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My signature is an anagram of my real name, it also is very similar to a name appearing in Tolkien's elven geneology in LOTR.

As to religion being a major source of suffering for humanity...yep, no contest, mainly I wanted you to relaize that Christianity was not responsible for ALL the things done in its name any more than all Moslems are responsible for the tragedy of 9/11 or Jewish folk for the death of Jesus (just samples no brick bats intended).

I hope that ANY alien race we do happen to meet out among the stars have as many flaws as we do as a race :eek: ....because IF we meet an alien race AND IF that race is technologically our inferior, we WILL exploit that race (It seems to be humanity's one true standard operating precedure) OR IF we meet a race and it is technologically our superior AND they lack our flaws, they may decide we want extermination or quarantine. Finally, IF we meet a race and they are our equals technologically and socially then
......Katie, bar the door!.....Its on galactic war! :mad: :eek:

Originally posted by Pwyll:
i don't speak Welsh, but i'm given to understand the correct pronounciation is "pooh-will".
Apparently it's "PE-ool", which is news to me. It's also the name of a big crater on Europa - one of the people at a planetary science conference a few years ago tried (jokingly I think) to pronounce it "pwychll", because that's how you pronounce the double-l in "Llandudno"
The correct prononciation is Powell, yep that's right, sadly I am not a fluent welsh speaker, though I am welsh, my own experience is that every town/village has a differnt dialect in Wales, a bit like the Vargyr...

As for the forum signatures... Very Interesting, and whilst on the subject of biospheres and the possible existence of a biosphere on mars once upon a time (long,long ago), is anyone else not surprised that the long awaited beagle 2 is more or less lost, and that 7 out of the last 11 probes sent there have failed. The failure rate around the red planet is abysmal and dissapointing... :(
Originally posted by Commander Drax:
The correct prononciation is Powell, yep
are you sure? Powell appears to be contracted from ap Howell in a geneology i perused recently.

Pwyll was Lord of Dyved long ago in Arthurian times.

when i was in Wales, i couldn't understand anyone. i do not pretend to be an authority.
Originally posted by Commander Drax:
The correct prononciation is Powell, yep that's right, sadly I am not a fluent welsh speaker, though I am welsh, my own experience is that every town/village has a differnt dialect in Wales, a bit like the Vargyr...
Which, if anything, means that all of our pronounciations are correct

(I've never heard it pronounced 'Powell' though).
Spot on, all of the pronunciations listed so far in the forum are correct, after all there are so many different regional dialects in wales that it is possible for people in different villages to have trouble understanding each other, although a standard version of welsh is being taught in schools these days that should eventually smooth over these problems.

You could even pronunce it Poo-el-ech,(phonetically) the thing with welsh is that how it's written is not necessarily how its pronunced.

Anyway may all your parties be bright!

Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year... :D