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Betty or Serenity?

  • Thread starter Black Globe Generator
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Originally posted by Casey:
P.S. and FWIW I *do* like Fifth Element
Me, too. But I think it's more of a 2000AD film than a Traveller film.
Well Moebius did work on Fifth Element so it does look and feel like Heavy Metal: The Live Action Movie done while not consuming massive quanties of substances (like the animated one seems to have been). So I can see a connection to 2000AD (not the same mag but close and more Euro than American certainly).

Still, the working bloke + flash/dry humor focus works for my view of Traveller. Just view it as not being in a high TL area, which I tend to in my Traveller games anyway. TL15 is too close to Star Trek and has less of a hands-on/need for player character direct action for my liking.
Originally posted by kafka47:
Ok, maybe, I can retract a few of my words, perhaps Armageddon is the ultimate premise for many of my Traveller adventures where a bunch of misfits get called in to do something the "experts" be they Military, Paramilitary, Merchant, Noble or Other cannot accomplish.
Hey if that works for you, more power to you, your time and money. To me those weren't misfits. They were walking cliches who knew exactly what to do except when bound by said cliches. In a movie based on the "everyone except our exceptional heroes are stupid chumps" premise. As seen in Alien 3 and other sup-par B horror movies.

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Don't hold back Casey, you don't have to sugar coat it for us ;) Tell us how you really feel about that film.
I made it through the movie I think as some sort of unspoken game of chicken with the friend I went to see it. It just kept on piling cliche and telegraphed sleepwritten lines. Really needs the MSTie treatment.
Originally posted by Casey:
Just view it as not being in a high TL area, which I tend to in my Traveller games anyway. TL15 is too close to Star Trek and has less of a hands-on/need for player character direct action for my liking.
Even at TL 15, there has to be someone who has to take out the garbage and kick the dog. Never let a TL be an excuse for shiny gadgets and hard work.

I always use the allegory with players, if you would transport someone from the Middle Ages into the present day, they would be amazed at all the technology but when they got down to it, and encountered places like NYC, they find the same deprived humanity and dirt & filth they would have thought the "future" would have solved.

An element of TL 15 can be that shiny future but our problems are not solved by our technical advances but through ourselves. TL 15 just gives us more more toys to pollute the universe with.

Hey, watched again the film last night, you are right in your assessment of the characters but that is what Hollywood is all about. Unless, you are thinking of something that will span more than 3 films, it is hard to give any depth to characters. That is why film is such a poor medium for storytelling but just gives us the visual cues to make our imagines soar farther.
Originally posted by Berg:
Is Joss Whedon up to any Sci-Fi stuff lately/soon...?
Love to see more stuff by him
He has written a few more issues of the Serenity comic oversees the Serenity RPG line (just checking if it conforms to his vision), if that accounts for SF activity.

If Wonder Woman counts as SF. Then he is supposively working on Wonder Woman.

Not sure, I found Serenity, a big letdown, had many elements of the TV series but the pacing all wrong and the characters acting was somewhat contrived (despite their professed love for the project). I also had hopes for it to be part of a larger universe and when Joss just said it was one system with hundreds of moons & tens of planets but contained within one Solar System. My heart sank a little. As part of the joy of Traveller is the distance between the stars does allow different cultures to thrive and grow. So, I would hope that Joss might oversee the other two Firefly films but not neccessarily write & direct them, as he did Serenity. Not sure who in Hollywood can do the job, so maybe it is time to look outside of it.

Go to Bollywood or the UK as that would bring a new layer or sensibility to the film. Pity Terry Nation is dead, I have often seen the similarities between Blake's 7 & Firefly as a good thing. Bollywood visuals are very impressive, so hopefully a new director might be able to port those in. Then again, it would no longer be a Western in Space...which might be a good thing.
Originally posted by Berg:
Is Joss Whedon up to any Sci-Fi stuff lately/soon...?
Love to see more stuff by him
Well, Tim Minear (who was an Executive Producer, part time writer and part time director on Firefly) is working on a production of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

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