhodani, their Strike Cruiser was involved in re fueling operations at the time of the appearance, and so only its Patrol Frigate was immediately available to intercept the vessels. The Ruling Council immediately ordered the Broadsword out of orbit to protect the incoming merchant liners. As the Broadsword engaged the Patrol Frigate, it became clear to the Zhodani that the Mercenary Cruiser would return to the protection of Garda-Vilis planetary Meson Gun before the Strike Cruiser could catch up. The Patrol Frigate's Commander came up with a daring plan by which he would send a fireteam of four marines in the Ship's Boat, which would burn all of its fuel to match course with the Broadsword and enter its Cutter Wells (the Cutters currently being absent, deployed as they were to support the ground troops on Garda Vilis). The marines would enter the empty H Deck, descend to I and J Decks, and set Satchel charges on the Broadsword's Power Plant, disabling the ship long enough for the Zhodani Strike Cruiser to catch up and eliminate it once and for all.
Deck Plans Used: Mercenary Cruiser Deckplans I and J are used in this scenario.
Forces Used--Strikers: The Engineering Crew Counters O08, W09, W10, R11 and R12 are used by the Striker player. They all wear Vacc Suits (treat as Cloth Armor).
Forces Used--Zhodani: The Zhodani use Marine Counters NCO55, E56, E57 and E58. They are all wearing pressurized Combat Armor. Each also carries a single Satchel Charge.
Special Rules: The following special rules apply.
1. Setting up the scenario-- The Striker player places counters O08, R11 and R12 anywhere on Deck J. He places counters W09 and W10 on Deck I. The Zhodani does not place any of his or her counters. The Zhodani player must order each Marine counter to "Move" on turn 1, and they may enter through either of the ceiling hatches on Deck I.
2. Zero-G Striker Counter O08 may take a special order at the beginning of any phase to "Communicate" with the bridge. If Striker Counter spends no action points for that turn, he may ask the bridge to turn off the Gravity plates on decks I and J. The remainder of the game takes place in Zero-G.
3. Floor and Ceiling Hatches The Deck Ceilings are 3 meters high, or two squares. When the Gravity is turned on, ascent is as per the Climb Ladder rule 8.A.5., with the fourth meter of movement placing the counter on the floor hatch square of the next higher deck (assuming the hatch is open). When the Gravity is turned on, Descent as also as per the Climb Ladder rule 8.A.5., or as per the Jump Down One Level rule 8.C.1. While climbing a ladder, a counter is facing the ladder, and so is usually prevented from engaging in Fire Combat. In a Zero-G situation, the ladders are considered handholds for the purpose of movement as per Combat Rule 26.B. and Movement Rule 26.C. In this instance, a counter need not be facing the ladder to use it as a handhold, and so could be engaged in Fire Combat while ascending or descending. Ascent is much more rapid in this case, as well, since each level only requires 4 Action Points to traverse (each level is effectively seperated by two standard 1.5 meter squares). It is recommended that players somehow record the current elevation of counters on hatch squares.
Objectives: The Zhodani Marines are attempting to place Satchel Charges on each of the four drives on Deck J. The Zhodani player receives 1 point for each Satchel Charge successfully detonated on each seperate drive. The Striker player receives 1 point for each Zhodani counter removed (through loss of consciousness, a Serious Wound, or Death) before it can detonate its satchel charge. Zhodani counters may not share satchel charges...that is they may not pass satchel charges from one counter to another, nor pick up satchel charges off of unconscious or dead Zhodani counters.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Engineers

O08 Chief Engineer 655DB6 Age 46 7 terms SP-2/SMG 0
Streetwise-1, Admin-2, Engineering-3, SMG-2, Pilot-2, Nav-1 4-2

W09 2nd Engineer A3A869 Age 26 2 terms SP-2
Jack-of-all-trades-1, Engineering-2, Admin-1 6-3

W10 3rd Engineer 336C76 Age 26 2 terms SP-2/SH 0
Forward Observer-1, Engineering-2, Shotgun-1 4-1

R11 Drive Lackey 565787 Age 34 4 terms SP-2
Electronics-1, Engineering-1, Gambling-1 3-2

R12 Drive Lackey 6A73E5 Age 30 3 terms SP+1
Vacc suit-1, Engineering-1, Dagger-1 4-4

Zhodani Marines

NCO55 Marine 8BB679 Age 30 3 Terms Cr 0 GR+2
Cutlass-2, Leader-1 9-4
E56 Marine 788648 Age 22 1 Term Cr 0 GR 0
Cutlass-3 6-3

E57 Marine 933576 Age 22 1 Term Cr 0 GR-1
Cutlass-1, Gun Combat-1, Vehicle-1 3-3

E58 Marine 9AAC88 Age 26 2 Terms Cr 0 GR+3
Cutlass-1, Gun Combat-1, Vehicle-1 9-4</pre>[/QUOTE]
Optional Scenario 2A--Escort
The following is played out using the Mayday starship combat rules and is included as purely an optional scenario.
After having its drives blown by Zhodani Marines, the Broadsword found itself seriously crippled-system. Quickly running the financial numbers, and knowing that that the Garda-Villis ruling council was liable for all starship damage, the Broadsword's owner-aboard decided not to surrender. Instead he ordered emergency damage control to the drives and rotated the vessel to provide continued fire support for the incoming merchants. Now joined by the native Garda-Villis System Defense Boats, the Broadsword ultimately succeeded in driving protecting the merchant craft long enough for them to make planetfall. Shortly thereafter, the Broadsword itself limped back to the safety of the planetary meson gun. Both System Defense Boats, however, had been destroyed.
Map Set Up: Set up the four Mayday maps end to end, so that you create a play area 20 hexes by 52 hexes.
Forces Used--Strikers: The Strikers are the natives. They receive a Mercenary Cruiser, a System Defense Boat-400, and three Transports.
Forces Used--Zhodani: The Zhodani are the intruders. They receive a Tiaflfiat Patrol Frigate and a Shivva Patrol Frigate.
Special Rules: The following special rules apply.
1. Setting up the scenario-- Once the play map has been set up, with the maps numbered, from left to right, 1, 2, 3 and 4, the Zhodani places all three transport and Mercenary Cruiser present counters on map 1. Next, the Striker player places the past and future counters of each Transport and the Mercenary Cruiser anywhere on map 1. Then, the Zhodani player places the Shivva Patrol Frigate's past, present and future counters on map 1. Next, the Striker player places the System Defense Boat past, present and future counters on map 3. Lastly, the Zhodani player places the Tiaflfiat Patrol Frigate's past, present and future counters on map 2, and Alpha on map 4.
2. Damage-- For each satchel charge successfully detonated by the Zhodani player in scenario 2, the Mercenary Cruiser receives -1 to its Manuever rating. In this special case, a negative rating is possible. If the Mercenary Cruiser succeeds on a damage control throw, the Striker player may choose to add one to the Mercenary Cruiser's maneuver factor. Note that this is different from the normal rule -- a successful damage control throw only improves the maneuver drive incrementally; it does not repair it completely.
Objectives: The Zhodani are attempting to destroy the Transports as well as the Mercenary Cruiser and System Defense Boat. They receive 1 point for every starship or gunboat destroyed. The Striker player is attempting to protect the Transports by destroying the Zhodani. The Striker player receives 2 points for every Zhodani starship destroyed. Once a System Defense Boat or Transport has successfully landed on Alpha (Garda-Villis), it is safe from the Zhodani. Likewise, if the Striker Mercenary Cruiser establishes an orbit around Alpha, it has successfully come under the protection of Alpha's planetary meson gun, and can no longer be fired upon by the Zhodani.

Starship Statistics:

Zhodani Tiaflfiat Patrol Frigate, 600 ton starship, 3G, 9 lasers (3 batteries of 3), 6 sandcasters, 6 missile launchers, 1 ship's boat, Model/6, Programs: All plus Jump 3, Jump 4.

Zhodani Shivva Patrol Frigate, 600-ton starship, 2G, 6 lasers, 3 missile launchers, 3 sandcasters, 1 cutter, 8 fighters, Model/6, Programs: all plus Jump 3, Jump 4.

System Defense Boat-400, 400-ton gunboat, 6G, 6 lasers, 6 missile launchers, armor factor 9, Model/5, Programs: All except for Jump, Navigate and Generate.

Mercenary Cruiser, 800-ton starship, 3G, 12 lasers (2 batteries of 6), 6 sandcasters, 6 missile launcers, Model/5, Programs: All plus Jump 3.

Optional Mayday Rules:

Statistics have been included so that any of the following optional rules may be used. Alternatively, they can be ignored.

Armor Factor: A vessel's armor factor is the number of hits it can take before being subject to rule 7b. For example, the Gazelle Close Escort has an armor factor of 3. On one round of engagement it takes two contact missile hits, for 6 rolls on the damage table. Normally that would destroy a ship. But because of the Gazelle's armor factor, it ignores the first three hits. It is treated as having only taken 3 hits, and therefore is not destroyed. In the next turn, however, that same Gazelle Close Escort takes 4 laser hits. It has already used up its armor factor, and so it is destroyed.

Laser Batteries: Lasers may be divided into batteries. Normally, a single starship must fire all of its lasers at a single opponent. When using this optional rule, however, each battery can choose to fire at a seperate opponent. All weapons within a laser battery may be used with the "shift fire" rule, but lasers from seperate batteries may not.
Sgt Hulka,

You da man.

Great stuff. Playable stuff. I wish more posts were like this.

I try to post a lot of playable stuff that people can use. Mine's mostly rule variations and things. But your stuff here are playable encounters.


Don't let the lack of posts on this dissuade you. Keep up the good work, brother.

It is appreciated.

Thanks for the encouragement, guys.