Unfortunately those two points are forgotten when a flame erupts over what can and can't be done in the game and with the rules. I was merely trying to, stop-cut, say, any flames from erupting by pointing out that canon is not holy writ and the game can be anything you want it to be. The OP wants HG and LBB2 harmonized in a small ship universe, I have yet to see a thread where that sort of effort (along with fighters, carriers, battleship design and numerous other things of similar ilk) doesn't get sidelined by arguments over what canon allows.
If I have offended anyone I apologize.
I forgot an event here, which I think is on point, where I called some of Miller's business decisions into question. This was treated like a suggestion that changes J fuel to 1% per jump.
Part of the problem is 'Marc said' or 'Loren wants' folks, who think making a pretty good game and setting once (twice if you liked the rebellion and Mega system) not only excuses later decisions that weren't as good, but makes those decisions by definition wonderful.
I am not comparing it to a church but to a political party (maybe?).
Edit to add: This reads as harsher than I meant, and more one sided. My point isn't what I think about Mega/TNE/T4, or even GURPs/Mongoose, the point is that some folks think their system and setting is the one true path, led by their favorite lead designer, to the exclusion of all others. The issue, as I see it, isn't the belief, it is the inability to see where someone could see different.
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