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Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
I was wondering if anyone has ever ran an entire system as balkanized. Say one of the worlds is controlled by one faction and asteroid mining controlled by another and a small moon controlled by a third, etc...

Not sure if this would work, but there's the question.

All of them. The Imperium "...only rules the Space between the Planets...". If each planet is independantly ruled, and not dependant upon any other planet's government for any kind of support, then the Imperium would "recognize" all the Planetary Governments.

Allowing for this, it has always been my personal interpretation that the "Main World" of a starsystem is the planet with the strongest Economy -- Tech Level, Population, Starport are all factors, of course, but the Imperium's only concern is a planet's viability for Trade. Because "...Trade is the Lifeblood of the Imperium..."
It depends.

IMTU a mainworld may or may not have established proprietary claims over the outworlds (that is, planets other than the mainworld) in the star system. A mainworld of Pop 6+ and TL 8+ will most likely establish a formal claim to the system outworlds, though there are a fair number of exceptions to this general guideline IMTU.

Colonies (gov 6) established on outworlds by the mainworld are the simplest and most direct example of a proprietary claim - mainworld colonies share a unified government system with the mainworld and are accorded Imperial membership along with the mainworld if applicable. Some corporation-run outworlds (gov 1) would also share this status as well, most often when the outworld is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a corporate entity headquartered and legally operated on the mainworld.

Other mainworld proprietary claims to outworlds may exist as well. Self-governing outworlds (gov 1-4) may be established by charters, compacts, treaties, or similar agreements under the proprietary authority of the main-world. For example, in one system IMTU a balkanized mainworld established a multinational development authority over several outworlds and satellites for purposes of mining and other resource extraction. These outworlds may or may not share the Imperial status of the mainworld, depending on the specifics of the enabling agreement, though IMTU most are not Imperial members.

Proprietary claims to a system's outworlds may also be made by a mainworld in another star system, most often in cases where the local mainworld does not have the population or technological resources to exert its own influence over the outworlds in its own system.

Both the local mainworld and a distant mainworld may exert influence over a far companion star system's outworlds.

Independent out worlds are also present in some star systems - these may be former colonies or other proprietary worlds that have achieved independence from the mainworld, amicably or otherwise, or they may have been colonized separately from the mainworld, making them independent from the time they were established. Independent outworlds IMTU are usually Imperial members under seperate charters from the mainworld, although there are exceptions. Independent outworlds may have their own colonies or other proprietary outworlds in the system as well! Independent corporate outworlds usually belong to megacorporations IMTU.

Finally there are self-governing inhabited outworlds (gov 0-4) that fall into a gray area - they may occupy an outworld or planetoid belt for which no proprietary claim exists, or where a claim exists that is effectively unenforceable. Belters often create "independent mining districts" or "belters benevolent associations" that provide a semblence of government, primarily to promote less lethal means of resolving disagreements over claims and so forth. These self-governing outworlds hold no legal claim to their planets or belts and cannot be recognized by the Imperium until such a claim is formally recognized.
Could a system ever have two mainworlds?

What if you are dealing with a binary system with two G-type stars each with a inhabited world in it own respective lifebelt? Lets also say that the two stars are separated by 120 AU, leaving room for 9 planets in each minisystem.
First, in my opinion "mainworlds" are mostly a result of the Imperial economy, which tends to focus on the most economically important world in each system and develop it; it might also be an element of Imperial law, with the governance of each system handled from one world.

Second, I do not think that mainworlds are nescerily in the habitable zone, though most are; economic importance (such as significant Lanthanum/Zuchai (sp?) or uranium deposits) might make an inner-zone or outer-zone world pivotal to a system, and thus a homeworld; in some cases, excessive traffic near an outer-zone gas giant might make one of its moons the mainworld.
I think that LBB3 addressed the idea of "multiple mainworlds" in the same system. The UWP generation method was designed to create THE mainworld. The world with the biggest population or most economic power within the system.

So, it should be possible, but unlikely, for a system to have a garden type world that is NOT the mainworld. Several of the asteroid systems could have a moderately habitable planet in the system, but since the belt is so rich, that is where the people and wealth are located.
IMTU, No, you never get two mainworlds in a single system, since a baronial fief is a parsec across... however each world gets a baronet if it has a separate government from the mainworld (not as common) or a significant (6+) pop. If the mainworld's a Marquis or Count, there may be baronets, demi-barons and viscounts in the system.

In any case, the Fief of the lesser world's nobles is administratively answerable to the mainworld's noble, with the exception of Viscounts; a Viscounty is, IMTU, answerable direct to the subsector Duke.

Of course, I do funky stuff with nobles, too.

It's a case of the Noble has jurisdiction over the whole turf. He doesn't have posession, however, outside the starport.

In the case of Laryssa's double-system, I'd use a viscounty or baronet for the lesser of the two; the knights and demi-barons of the spaceports look to one of the two, and both look to the duke.
Maybe you can use the distinction between an Marquis and a Count to address that additional world(s) population?

A Marquis would be over a system with one main world and maybe a few outlying, small outposts.

A Count would be over a system where 2+ worlds had a Pop 6+, or "independent" worlds in the same system. Each of the sub-mainworlds might get it's own Marquis under the Count, maybe not.